Who Used Blavatsky And The Roerichs To Search For Ancient Artifacts? - Alternative View

Who Used Blavatsky And The Roerichs To Search For Ancient Artifacts? - Alternative View
Who Used Blavatsky And The Roerichs To Search For Ancient Artifacts? - Alternative View

Video: Who Used Blavatsky And The Roerichs To Search For Ancient Artifacts? - Alternative View

Video: Who Used Blavatsky And The Roerichs To Search For Ancient Artifacts? - Alternative View
Video: Nicholas Roerich and India, «Roerich Centre» Netherlands/Рерих и Индия, «Roerich Centre» Нидерланды 2024, September

Already, many researchers, based on the analysis of the historical development of mankind, independently came to a completely unambiguous conclusion about the presence on our planet of a certain force camouflaged in secret societies, which is engaged in the search and hiding from the bulk of mankind of the knowledge and artifacts of the ancient highly developed civilizations of the Earth. Moreover, it was this secret force that stood at the origins of the creation of modern science, and especially the official version of history, which diligently keeps silent about these artifacts and even the civilizations themselves, unfoundedly denying the existence of any civilizations older than the Sumerian.

It is this power that has used and continues to use "in the dark" by many researchers of esoteric knowledge and ancient civilizations for their own purposes, the main of which have already been identified. Such well-known compatriots as E. Blavatskaya and the Roerich family, whose undoubted role in the disclosure of certain esoteric knowledge for humanity cannot be ignored, did not escape this fate.

However, the secret patrons and sponsors of their expeditions and research tried, with the help of secret Masonic societies and lodges, so that certain misinformation was subtly and imperceptibly woven into this knowledge, leading us aside. The presence of secret patrons is indirectly indicated by the obviously Masonic symbols created by Blavatsky and the family. Roerichs of occult esoteric societies. But that's not all.

Both Blavatsky and the Roerichs, talking about the ancient antediluvian civilizations of the Earth, usually mention Atlantis and also the country of Mu. But Blavatsky and the Roerichs mention the Arctic ancestral home of mankind only in passing and, of course, do not say anything about the reasons that led to the wars between Atlantis and Arctida-Hyperborea and their subsequent death, as well as about these wars themselves.

I do not want to accuse these wonderful people of deliberately hiding or distorting information, because, most likely, they were used to distort information about ancient civilizations "in the dark" and they themselves fell victim to deception and rigging of facts. They were also used “in the dark” to search for artifacts of ancient antediluvian civilizations. But the financing of these searches was organized not at all for the discovery of ancient knowledge and artifacts for mankind, as Blavatsky and the Roerichs sincerely believed, but quite the opposite - to use them in the interests of a small group of demihumans who imagined themselves to be the “elite” of the Earth. This was precisely the activity of one secret order.

Here is what the Russian traveler, biologist and anthropologist G. Sidorov writes about this order and the use of E. Blavatskaya's activities to achieve his goals in his book "The Fate of Those Who Think They Are Gods":

I would like to warn people who seriously study esotericism and the secrets of ancient civilizations that sooner or later representatives of this "Black Order" come into contact, because they themselves also study esoteric knowledge. But they also need “helpers”, whom they use in most cases “in the dark” to introduce disinformation into the minds of people that can lead them away from the genuine primordial esoteric knowledge of ancient civilizations and comprehension of the laws of the Universe. And the most active and talented are used to search for ancient artifacts, sponsoring their expeditions.

For the same purpose, a whole network of pseudo-esoteric occult societies and sites has been created, where "newcomers" are caught, for the introduction of information viruses into their consciousness, as well as for subordinating them to the will of the followers of this dark order. People duped by psi-technologies usually enter secret societies that are "branches" of this dark order, and many of them until the end of their lives believe that their activities are aimed at the good of all mankind. In fact, they serve the interests of the non-humanoid mind behind the creation of this secret order.

Think: why does the official history begin with the Sumerian civilization? Because the Sumerians write about their creator gods - the Anunnaki. And on the basis of this information of their writing, they want to inspire us with the idea of that. that supposedly all modern humanity was created by the Anunnaki as a result of genetic experiments. They are our creator gods, and since they created us for themselves as slaves, we must unquestioningly obey them, as well as their legal representatives - the richest hybridoreptiloid clans and ruling dynasties of the Earth. And consequently, we must, like a disenfranchised “herd of sheep”, go to the “corral” prepared for us as a “new world order”.

But in fact, the Anunnaki created servants and slaves for themselves by mixing the genes of the people of the white race with the genes of the archantropians, i.e. at the time of the arrival of the Anunnaki on Earth, a white race already existed on it. And it is no coincidence that in the pseudo-esoteric societies of Masons and Illuminati they try not to mention the stellar civilization of the "white gods" who created their colony in the Arctic latitudes of our planet long before the arrival of the Annunaki. It was from there, after a destructive war with Atlantis and the beginning of a slow sinking into the waters of the ocean of the Arctic continent, that the people of the white race came to the north of Eurasia, first forming the Aryan empire, and then giving rise to Vedic Russia and other states formed by the descendants of the Aryans.

