Secret Societies Or Who Gets In The Way Of Knowledge - Alternative View

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Secret Societies Or Who Gets In The Way Of Knowledge - Alternative View
Secret Societies Or Who Gets In The Way Of Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies Or Who Gets In The Way Of Knowledge - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies Or Who Gets In The Way Of Knowledge - Alternative View
Video: Watch: TODAY All Day - July 10 2024, September

As you know, the origin of Masonic lodges is directly related to another medieval brotherhood - the Order of the Knights Templar. In 1118, on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, nine crusaders organized a secret alliance - the Priory of Our Lady of Zion, later renamed the Order of the Knights Templar (Templar Monks). Here, on the Holy Temple Mount, in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon, the Order of the Templars finds some secret knowledge. According to legend, the source of knowledge was found after decades of searching in a secret cave under the Sacred Rock. Above this rock in the very center of the Temple Mount is the Temple of the Rock. There is a version that the knights of the Templars found the sacred Ark of the Covenant, laid down by King Solomon.

As we wrote earlier, it is very likely that copied texts of the Stone, or Pigeon Book and its translation into Hebrew were kept in the Ark of the Covenant. The possession of a secret that opens the way to unlimited power inspires the secret rule of the order to plans to establish a new world order. Very quickly, the order becomes one of the most influential forces in the world. The order even has its own, practically uncontrollable by the authorities of the Roman Church, the territory is the lands of the Cathars in the south-west of France. It is no coincidence that it was there that many researchers looked for traces of the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. In 1314, the powerful Order of the Knights Templar was destroyed by the French king Philip the Fair and Pope Clement V.

Not without the influence of the papacy in France and England, the surviving Templars founded the corporations of Freemasons, which then grew into Masonic lodges. But unlike the Templars, under the influence of the Vatican, Masons make their knowledge closed. The Templars and Cathars openly talked about the fact that magical rituals and laws of influence on the world are contrary to God and are established on earth thanks to the influence of the underworld, that is, the devil. In connection with the above, the Templars and Cathars accused the Vatican of representing the interests of the devil on earth, that is, the underworld, blasphemously hiding behind the name of God. Masons, on the other hand, have rituals and sacraments, conditions for entry, a clear hierarchical structure of the order, as well as the rules for moving from stage to stage, are similar to the mysteries and the Egyptian priesthood and are aimed at the gradual mastery of secret knowledge by members of the order.inaccessible to others and allowing them to imperceptibly influence the fate of the world and individuals. Masons zealously guard their secrets - they do not allow outsiders to knowledge. The fact that only men are accepted into the order, as well as into the ancient Egyptian priestly order, suggests that secret knowledge is used by some rather narrow group of humanity, different from the majority. This distinction is supported and bought by initiation into secret knowledge. Thus, the knowledge stolen from the majority of humanity has become a kind of currency of the Freemasons, and the availability of this knowledge would devalue this currency. Much says that even in ancient times, secret knowledge fell into the hands of representatives of supporters of non-traditional monogamous relationships. Apparentlyto some extent, their representatives adhere to this principle in the formation of secret orders even now. Only men are accepted into the Masonic order, and all members of the lodge must vouch for the applicant. According to the ancient texts, the initiation rite is preceded by a rite of demonstration of the immortality of the soul and the possibility of its existence separately from the body. The subject is led in a special room between the standing members of the box with lighted torches and drawn swords. The choir of Masons performs a kind of chant, which is interrupted by the sounds of wind instruments, most often trumpets. The expression “to go through fire, water and copper pipes” has Masonic roots. The combination of live fire, close steel, high humidity, usually in the basement, and sound effects introduces the subject into a kind of trance state. Further, blindfold him,placed in an open sarcophagus, after which the light and all sounds suddenly disappear, and the bandage is removed - a kind of imitation of death. According to the plan of the organizers of the event, the soul of the subject at this moment, misled by external symptoms, leaves the body and hangs somewhere under the ceiling. At this moment, after calculated seconds, the light comes on and the soul, realizing that it was mistaken, returns to the body. But he manages to be surprised and notice a specially applied pattern on the floor, visible only from above. If a test subject, brought out of a state of trance, can describe a drawing, then he is congratulated on the presence of an immortal soul, after which they try to convince him to join the order by all, fairly diverse means. If this fails, then they do so that the subject either forgets about this procedure, or does not attach particular importance to it. If he enters the order, then he becomes an "obedient cog" of the International system of Masonic lodges.

