Mysteries Of Mont Saint Michel Surrounded By Legends - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Mont Saint Michel Surrounded By Legends - Alternative View
Mysteries Of Mont Saint Michel Surrounded By Legends - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of Mont Saint Michel Surrounded By Legends - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of Mont Saint Michel Surrounded By Legends - Alternative View
Video: The Secrets of Mont St Michel 2024, July

How many amazing places in the world about which various myths and legends have been circulating for a long time? There are a lot of such places and it is about them that I will try to write a lot of articles. In France there is a mountain of Mont Saint-Michel, which lovers of mysticism and the unknown, including myself, love to study. Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to send in France and delve into history personally, but there are many sources from where you can get information, which I did.

They say that even ancient Druids worshiped the Sun in this place, and the Celts buried their fellow tribesmen. The grief also adds mystery to the fact that during high tides, it turns into an island, which is difficult to get to without a boat. There is a version that it was on Mont Saint-Michel that the famous Julius Caesar was buried, but so far this information has not been confirmed.

Another legend says that in 708 the archangel Michael came to Archbishop Avranches Aubert in a dream and ordered to build a chapel. The bishop did not pay attention to the dream and did not follow the instructions of the archangel. Michael came in a dream twice more and could not bear to hit the disobedient archbishop on the head, from which he left a visible trace. After which Aubert began the construction of the chapel and legends say that during the construction there were many signs that no one could explain, as if the angels themselves helped in the construction.

Many consider this place mystical or call it a place of power. Who knows what exactly might be hiding in Mont Saint Michel …