The Current Elites Have Nothing To Offer The People - Alternative View

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The Current Elites Have Nothing To Offer The People - Alternative View
The Current Elites Have Nothing To Offer The People - Alternative View

Video: The Current Elites Have Nothing To Offer The People - Alternative View

Video: The Current Elites Have Nothing To Offer The People - Alternative View
Video: Jungle Party Live 2021 2024, September


The lack of ideology of the current state and the meaninglessness of the existence of the bulk of the population in it

More and more Russians are confessing to a sense of shame because of the collapse of the USSR, says the Levada Center, conducting another thematic poll on attitudes toward the collapse of the once united socialist state. At the same time, the number of Russians feeling upset and shame at the thought of the collapse of the Soviet Union has increased since January last year from a third of the population to 45%.

Summing up small results, Levada noted that basically all the current successes the respondents attribute to the achievements of the Soviet Union, including, and first of all, the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The main idea that Levada brings to its conclusions is that now, in comparison with then, and, in general, there is nothing to be proud of. At the same time, every inhabitant of our country understands that Victory is an absolute value and one should be proud of it in any situation: good or bad for you. Is it possible, in general, to agree with the statement that the stickers "Thank you grandfather for the Victory" are due to the fact that the inhabitants of today's Russia now have nothing to be proud of, and the only thing they can be proud of is what was once?

What one can really agree with is that the results of this poll are a statement of the lack of ideology of the current state, and, as a consequence of this lack of principle, the meaninglessness of the existence of the bulk of the population in it. All meanings are reduced today to the basest, philistine desires, rather even instincts - to eat, sleep, stare at the TV, have fun, get animal pleasures. Not intellectual, and not even aesthetic, and even less spiritual, but the delights of the worm. And this has been elevated to the level of the state idea.

All that we hear from the authorities in the last 25 years is calls for degradation from a spiritual and intelligent person, to a bodily person: enjoy, live for yourself, live for today, get high, have fun, earn money to rest, rest to earn and again to rest, enjoy and enjoy. This, of course, is very tempting and attractive for the masses, because it is generally easy and pleasant to decompose, but all this cannot satisfy a person for a long time. A full-fledged person is not an amoeba, not an animal, but a three-part person, who also has a Spirit and a soul, and not just a body. Especially a Russian person. Hence the longing for meanings and ideas. Which are not, and with the current elite harassment, most likely will not be.

It is clear that the masses think very slowly. And what was clear to intellectuals, philosophers and thinkers back in 1991, the common masses discovered only now. After 25 years, they finally felt a certain senselessness of their existence, lack of ideology, complete animality, immorality and decay of the alternative offered by them instead of Soviet reality. And now they are more and more dissatisfied with this. Well, what did you want? In the Soviet Union, the masses groaned over the sausage, taking all good things for granted. Well, here's a sausage. Would you like to look abroad? Well, looked, hit the road to Hurghada, how's it going? Well, that's all. The price of the issue is the delivery of a great project, the rejection of ideology. Not transformation, not even modernization, and not even reforming, no matter how nightmare this concept may have blown today,namely the delivery and collapse of everything.

The elites of that time, of course, were also good. Having degenerated physically, plunged into the impenetrable broth of senile marasmus, they, with their stupidity, drowned in this broth the very idea that was created and implemented by their revolutionary predecessors, emasculating it to a completely primitive, stupid materialism. They themselves, the first, ceased not only to believe in the Idea, but also to understand its meaning, to feel the nerve of Soviet ideology, the pulsation of history. And behind them is the whole clumsy machine of the then bureaucratic Soviet elites, pulling culture, science, and millions of ordinary people - for sausage and tiles, jeans and imported food. To the bottom, to the West - well, where else can we gain - surrendering and betraying everything, completely, indiscriminately, dismantling and destroying on its way everything that was created by generations of more meaningful and idealistic predecessors. And now, the result.

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There is no spirit here anymore, there is no soul here, there is only the enjoyment of imaginary "comfort", there is a completely monstrous TV and an equally monstrous refrigerator, full of GMOs and foreign food, which everyone so longed for while living in the USSR. So now walk between the TV and the refrigerator, sighing about how senseless we live, regretting the past. And all the meanings for such a new nomad, between the two main values of his "priceless" life, remained in the past eras - in the Soviet, pre-Soviet, Romanov Empire. In the Empire of pre-split Russia.

Having caught the trend, Levada's sociologists further sharpen the drama of the ongoing ideological decline, emphasizing that Russia is proud of the Great Patriotic War Victory only because now everything is bad in the country. But isn't winning a value in itself? Of course, it is, because there were times, those very "saints of the 90s", when they completely forgot about Victory, only ironically and laughing. But when everything is bad in the country - and everyone understands it badly in their own way, some explaining it by poverty, some by lack of meaning, then, accordingly, the suspicion arises that the next victory may not be.

Victory is associated with mobilization, with an idea, with the consolidation of society on the basis of meanings, great goals, victory determines a great project that has long been gone. And if there are no goals and no meanings, then why fight? That is why more and more we hear sobbing that it was not necessary to fight, that “we would drink Bavarian now,” and it was not necessary to defend Leningrad, having stood in the blockade. And there would be no such victims, but now there would be a "normal" European Union. All this is just a natural consequence of the lack of ideology and senselessness of today's society. “Why fight at all? - a person thinks, if the goal is to get pleasure and pleasure, and this can be done under the NATO occupation regime”- this is the pseudo-idea of the new generation, who did not know any idea at all, even the Soviet one, emasculated and driven into the rigid framework of primitive Marxism.

So that Victory is today our last turning point from a great idea, consolidation, mobilization and inspiration of a society that, through self-sacrifice, fought for its sovereignty in order to realize its own, and not a Western, not German and not Anglo-Saxon project, to the present timelessness …

Now what? Now there is only one “project”: we are being told that there is a liberal idea - to raise tariffs to “move out of the comfort zone” in order to stimulate entrepreneurial activity (in a situation where there is not even an appropriate environment for entrepreneurship), to liberate society, turning peoples into biomass, and enjoy some of the ephemeral comforts of consumerism. And that's all. This is, in fact, the only available "project". It is universal for all who have sworn allegiance to the West, it is "universal", as it is often called, instilling this idea of Western minorities in a completely non-Western majority of mankind.

Having taken part from the outside in the collapse of the Soviet project, they now also mock: what kind of idea do you have, what can you offer to humanity? Poverty is one. Is this your project? So to resist now, to defend, to wage a war, to defend one's sovereignty - all this is even less clear and less and less justified. What for? If here we come to the good West through a soft, cultural occupation carries the only possible ideology of consumerism and obedience to the global oligarchy. Representatives of which are already here, in the center of the Third Rome, have well established the channels of exploitation of the country with a thousand-year heroic history, and the peoples inhabiting it. Yes, the country, that the peoples, because they are only interested in the subsoil. And that Great Victory … No matter how it became the last for us.