Spirit, Soul And Body - Their Properties And Differences. Karma Is The Law That Determines Fate - Alternative View

Spirit, Soul And Body - Their Properties And Differences. Karma Is The Law That Determines Fate - Alternative View
Spirit, Soul And Body - Their Properties And Differences. Karma Is The Law That Determines Fate - Alternative View

Video: Spirit, Soul And Body - Their Properties And Differences. Karma Is The Law That Determines Fate - Alternative View

Video: Spirit, Soul And Body - Their Properties And Differences. Karma Is The Law That Determines Fate - Alternative View
Video: Determinism vs Free Will: Crash Course Philosophy #24 2024, September

The secrets revealed here refer to heaven and hell, and the eternal life of a person after his death.

Spirit, soul and body are the Christian trinity of human constituents.

The physical body is our mortal corporeal shell, in which our eternal immortal ego or I am embodied on earth. The body is necessary for our existence in the material world. It is our vehicle and at the same time our cell, in which we find ourselves while we live on earth.

Spirit is not natural, not material, Soul is natural not material, Body is both natural and material.

The soul or mental body is the totality of our feelings, emotions, impressions. It is the organ through which we feel the earthly world, through which we communicate in this world.

Spirit and soul are inseparable from each other. But they exist independently of the body. The separation of the soul from the body is called death (death is a change in the form of being).

Soul and body are connected from the moment of conception.

Spirit (self-awareness) manifests itself in a person, as a rule, by the age of three years of a child's life (the beginning of the first transitional age)..

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Spirit is our eternal immortal Self. What the Pythagoreans called God's spark is a part of God in the human body. The instruments or components of the spirit are our intellect and conscience. Also, the spirit has the ability to accumulate the experience of all incarnations.


Karma, kamma (Sanskrit कर्म, Pali kamma- “action, duty, activity”, Sanskrit कर्मन् karman- “deed, action, labor”, from kar “to do”) is one of the central concepts of Indian spiritual traditions and philosophy, universal causal the investigative law, according to which a person's righteous or sinful actions determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences. Karma underlies the causal series called samsara (samsara) and is used primarily to understand connections that go beyond the human mind.


The law of karma realizes the consequences of a person's actions, both positive and negative, and thus makes a person responsible for his life, for all the suffering and pleasure that it brings him. The results, or "fruits of karma," are called karma-phala. The operation of the law of karma covers both past and future lives of a person. Activities performed by a person in a liberated state do not produce good or bad karma.


The concept of karma has its roots in the Upanishads, according to which all living beings are responsible for their karma - their actions and their consequences - and for their liberation from the cycle of birth and death of samsara, there is also a certain Divine role as distributor of the fruits of karma or as the owner power to change the karma of a being. In general, followers of Buddhism and most traditions of Hinduism view natural laws of cause and effect as an explanation for the results of karma.
