Is There A "World Top" - Alternative View

Is There A "World Top" - Alternative View
Is There A "World Top" - Alternative View

Video: Is There A "World Top" - Alternative View

Video: Is There A
Video: The Chicks - Top of the World (Official Video) 2024, July

The hidden world organizations of supranational coordination and manipulation are the reality of our time. Such unspoken governance structures often impose their demands on parliaments, governments, big politicians, and entire countries. Then who really rules the world? Is there also a secret leading "World elite" that controls everything and everyone on our planet?

If all the people of our planet are presented in the form of a huge social pyramid of power, then its small top will represent the ruling elite, which owns the entire stock of human knowledge. It is known that the owner of information takes over the world, and monopoly information is the way to power. The main principle of zombifying people is based on the dosed and timely delivery of the information necessary to the "puppeteer".

For the common people, monopolists build an overturned information pyramid with a narrow edge downward, that is, the lower the status of a person in the social hierarchy, the smaller a grain of real knowledge reaches him. In such a structure, the following stages of descent of information to the bottom can be distinguished: integral secret knowledge, partial information, fragmentary notifications. Slaves, to the extent of their misunderstanding, work for the master and fight for those who have more concepts and knowledge.

Today, the third energy war has been launched by a hidden governing structure for the resources of the powers dominating the oil and blue fuel markets. In 2009, the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad refused to support the gas pipeline project, which was planned to be carried through the territory of Syria in order to connect Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey with Europe with a single gas flow. Members of the OPEC oil and gas cartel came to the conclusion that Assad is lobbying for the interests of another main supplier of blue fuel - Russia.

Immediately, a reception was held in the United States for a representative of Qatar. The American interlocutor optimistically assured the sheikh that the leader of one, albeit oil-bearing country, could not prevent the construction of the planned global oil and gas project in Qatar. The American plenipotentiary hinted at the meeting that a revolution is brewing in Syria against the governance and policies of the leader of the Middle East country, Bashar al-Assad.

The consequences of that meeting are known, the scenario of the Arab Spring was played out. “The real causes of the war in Syria are the struggle for natural resources,” the nephew of the 35th US President, Robert Kennedy, announced in May 2016 in a sensational statement. The CIA sent tens of millions of dollars to the media and social networks to shape the mindset of the masses, in order to artificially provoke the speech of those dissatisfied with the policies of the Syrian current president.

According to another postulate, he who owns money owns the world. However, many rich, successful people in their business act only as guardians, not masters of their wealth. Most people think that the planet is ruled by oligarchs, others are sure that all the governing threads go to the United States.

Some believe that the world is secretly ruled by Freemasons, Jews, or even specific high-ranking seculars and politicians of the world magnitude. For example, Elizabeth II - Queen of Great Britain, head of the royal family of the Netherlands, Beatrix Wilhelmina. This also includes the ducal and count families of Italy (Borghese, Medici, Grimaldi, Orsini), noble families of Germany (Fürstenbergs in Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe, Wittelsbach, Thurn and Taxis in Bavaria), the oldest county families and powerful (Liechtenstein, Lorraine, Habsburgs), politicians George W. Bush, Obama and Trump.

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The latest conspiracy theory is firmly entrenched in the minds of the public, especially among Russians, about the belonging of the most famous royal families of the long-established aristocracy of Europe, bankers and industrial dynasties to the "world elite". In the imagination of people, the image of a sort of old two-hundred-year-old family-business network appears, from which secret clubs and closed lodges are formed through direct kinship, business partnership, and even occult connections.

The third paradigm is divide and conquer. Really widely used by Americans. Transnational corporations can be easily destroyed with the help of political pressure, and in the event of disobedience, the deployment of hostilities in the form of "military assistance of peacekeepers." The point is that cheap electricity is the basis of state independence. It is quite difficult to dictate their terms to those who are able to provide themselves with the basic resources necessary for life support.

To date, hostilities and wars have covered more than 30 countries, since the 90s of the last century. They have already killed about one and a half million people. In most cases, the cause of military conflicts is the same - a fight between the powers that be for energy resources or dissatisfaction with the external "arbiter" with the country's political regime. Striking examples of the collapse of previously prosperous independent and independent countries are the "popular" today colored (in the post-Soviet space) and Arab (Middle East) revolutions, subtly introduced and imposed by the United States to forcefully change political power.

According to a clearly planned scenario, opposition uprisings with riots and human casualties were played out: Georgia in the Rose Revolution, Ukraine in the Orange Revolution, Kyrgyzstan in the Tulip Revolution, Belarus in the failed attempt at the Cornflower Revolution. Middle Eastern states that were terrorized by the Arab Spring, which have oil and gas veins in their depths: Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria.

It turns out that it is almost impossible to give an unambiguous answer to who rules the world. It all depends on lobbying for specific interests and the development of the situation in the political, economic, IT or business sphere.
