Australia - A Haven For Murderers And Rapists - Alternative View

Australia - A Haven For Murderers And Rapists - Alternative View
Australia - A Haven For Murderers And Rapists - Alternative View

Video: Australia - A Haven For Murderers And Rapists - Alternative View

Video: Australia - A Haven For Murderers And Rapists - Alternative View
Video: Crime and Law English Vocabulary! - IELTS Essential Vocabulary! 2024, July

Today many people call Australia a paradise on earth. The mild climate and comfortable living conditions attract flows of emigrants here, including from Russia. But once the continent, discovered in 1770 by James Cook, was a British colony, where people convicted of various crimes were exiled. And at first this place seemed to them a real hell …

The habitual notion that Australia was originally a country of crime is largely superficial. First of all, because the offenses for which it was possible to end up in a colony, most often were not serious. So, the accusation of stealing a watch or a silk wallet usually ended in a gallows, and not in exile, not to mention robbery or murder … They were exiled for all sorts of "little things" such as stealing handkerchiefs.

The worst thing was getting to Norfolk Island. Its governor, Sir Ralph Darling, vowed to create on the island "conditions worse than death." He managed to keep his word.

The situation changed only in the middle of the 19th century, when Captain Alexander Makonoki took over as governor of Norfolk. He introduced a grading system by which it was possible to judge whether a prisoner had improved. Morals softened. Nevertheless, the altruistic governor was "hooked" by the zealots of harsh laws, and he lost his place … But attempts to renew the lawlessness completely failed, and soon, thanks to the efforts of the priests, Norfolk ceased to be a place of hard labor settlements, and prisoners were sent to Tasmania. There, the attitude towards them was also tough, but at least there was a clear criterion: "good behavior is rewarded, and bad behavior is punished."

Australia was becoming a chance for convicts. Even those who received early release or served their sentences realized that they and their families would have a better life here than in their native Europe. Therefore, after the liberation, only a few returned to England.

Over time, many hardworking and enterprising former convicts became wealthy and respected, and in some cases even famous people. For example, Samuel Lightfoot founded the first hospitals in Sydney and Hobart. William Redfern has become a respected physician, and Francis Greenaway, Australians owe many architectural structures in and around Sydney …

However, the memory of the "criminal past" in Australia has been preserved. Today, former convict prisons are a favorite tourist destination. However, the "fashion" for "prison excursions" has now embraced almost the whole world - people simply do not have enough thrills …

What about crime in Australia today? Oddly enough, in this relatively calm country with a high standard of living, the descendants of the once convicted of petty theft are increasingly being prosecuted for rape, murder and abuse of victims.

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For example, in the Supreme Court of South Australia, a resident of Adelaide was recently charged with breaking into someone else's home, as well as the threat of rape. The reason for the atrocities was the door, which the accused's mistress constantly forgot to lock. To teach his lady of the heart to order, the attacker entered the woman's house at 5.30 am, hiding his face under a characteristic hat and wearing vinyl gloves.

First, the perpetrator tied his victim's hands and feet with duct tape, and then raped her with a "large sex toy." Then the admirer took a beer from the refrigerator and poured it on the woman.

After all the bullying, he calmly took the victim to her office, since it was time for her to serve. The defendant explained his behavior by the fact that he was extremely irritated by the fact that his beloved forgot to check whether the front door was locked … However, "educational measures" led to the fact that the man was put on trial …

But this lady was lucky that her own boyfriend turned out to be the "rapist" and everything happened "for fun." So, at a resort in Dunk Island, one of the vacationers was raped right in the hotel room while her husband was sleeping peacefully … The attacker attacked the tourist, bursting into her room at about 4:30 am.

According to the victim, a stranger woke her up, but she could not resist. Further, what happened resembles a "sitcom". The husband woke up, and the stranger ran away … The lady's husband ran after him and overtook him in the corridors of the hotel. Then they decided to talk as "man to man", and the rapist managed to convince the simpleton that he was just a wrong number …

Only after returning back to the room, the man realized what had happened to his wife. The police called in did not provide much assistance. Law enforcement officials said that the offender sailed to the hotel on a yacht, and they do not have floating craft … By the way, this island resort is advertised as a paradise for families …

