Occult Order Of The Third Reich In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Occult Order Of The Third Reich In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View
Occult Order Of The Third Reich In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Video: Occult Order Of The Third Reich In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Video: Occult Order Of The Third Reich In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View
Video: Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich 2024, July

Somewhere out there, in the Himalayas, there is a mysterious country - Shambhala. The last earthlings live in vast dungeons - the heirs of a superhigh civilization that once flourished on our long-suffering planet. They have super knowledge in medicine, science, and technology. Tibetan medicine and UFOs, meditation and levitation, antigravity, communication with other parallel worlds - everything comes from there.


These legends have been stirring the human imagination for more than one century. From time to time they are fueled by the testimony of very authoritative scientists. For example, at the turn of the past and the century before last, the travel notes of Helena and Nicholas Roerichs, Alexandra David-Noel, and Helena Blavatsky who had visited Tibet were bypassed throughout the European press. They unanimously asserted that there, in the most inaccessible places, in Shambhala and Agartha, there are “supermen” who “know everything”, who secretly control the course of world history from there. In doing so, they even referred to the mysterious maps of Catholic monks, compiled in the 17th century. Maps that helped locate the closed kingdoms.


Serious scientists were rather skeptical about this "Shamballa" boom. But at any time there were people prone to mysticism and belief in the supernatural. And if power and a lot of money fell into their hands, then …

One such mystic was Adolf Schicklgruber.

While he was an unknown artist, a secret passion for the occult did not spill out. But as soon as the former corporal became dictator Adolf Hitler, then it began.


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Naturally, the "superman" wanted to know everything about other "supermen", about their methods of secret control of the whole world. By his order, in an atmosphere of absolute secrecy, in the department of Himmler, a super-closed institute "Annenerbe" was created. Translated, this means "Legacy". A name with meaning. Hundreds of scientists of all specialties in dozens of branches had to study the previously unexplained phenomena - from clairvoyance and transmission of thoughts over a distance to hypnosis and the influence of planets on earthly life. To put this knowledge at the service of the Reich.

Nevertheless, the main dream of the Fuhrer was the search for the mysterious Shambhala. According to the testimony of his entourage, Hitler did not spare any money for this.

His interest was especially fueled by an employee of the "Annenerbe" SS Sturmbannfuehrer Ernst Schaeffer. At one time he visited Eastern Tibet, Nepal and brought from there a lot of Tibetan manuscripts. A whole huge department was engaged in their decoding, translation and interpretation in "Heritage". The research results were encouraging, but more was needed. It was him, Sheffer, who was entrusted with organizing expeditions to Tibet.

… 1938. Europe on the eve of the war.

The German armed forces are growing at an unimaginable pace. An axis is created: Rome-Berlin-Tokyo. A reliable connection between accomplices is required. It is at this time that another "scientific" expedition of Schaeffer arrives in Tibet.

The official goal is the search for Shambhala. Since representatives of an ultra-high civilization probably communicate with each other using radio, among the "scientists" there are high-class radio operators and engineers. The equipment includes radio direction finders, VHF receivers and transmitters - in the mountains, short waves propagate poorly, from underground, they say, you can only hear VHF.

And signals at these frequencies can only be received directly on site. They do not go beyond the mountains. There are also sound recording systems, measuring equipment and much more.

Citing the work of the German Buddhist scholar Albert Grunwedel, Schaeffer leads his team to the foot of Mount Kanchenjunga. The scientist, they say, discovered that it was here that one of the entrances to Shambhala was located.


At the same time, a group of English climbers comes to Nepal. Their goal is to climb Kanchenjunga.

Only one thing is strange: the "Englishmen" for some reason communicate with each other in German.

At the foot of the mountain, the two expeditions united. The ascent began. True, a competent specialist, if he looked at the "mountaineering" equipment, he would be surprised a lot.

Along with ropes and alpenstocks, there was a mass of amazing and ultra-modern devices and devices for that time. Why, for example, do climbers need a large, airplane-like propeller? Or powerful batteries? Here's why.

That year, 1938, was distinguished by a particularly turbulent sun. In such conditions, long-range radio communication at KB became extremely unreliable. And Berlin had to constantly receive information and transmit its instructions to Tokyo, to the embassy. And more and more every day.

Ahead were serious things to conquer world domination. Of course, it would be possible to transmit messages "on the check-posts", on the relay through two or three intermediate points. But the Abwehr and Department IV of the RSHA understood perfectly well that the radio intelligence of future enemies was working perfectly. It was necessary to look for another solution. And they found him.

It was there, in the inaccessible mountain areas, on the "top of the world", that they decided to install an automatic radio relay. From the technical point of view, this was not particularly difficult, but how to get it there? This was where the Annenerbe cover came in handy. What could be more harmless than scientific searches, searches for universal knowledge?


In any case, the local authorities were not suspicious of anything. Lhasa and Kathmandu gave the go-ahead.

The "climbers" managed to climb one of the peaks of Kanchenjunga. We installed containers with radio equipment. We pulled on directional antennas - there is no need for the whole world to listen to negotiations. A wind power plant was fixed nearby - here it is, a propeller! It worked in automatic mode, and special frost-resistant accumulators provided two or three days of work even with complete calm. However, there, in the mountains, there is no calm.

Well, especially - security measures. Double mining ring. Any attempt to approach the repeater will cause an immediate multiple explosion. Not only will all the equipment be eliminated, a powerful shock will provoke the glacier to descend and all traces will sink into a multi-kilometer abyss …

Having finished their dirty work, the "Englishmen" went downstairs and continued their search for Shambhala. The results were sensational. They managed to receive in the VHF range and even record fragments of conversations in an unknown language on a wire tape recorder. True, already in Berlin, one of the leading experts in the field of radio communications, Walter Rüge, doubted: if someone managed to create super-equipment for communication on VHF, a frequency range that was almost never used at that time, then why did they use the so-called amplitude modulation of the signal? Figuratively, it is like making a heavy tank with a pedal bicycle drive. But the scientist held his tongue.


In the meantime, a secret signal decryption group was set up at Annenerbe. The results of her work are unknown, but apparently - nil. Although Schaeffer's group could well imitate the transfer. At his disposal were high-class cryptologists, experts in oriental languages, and indeed, one word of the all-powerful Himmler - and any specialist could be instantly recruited to work. For reward or under duress.

… Meanwhile, the British, extremely alarmed by the inexplicable activity of "scientists" and "sportsmen" in the territories under their control, with the beginning of the Second World War, closed all channels of access to Tibet and Nepal. But mountains are mountains. There is information that some "climbers" "conquered" Kanchenjunga back in 1942. It is unlikely that they did it out of purely sports interest. It is not excluded - they carried out preventive maintenance on the repeater.

… But what about Shambhala? No way. Of course, a huge number of manuscripts, chronicles, philosophical works of Buddhist monks, which Schaeffer got hold of in Tibetan monasteries, gave a lot for science. But after the war, most of Annenerbe's branches ended up in the American zone of occupation. Numerous archives have disappeared in the bottomless vaults of the United States.

Nobody knows what happened to them. Is there Shambhala, is there not Shambhala - it's like life on Mars. Science does not know. Nevertheless, the mysterious abode of the bearers of the "supermind" still excites the hearts of occultists and romantics. Well, go for it!