Now think: why does the official history diligently impose on us the myth of the "savagery" and "uncivilizedness" of the Russian people? Yes, just because the forces that organized the large-scale falsification of our history are afraid of awakening the genetic memory of the "white gods", which in its greatest version was preserved in the direct descendants of the ancient Arct-Hyperboreans - carriers of the haplogroup R1A1. It is these people, most of whom are Russians, Belarusians and Eastern Ukrainians, who pose the main threat to the plans of the lizardheads to destroy humanity by the hands of humanity itself. The plan, an essential but intermediate part of which is the plan of the “new world order” being implemented by the hybrid "elite" and its loyal servants.

This all explains not only the numerous falsifications of our history, but also the thousand-year attempts to destroy our country and our people, which continue to this day. And it is the very same forces that want to collide in another destructive world war until the complete destruction of the heirs of traditions and direct descendants of late Atlantis (NATO) and Arctida-Hyperborea (Russia and Belarus). Now it is clear why the servants of darkness hide knowledge of the ancient destructive wars between Atlantis and Arctida? In order for people not to guess, using the sad experience of antediluvian highly developed civilizations, that the world "elite" and its servants are again preparing the almost complete destruction of humanity and a return to the "Stone Age" for the survivors.

Thus, two birds with one stone will be killed at once: the population of the Earth will be reduced to the 500 million desired for the “elite” (or maybe less), and to the people. sliding into the "stone age", the delights of the "new world order" will not seem so terrible. That's just, for the reason sounded above, the survival of the people of the white race is not planned by them, because the descendants of the arct are useless slaves, but they are excellent warriors. And, of course, sooner or later, they will rise up against the "new world order", especially if they realize their stellar roots, originating from the "white gods".

For this very reason, the "elite" and its servants, at the behest of the lizard-headed owners, diligently incite fratricidal wars between the people of the white race and especially the carriers of the haplogroup R1A1. And for the same reason, the remnants of the white race in Western Europe and America are diligently "diluted" with refugees and immigrants, and also imposed such "democratic values" that lead to degradation and complete degeneration. Now, I think that for many, the processes taking place on our planet now will no longer seem random and chaotic, for this seeming "chaos" is completely controlled from a single parasitic center.

Considering all of the above, I would like to draw the attention of real esotericists to some quite characteristic features of pseudo-esoterics - servants of the "Black Order":

1. They are very annoyed by the "conspiracy theory" and its supporters, who can expose secret criminal plans against humanity. It is through the efforts of the servants of this order that the idea that the "conspiracy theory" is all the fantasies of mentally unbalanced people is diligently introduced into the minds of the inhabitants, because it is always much easier to manipulate a dull and gullible "herd of sheep" than independently thinking people.

2. They are also annoyed by information about the ancient arctic ancestral home and the civilization of the "white gods" who once defeated the lizard-headed masters of the "Black Order", as well as artifacts testifying to the antiquity and high level of development of the civilization of Vedic Russia and the peoples inhabiting it.

3. They adore the achievements of late Atlantis, and therefore are adherents of the technocratic path of development, also imposed on mankind by the servants of the lizardheads since the time of late Atlantis.

4. Often they use ancient Egyptian symbolism, indirectly indicating the clan of dark priests of Amun-Set-Yahweh-Jehovah-Satan, and also worship Lucifer, relying on his "luminous" essence, but at the same time hide that his hierarchy is the same vampiric and the parasitic chain, which is the reverse side of a single planetary parasitic system.

5. Often they act by deceit and flattery, telling the neophytes about their amazing talent and about the "special" and "very important" mission assigned to them, but this is done only in order to lure them deeper into their parasitic nets and bind their consciousness to purposes of the order.

6. They diligently instill in the minds of people the idea that humanity was created by the lizard-headed creator gods to serve their interests.

7. They are very sick of even the slightest criticism of the "chosen people" created by the Anunnaki and on any occasion they start screaming about "anti-Semitism" and "inciting ethnic hatred".

8. They demand complete submission to their adherents and leaders, and unquestioning "service" based on the absence of their own freedom of choice and independent thinking. They offer to blindly believe in ready-made "dogmas" without checking their truth.

9. They love to talk about a single world state and a single world religion, united under the banner of Kabbalah and Judaism.

10. They argue that the Reptilians are much older than humanity and lived on our Earth long before humans, and therefore they, and not we, are the legitimate masters of our planet.

Of course, there are also their characteristic features, and it is possible that those researchers of esoteric knowledge who have already encountered representatives of the "Black Order" can supplement me. However, I have already listed their main characteristic features here. And I would like to warn "fellow writers" not to allow these anti-human forces to use themselves to carry out their plans and protect their interests. Because their plans for our further residence on planet Earth are not provided. We should not dig a grave for ourselves and help our true enemies in this matter.

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