Back in 1910, the world's first ufologist Charles Fort wrote that the purpose of this conspiracy, hidden from mankind, “has been known for many centuries to some of us, the ram leaders of a secret cult, or secret order, whose members, like first-class slaves, govern us by virtue of received instructions and translate arrows, directing us to our mysterious responsibilities. But who are these people, pushing the evolution of mankind in the right direction for the sake of fulfilling the Constant Plan (Ultimate Goal) unknown to us? And is there really this Ultimate Goal. Over the millennia, the purposeful activity of secret orders to disunite human civilization on national, religious, economic and territorial grounds can be clearly traced. This is clear,since they are united among themselves by secret knowledge and other distinctive features beyond borders, religions and nationalities, they try to split the majority that did not join them, in order to rule, but to rule in order to simply live in the comfort that they desire. If for this from time to time it is necessary to push states and peoples against each other, and to destroy millions of other who did not adhere, then, apparently, this is nothing, since a normal Mason lives more than one life and must think in terms of eternity. The Masons emphasize the continuity from the most ancient civilization by the fact that their capital, the city where the Supreme Council of Masonic Lodges gathers, like the once capital of the Wiki empire, is always located on the islands. Before the Cuban Revolution, it was Havana, now Copenhagen.they are trying to split up the majority that has not joined them, in order to rule, but to rule in order to simply live in the comfort that they desire. If for this from time to time it is necessary to push states and peoples against each other, and to destroy millions of other who did not adhere, then, apparently, this is nothing, since a normal Mason lives more than one life and must think in terms of eternity. The Masons emphasize the continuity from the most ancient civilization by the fact that their capital, the city where the Supreme Council of Masonic Lodges gathers, like the once capital of the Wiki empire, is always located on the islands. Before the Cuban Revolution, it was Havana, now Copenhagen.they are trying to split up the majority that has not joined them, in order to rule, but to rule in order to simply live in the comfort that they desire. If for this from time to time it is necessary to push states and peoples against each other, and to destroy millions of other who did not adhere, then, apparently, this is nothing, since a normal freemason lives more than one life and must think in terms of eternity. The Masons emphasize the continuity from the most ancient civilization by the fact that their capital, the city where the Supreme Council of Masonic Lodges gathers, like the once capital of the Wiki empire, is always located on the islands. Before the Cuban Revolution, it was Havana, now Copenhagen. If for this from time to time it is necessary to push states and peoples against each other, and to destroy millions of other who did not adhere, then, apparently, this is nothing, since a normal freemason lives more than one life and must think in terms of eternity. The Masons emphasize the continuity from the most ancient civilization by the fact that their capital, the city where the Supreme Council of Masonic Lodges gathers, like the once capital of the Wiki empire, is always on the islands. Before the Cuban Revolution, it was Havana, now Copenhagen. If for this from time to time it is necessary to push states and peoples against each other, and to destroy millions of other who did not adhere, then, apparently, this is nothing, since a normal freemason lives more than one life and must think in terms of eternity. The Masons emphasize the continuity from the most ancient civilization by the fact that their capital, the city where the Supreme Council of Masonic Lodges gathers, like the once capital of the Wiki empire, is always on the islands. Before the Cuban Revolution, it was Havana, now the once capital of the wiki empire, it is always on the islands. Before the Cuban Revolution, it was Havana, now the once capital of the wiki empire, it is always on the islands. Before the Cuban Revolution, it was Havana, now Copenhagen.

Freemasons in Russian history

Masonry was legally brought to Russia by Peter I. Researcher of the history of "free masons" G. Vernadsky wrote that among the manuscripts of the freemason Lansky there is a piece of gray paper on which it is written: "Emperor Peter I and Lefort were accepted into the Temples in Holland." Opened in 1763 in Moscow, the Masonic lodge "Clio" was patronized by Catherine the Great herself. In 1798, Emperor Paul I became the Grand Master of the Hospitaller Masonic Order. He accepted under his protectorate the Order of St. John of Jerusalem after the capture of Malta by the Napoleon squadron (the Russian protectorate of this Catholic order was abolished by Alexander I, the son of Paul I). Masonic lodges multiplied in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and, unfortunately, participation in them was popular among the Russian intelligentsia.

