Is WWF Created To Reduce Population? - Alternative View

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Is WWF Created To Reduce Population? - Alternative View
Is WWF Created To Reduce Population? - Alternative View

Video: Is WWF Created To Reduce Population? - Alternative View

Video: Is WWF Created To Reduce Population? - Alternative View
Video: Stop Wildlife Crime: The Series - Tigers (Video 3) | WWF 2024, September

Sometimes animals are protected in order to destroy people

If I were reincarnated, I would like to return to earth with a killer virus to reduce human populations - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Co-founder and President of WWF (1981-1996)

I had been planning to write about this organization for a long time, but all my hands did not reach. But on the eve of the new 2019, the next issue of The Economist, owned by the Rothschilds, came out. On its cover is an esoteric picture, encoded containing a forecast for the next year: such New Year pictures have become almost a tradition of the magazine. This year, the first page is designed in the spirit of Leonardo da Vinci's work. The Renaissance style features Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Mahatma Gandhi and Angelina Jolie. There are still a bunch of other objects and objects, but almost in the center of the picture there is an image of a panda - a rare species of bear (also called a bamboo bear), listed in the Red Book.


I'm not going to decipher the whole picture, but I will focus my and your attention on the panda. She is the symbol, the emblem of WWF. This is an English abbreviation behind which the next name is hidden - World Wildlife Fund. Translated into Russian, it means the World Wildlife Fund. So it was no coincidence that the panda appeared on the cover of the Rothschild magazine.

WWF is the world's largest environmental NGO

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) was founded in 1961. For more than half a century of its existence, it has truly become worldwide. In the booklets and on the website of this international public organization, it is proudly emphasized that today it is the world's largest NGO (non-governmental organization) with an environmental profile. The purpose of the activity is to preserve biodiversity on the planet.

Promotional video:

The WWF website reports that this organization has five million supporters in the world, it works in more than a hundred countries, and 1300 projects are being implemented under its auspices in different parts of the world. The head (parent) organization of WWF is located in Switzerland (city of Gland). In addition, in a number of countries (USA, Switzerland, Great Britain, Italy, Tanzania) subsidiaries have been created, at a lower level there are national branches and representative offices, including in Russia.

WWF background

If you limit your acquaintance with WWF's official website or the organization's bright booklets, you will get a breathtaking picture of the Foundation's battle to preserve the Earth with its natural resources. There is a certainty that tomorrow the battle will be won, and humanity will find itself in approximately the same natural environment as the first people, Adam and Eve, were. That is, WWF promises the Garden of Eden to mankind. But, as they say, "the devil hides in the little things." A deeper acquaintance with the history of the creation of WWF, with the philosophy of its founding fathers and other prominent WWF representatives, with WWF's connections with some other international and national organizations, changes the initial perception of the Fund. It changes not just significantly, but radically.


WWF did not appear out of nowhere. Its predecessor was the American Conservation Foundation, established in New York in 1947.

It is noteworthy that the American fund was established on the initiative of billionaire John Rockefeller II, son of John Rockefeller Sr., founder of a dynasty of billionaires who, as it turns out, are fans of nature conservation. It was the Rockefellers who laid the foundation for the spread of artificially created islets of wildlife in the world. At the initiative of John Rockefeller II, the Grand Teton National Parks in the United States and the Virgin Isles National Park in the Virgin Islands were created. And the well-known Rockefeller Foundation (created in 1913) has sponsored and continues to sponsor various environmental projects both in the United States and abroad.


Within the framework of the American Fund for Conservation of Nature, an interesting experience of "cooperation" between scientists dealing with problems of nature management and environmental protection, and business has been accumulated. The business gave money, but not only and not so much for the protection of nature, but for the substantiation of the "theories", solutions and projects it needed. Some of the people who worked with the aforementioned American Foundation (Luke Hoffman, Peter Scott, Guy Montfort) approached Julian Huxley (1887-1975) with the idea of creating a non-governmental organization like The Conservation Foundation, but acting on an international scale.

WWF Founding Fathers: Julian Huxley, Godfrey Rockefeller, Prince Bernard

Julian Huxley is a famous person. First of all, he is known as the founder of UNESCO (a specialized UN organization dealing with cultural issues, as well as the preservation of the natural heritage of mankind) and as the first director general of this organization.

Huxley is known as a very influential evolutionist and Darwinist, humanist (as they would now say, with a bias towards transhumanism), the author of the theory of "synthetic evolutionism", advocate of the ideology of "racial purity" and eugenics. Descendant of the ancient aristocratic Huxley family. Julian is the grandson of the same Freemason Thomas Huxley (he preferred to call himself Huxley), who was a fanatical adherent of the theory of Charles Darwin (for which he even received the nickname "Darwin's Bulldog"). Julian's siblings were the famous writer Aldous Huxley (the one who wrote Brave New World) and Andrew Huxley (Nobel laureate in biology).

