In Alexandria, A Mass Grave Of The IV - I Centuries BC Was Discovered - Alternative View

In Alexandria, A Mass Grave Of The IV - I Centuries BC Was Discovered - Alternative View
In Alexandria, A Mass Grave Of The IV - I Centuries BC Was Discovered - Alternative View

Video: In Alexandria, A Mass Grave Of The IV - I Centuries BC Was Discovered - Alternative View

Video: In Alexandria, A Mass Grave Of The IV - I Centuries BC Was Discovered - Alternative View
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In Egypt, a group of archaeologists discovered a mass grave in the form of separate architectural units carved into the rock. According to experts, the find belongs to the era of Ptolemy.

The group leader, researcher Fahima El-Nakhha, and the head of the Egyptian antiquities department, Ayman Ashmawi, spoke in more detail about the found ancient structure. They noted that each of the architectural units has a staircase. Steps lead to a small room. According to archaeologists, the hall may have been used for visitors' relaxation.

Experts especially emphasized the different design of individual parts of the burial. This is important because it can thus be established that the structure was used by different segments of the population. The scientists added that it had been functioning for quite some time. However, after a preliminary first analysis of the find, the researchers said there was evidence of outside interference. This fact was established, since there are many closed holes in the burial.

It is noted that the era of Ptolemy is a period when representatives of the Ptolemaic family were in power in Ancient Egypt. This era lasted during the IV-I centuries BC.

Not only archaeologists can find interesting structures or objects. We will remind, earlier it was reported that a fisherman from Scotland found a stone with ancient symbols in a reservoir. Scientists cannot yet determine exactly what they mean, but according to one version, the signs personify the heraldry of various families.

Evgeniya Chernobab