The Gruesome Story Of Hisashi Ouchi, Dying Of Radiation For Three Months - Alternative View

The Gruesome Story Of Hisashi Ouchi, Dying Of Radiation For Three Months - Alternative View
The Gruesome Story Of Hisashi Ouchi, Dying Of Radiation For Three Months - Alternative View

Video: The Gruesome Story Of Hisashi Ouchi, Dying Of Radiation For Three Months - Alternative View

Video: The Gruesome Story Of Hisashi Ouchi, Dying Of Radiation For Three Months - Alternative View
Video: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness: The Death of Hisashi Ouchi | True Horror Story 2024, July

The nuclear disaster in Tokai (Japan) is much less known than the accident in Fukushima, and it was also many times smaller in scale, but first of all it is remembered because of the terrible and artificially prolonged death of one of the victims.

Hisashi Ouchi would have died a few days later, if not sooner, from the huge dose of radiation he received. However, for experimental purposes, someone gave the order to extend his life by all means and Ouchi lived 83 days, not stopping every second to suffer from unbearable pain.

A number of unanswered questions still surround his name. Who gave this order? Why was Ouchi kept alive against his will for so long? Some even associate Ouchi's bullying with the brutal experiments of the Japanese "Unit 731".

This accident occurred on September 30, 1999 at 10:35 am. Three laboratory assistants: 35-year-old Hisashi Ouchi, 54-year-old Yutaka Wokokawa and 39-year-old Masato Shinohara were preparing a batch of fuel for an experimental reactor using uranium enriched to 18.8%. Due to the lack of experience in preparing such a mixture, they mistakenly added an excess amount of uranium to one of the containers, which caused a chain reaction with a strong explosion.

Ouchi was the closest to this container and he received a radiation level equal to 17 sieverts, while a dose of only 50 microsieverts is considered the maximum allowable annual dose of radiation. Shinohara and Wokokawa each received 10 sievert.


Immediately after the explosion, Ouchi's entire body became ill, he could barely breathe, and he felt sick. Shinohara had similar symptoms. When both were taken to the decontamination room, Ouchi began to vomit violently and he passed out. All three were immediately taken to Mito Hospital.

There are no reliable photographs of Ouchi's presence in the hospital. On the Internet, you can find several frightening bloody pictures by his name, but in fact they have nothing to do with him. There are no real pictures of the dying Ouchi or they were forbidden to publish.

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At the hospital, it turned out that Ouchi suffered from 100% of burns to his body and all his internal organs were also affected to one degree or another.

The number of leukocytes in his blood was almost zero, the immune system was practically destroyed, and radiation even affected his DNA, damaging his chromosomes.

Ouchi's skin came off his body in chunks and he quickly lost fluid. He underwent several skin grafts, but they did not help, he was getting worse. At some point, blood even began to flow from his eyes.

As Ouchi's condition deteriorated, he was transported to a Tokyo hospital, where, according to some rumors, the world's first transplant of embryonic stem cells into the blood was carried out so that Ouchi's blood began to produce leukocytes.


This slowed his death, but did not stop him. The Japanese government was very concerned about Ouchi's condition and a group of leading medical experts from Japan and other countries was assembled for him. However, it was clear that Ouchi was already slowly dying and further efforts were made to prolong his life by any means.

Every day, a huge amount of blood, various fluids and drugs was poured into it. But this no longer saved Ouchi even from pain, his suffering was so strong that he himself began to ask to let him die and stop treating him like an experimental guinea pig.

Outwardly, Ouchi had long looked like a living skeleton by that time.

On day 59, his heart stopped three times in 49 minutes, causing severe brain and kidney damage. But even then he was not allowed to die. Ouchi died only on December 21, 1999 from the abandonment of almost all internal organs. After the accident, he lasted 83 days.

Shinohara and Wokokawa were also treated at the hospital, but their condition was a little better and Shinohara even learned to ride in a wheelchair. He died on the eve of 2000, and in recent days he could not even speak and only wrote notes to the nurse and his family.

Uokokawa died on April 27, 2000, also from the refusal of the work of internal organs.