Practical and quick-witted Julian managed to rely on the right people (including from the aforementioned American fund) and established the World Wildlife Fund. There were other founders, which I will mention below.

The official date of establishment was April 29, 1961; the first WWF office was opened in Switzerland, in Morges. Godfrey Anderson Rockefeller (1924-2010), one of the offspring of the Rockefeller billionaire clan, played an important role in the first steps to organize the work of WWF. Subsequently, he held important positions in the management of both the parent (parent) organization of WWF (in Switzerland) and in the subsidiary structure of WWF in the United States.


But the most interesting thing is that the first president of WWF was a European aristocrat, whose name is known today to any person who is even slightly interested in conspiracy theories. The name of this aristocrat is Dutch Prince Bernard (1911-2004). This is the same prince who, seven years before the creation of WWF, established the Bilderberg Club, known today as almost the main behind-the-scenes supranational organization that rules the world. The prince, of course, is also included in the list of the founding fathers of WWF.

Trust 1001

It was thanks to this prince that WWF, ten years after its establishment, moved to a qualitatively new level of its activities. Bernard filled WWF with money and the right people. In 1971, as president of the foundation, he personally appealed to a thousand of the most influential and famous people in the world with a request to support WWF and transfer 10 thousand dollars to the management of the foundation. The capital raised in this way ($ 10 million) became the basis of the trust fund, which, according to the number of its participants - a thousand invited, plus Prince Bernard - was named "Trust 1001 for the Conservation of Nature". Often this circle of select people is called simply "Trust 1001" or "Club 1001".

Contribution is a necessary but not sufficient condition for membership. It is possible to become one of the elect only after a personal invitation from the prince (his authority was unlimited, because everyone knew that Bernard was still the most influential member of the Bilderberg Club). The "Club 1001" consists of members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans, the highest dignitaries of the royal houses of Europe, the richest people from the countries of the Near and Middle East.

So, some research shows that WWF is just a sign that is associated with several public and famous figures, including royal and grand ducal blood. But behind the sign of the parent organization there is a whole thousand very rich “ecologists” who often cannot boast of their noble origins (“Club 1001”).

The first subscribers of Trust 1001 were D. Loudon, Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, M. Strong, President of the Canadian Electrical Engineering Company, Baron O. Buxton of Barclays Bank, B. Beitz, Director of the Krupp Foundation, A. Rupert, Head of the South African Tobacco companies, etc.

However, the names of most members of the 1001 Club rarely appear in the media, at least in connection with the environmental activities of the Foundation. The full list of Club members is not advertised, but many of them are very dubious personalities. Edmond Safra, Robert Vesco, Meir Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, Agha Hassan Abedi, Francis Gingan, Harry Oppenheimer, sugar refiners Cadbury and Leverhulme, cigarette oligarch Gyanendra Dev, king of cruise shipping Joseph Kagan … investigative case. But what can we say about the members of the "Club 1001", when Prince Bernard himself has a badly tarnished ecological reputation. It turned out that at the expense of WWF money he paid for the "services" of professional mercenaries in Africa, who helped "clean up" vast territories from alleged "poachers". In fact, these territories were needed so that the "correct" poachers under the control of the prince could operate there (primarily the extraction of ivory).


Of course, the scale of WWF's modern activities has long gone beyond the $ 10 million raised by Prince Bernard. New funding mechanisms for WWF have long been established. The total annual budget of the organization has been measured in recent years by an amount equal to approximately or even slightly more than a billion dollars (distribution of expenses between the parent organization and regional offices in a ratio of approximately 20/80).

Prince Philip and other aristocratic persons of the royal court of Britain

Prince Bernard has been at the helm of WWF for almost a decade and a half. In 1976, he was succeeded as president by John H. Loudon (1905-1996). From 1952 to 1965, he served as chief executive officer of the Anglo-Dutch oil giant Royal Dutch Shell. It is difficult to imagine the enormous environmental damage this oil corporation has inflicted during the years of John Loudon at the helm.

Five years later, there was another change of the guard at WWF. Another prince, Philip, who is also the Duke of Edinburgh (left this post only in 1996), became the President of the Foundation in 1981. Grandson of the Greek king, he also has family ties with the monarchs of Denmark and Russia. But most importantly, he is the husband of the now living Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, and has been married to her since 1947.

Prince Philip also belongs to the group of the founding fathers of WWF, was one of the co-founders of the Foundation, and worked closely with Prince Bernard in the environmental field. In 1961-1981. was the President of the British "daughter" of the Foundation (WWF-UK).

And to whom did Prince Philip give the reins of the British "daughter"? British Princess Alexandra. She has been at the helm of this organization for 30 years. And in 2011, when the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of WWF was celebrated, the baton was passed to the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles. As you can see, the business of protecting wildlife in the world is in the tenacious hands of members of royal families (princes, heirs to thrones), ancient aristocratic families, as well as heads of transnational corporations.

