Dazhdbog: The "giving God" Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Dazhdbog: The "giving God" Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View
Dazhdbog: The "giving God" Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Dazhdbog: The "giving God" Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Dazhdbog: The

Dazhdbog (Tarkh) is one of the "professional" solar gods, but unlike his brothers Yarila and Khors, it symbolizes the hot summer sun. Its origin at the moment remains controversial, so, various sources attribute to him belonging to all three generations of the gods of Prav, but the most common version is that his father is directly the thunderer Perun and the mermaid of the Ros River, on the banks of which, according to legend, Russian statehood arose … Dazhdbog has been considered the patron saint of the Slavs since ancient times, but what caused such "glory" and the glorification of this, without a doubt, one of the most important Slavic gods?

According to Vedic legends, Dazhdbog appears to the inhabitants of Yavi in the form of a middle-aged warrior with blue eyes and blond hair. He crosses the firmament on a golden chariot, into which four golden-maned horses or, according to other sources, lions were harnessed. The image of this animal is also very close to the sun god.

Although this Yasun has not missed a single battle since the First War, his main and favorite business is to provide people with light, warmth, a bountiful harvest and other benefits. This is reflected in the etymology of the name of this deity, which is literally interpreted in modern Russian as "who gives all grace."

He is known in Vedic mythology for his numerous novels - his first love was Maya-Zlatogorka, the sister of Svyatogor, who also liked the sun god. However, their happiness was short-lived - after the wedding, the young went on a pilgrimage to the sacred Alatyr Mountain, but on the way to her, the wife fell into the trap of Chernobog, which was the reason for her leaving for Nav.

Dazhdbog was able to rescue his girlfriend for a while thanks to the help of Viy, who provided him with a ring that neutralized the magic of the worst enemy, the Yasuns. Zlatogorka gave birth to Kolyada and Ovsenya in the world of the living, but after, as a result of the intrigues of the lord of the Pekelny kingdom, her husband lost his magical artifact, she again went into the underworld, where she merged with Morena in her soul.


The goddess of death willingly married the sun god she liked, bore him a son, Bohumir, but as a result of the intrigues of the inhabitants of Navi, this union also did not become long. Trying to return his second wife, Dazhdbog twice met with Koshchei in fights that ended unsuccessfully for him - the first time his father saved him, the second - the goddess Zhiva, who became his third wife and gave him the sons Kisek and Aria.

The children of the summer sun god became the founders of many peoples inhabiting modern eastern and central Europe, as follows:

Promotional video:

  • Kisek - became the forefather of the Germans.
  • Aryans - Poles, Polyans, Serbs and Czechs.
  • Bohumir - Belarusians and South Slavs.
  • Radogost, the son of Kolyada, became the progenitor of a number of Slavic tribes, in fact, which formed the backbone of Muscovite Russia, as well as some tribes of the Western Slavs, who later died under the onslaught of the Germans or assimilated by them.

Thus, all peoples that glorify or once glorified the gods of Rule are the descendants of Dazhdbog, which gives them every right to proudly call themselves God's grandchildren.


From ancient times, temples to the god of the summer sun were arranged on the hills, in the flat area they were created artificially, after which the idol of Dazhdbog was installed on the top - certainly facing east. During rituals, the slopes of the hills are decorated with birch branches with ribbons of sunlight tied to them, and firewood for the sacrificial fire is laid. Before dawn, the people gather at the southern side of the temple hill, the sorcerer is on the northern side, near the bags with feathers of totem birds intended for sacrifice.

After dawn, praise to the solar deity is read, and part of the sorcerer reads, part of the assembled people. Then the sorcerer kindles a sacrificial fire, which is transferred to a woodpile. When the fire flares up, the parishioners who have crossed over to the north side bring the treasury. After the flame has gone out, the top of the hill is dug up so that not a trace remains of the fire pit.


The sacred symbols of Dazhdbog are the summer and winter signs "Solar square" and the rune "Dazhdbog":

  • Animals - lion, migratory birds and falcon, as well as large livestock and the polar wolf.
  • Treba - feathers of migratory birds, apples, nuts, mead.
  • The number is 26.

Days of celebration:

  • 12-14.02. As well as 14.08. and 19.08 - Dazhdbogov Spas.
  • 18.03. - parting with Morena, the arrival of spring.
  • 06.05. - union with the Living, the arrival of summer.

Dazhdbog is one of the main deities of the Vedic pantheon, glorified in all cities of pre-Christian Russia. The state significance of the cult of the god of the summer sun is convincingly evidenced by the presence of his idol in the Vedic pantheon of Prince Vladimir, which should not only emphasize the importance of his function, but also remind the Russians of who their progenitor is.