Prince Charles
Prince Charles

Prince Charles.

WWF as a Tool for Building a Brave New World

The main task of WWF is the practical implementation of the recommendations developed by such an institution as the Club of Rome. It was created fifty years ago, and its founding meeting was held at the end of April 1968 in the Italian capital. The official founding fathers of the Club of Rome were Aurelio Peccei, a top manager of the Italian automobile company FIAT, and Alexander King, a senior official of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).

However, the real initiator and actual founding father of the Club was David Rockefeller, the grandson of John Rockefeller Sr. The main goal of the Club of Rome was the "scientific" substantiation of the plans of the "owners of money" to reduce the population of the planet, dismantle industry (deindustrialization), primitivize man (by destroying traditional education), and erode the national sovereignty of states. The ultimate goal of the "owners of money", which was "scientifically" substantiated by the Club of Rome, was the destruction of nation states and their replacement by the One World Government.

Any kind of fanning of environmental threats to humanity, which supposedly conceals the continuation of the previous trends in the development of the world, is one of the main tasks of the Club of Rome.

So, WWF is a kind of headquarters that leads the army of "environmental guerrillas" in different countries and corners of our planet. "Guerrillas" operate under the flags of organizations such as Friends of the Earth, Keepers of the Rainbow, Greenpeace, First World, Survival International (somewhere serving as the Fund of Primitive Peoples or as the Center for Cultural Survival ") etc.

WWF works closely "horizontally" with other NGOs and official international organizations that are also involved in the practical implementation of the recommendations of the Club of Rome: IMF, World Bank, UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), UNESCO (Man and the Biosphere Program), Soros Foundation, The MacArthur Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, etc. Many WWF partners and the World Wildlife Fund itself today provide their feasible "assistance" to the practical implementation of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), which was signed at the UN International Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in the summer of 1992.


Behind the foam of the environmental rhetoric of various NGOs, official international organizations and foundations, among which WWF plays a very important role, the true goals of the "owners of money" are hidden. Namely: to turn most of the Earth with its natural resources into a reserved or protected area. The flora and fauna of the planet, as the main "ecologists" hypocritically declare, must be preserved for future generations. They say, for the sake of the future of humanity, the Earth must be turned into one giant reserve. And the future humanity itself is no more than one billion people.

Consequently, the remaining 6.5 billion are superfluous on the planet, they must be systematically disposed of. They are a threat to the planet's biodiversity. In fact, the only harmful species of living nature in the eyes of “noble” and not very “noble” ecologists is man.

Without going into the details of the cannibalistic "ecological project" of the "owners of money", I will say that there will be (and is already happening) the "cleansing" of the planet from unnecessary people under the guise of creating new "protected areas". As a temporary and "humane" measure of survivors in the process of such a "cleanup" is proposed to move to urban agglomerations - a kind of concentration camps of the "brave new world". At some point in these overpopulated agglomerations, natural population decline will begin. And gradually the optimal population of the planet will be reached - one billion.


But this will not be the “golden billion” that the media are talking about and writing about today, meaning the population of Western countries. It will be a "dirty billion" intended to serve the "golden million" - the "owners of money". The "dirty billion" will end up in the dungeons of urban agglomerations (concentration camps of the "brave new world" era), and the "golden million" will enjoy the "biological diversity" of the Earth's reserves. In order to more effectively protect biodiversity, reserves and protected areas are already being transferred to private management. Over time, it is planned to fully privatize the entire Earth with the "golden million".

"Revelations" of Prince Philip

Readers may think that the author is exaggerating. No, I'm not exaggerating. Take, for example, the "noble ecologist" Prince Philip, consort of the living queen of England. It turns out that he converted to Buddhism a long time ago. And having become a Buddhist, he got used to the image of an animal.

In 1986, he even wrote the book If I were an animal. In it, he stated that he would like to be an animal and organize a kind of Animal International against people and fight for animal rights. I think that such a nonsense occurred in the prince's head not only after immersion in Buddhism. Probably, he was imbued with the ideas of the story "Animal Farm" by the English writer George Orwell.

Let me remind you that the story says that the animals of one farm drove out its human owner and began to manage the farm themselves. Very soon an elite was formed in the barnyard, consisting exclusively of pigs. And at the head of the swine estate was the chief pig named Napoleon. Probably, Prince Philip was imbued with the ideology of animalism (the official ideology created by the pig class of the barnyard, intended for animals and imbued with hatred of the "two-legged creature" - man).

After the publication of the aforementioned book "If I were an animal", Prince Philip continued his "spiritual development." He already felt cramped in the form of an animal. Our aristocrat stated that in case of reincarnation after death, he would like to return in the form of the most deadly virus in order to destroy as many people as possible. Probably, these words succinctly and accurately reflect the true spiritual essence of the ecological cannibals of the XXI century.

Author: Katasonov Valentin