If we talk about the influence of secret orders on the history of Russia in the pre-Petrine period, then Russia became a kind of counterweight in the struggle that tore apart and ultimately destroyed the Byzantine Empire. In the previous article ("KP" for December 7, 2005) we talked about the confrontation between the Knights Templar and the papal church. What are the reasons for this irreconcilable enmity? The Templars, like the Cathars, did not hide the main meaning of the knowledge they received and at the initial stage of their existence were not supporters of society's isolation from the truth. The Roman Catholic Church, whose origins date back to Byzantium and the Roman Empire, probably followed and adheres to the same rules as modern Masonic lodges. In fact, the papacy has become the visible, most public part of the iceberg of the World Masonic system. As known,Catholicism arose as a result of a split in the clergy of Byzantium. If we ever learn the truth about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, it is unlikely that this will happen due to Catholicism. As you know, it rejects the Holy Trinity. And Orthodoxy claims that Jesus spoke about God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a version that initially it was not about the son, but about the sons. Of course, a person who lived in the 1st century. n. e. he did not know the word "reincarnation", therefore that, the first life - the life of Phebus, the king of the Vikings, the leader of the rebellious Aryans, by seniority he called the life of Father God. Subsequent reincarnations, including his own life, the life of children. And by the Holy Spirit - the soul, which is one for all reincarnations, and passes from body to body, from life to life. There is irrefutable evidence of the divine nature of Jesus and the documentation of the memory of previous lives - this is the Keystone, which we wrote about earlier, this is the Stone, or Dove Book. According to the ancient White Sea epic, rooted in Byzantium, Jesus Christ wrote the Pigeon Book on the stone:

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Ay Jesus all Christ, yes all Heavenly King, He confirmed it here and strong bones, I wrote the whole Book of Pigeons on the stone, He lowered this book on the damp earth …

Probably, the Stone, or Pigeon Book is mentioned in parchment scrolls with the records of Jesus. Perhaps he also wrote about the underground palace with the queen's golden throne on the sacred island of Buyan (the modern island of German Kuzov in the White Sea). There is a medieval conspiracy in which the Alatyr stone is directly identified with the Buyan island, the altar and the omphalos: “I, servant of God, will go to the holy ocean-sea, there is a holy island there; on the holy island lies the white stone Alatyr, on that stone stands the Church of the Pope; in this church there is a golden throne; on the golden throne sits Jesus Christ himself, the Mother of God …”The scrolls with the records of Jesus after various vicissitudes ended up in the library of the Byzantine Caesars.

As we said earlier, the struggle between the supporters of open knowledge and their opponents became a real war, as a result of which, in particular, the Great Church in Constantinople was burned. The Celts and Russia were baptized by that part of the Byzantine clergy that tried to defend the truth at the heart of the faith, but on their own territory, in Constantinople, step by step lost the war for truth. Rescuing from destruction the unique library of the Byzantine Caesars, the youngest daughter of the despot Thomas Zoya Palaeologus marries the great Russian prince Ivan III. Under conditions of the strictest secrecy and under reliable protection, led by her brother Andrei, she takes 70 carts with books from Constantinople to Moscow. In Moscow, she adopted the Slavic name Sophia. Together with Sophia, Moscow in a sense acquired the right to be considered the spiritual successor of Byzantium. The court of the Grand Duke of Moscow adopted a lot from the etiquette of the court of the Roman Vasilevs, the dynastic sign of the Paleologues - the two-headed eagle - became the coat of arms of the Moscow state. In order to reliably protect the library, which was named "Liberia", Sophia invites the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti. It was he and his student Antonio Solari who turned the Moscow Kremlin into an impregnable fortress, enclosing it with a wall, almost an exact copy of the wall of the Milan castle, which Aristotle had been building over the previous 5 years. Already during the construction of the Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals, Fiorovanti laid the dungeons and crypts. The books were put in a stone crypt, and locks were hung on the iron doors. According to the testimony of a learned monk from Greece, Maxim the Greek, there were ancient clay tablets, parchments, and ancient Greek books in the library.“Liberia” disappeared in the 60s in the 16th century, but it is mentioned in 53 handwritten and printed books in Church Slavonic. The most famous written evidence of the library's existence is the Levonian Chronicle of France Nyenstedt (1540 -1622), in which the author quotes the story of Pastor Wetterman, who moved from the conquered Dorpat to Moscow. The pastor knew several languages, including Greek. It is the list of part of the library's treasures, which the pastor managed to get acquainted with, that is the most famous object of research of all those who were looking for "Liberia". If you believe their testimonies, then this list contains parchment scrolls in Old Aramaic, signed with the name Jesus. Since Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the grandson of Sophia Palaeologus, invited Witterman to translate the texts, and it was during his reign that the library disappeared,the library began to be called the "Library of Ivan the Terrible". The disappearance of the library coincides in time with the beginning of the victorious wars of Ivan the Terrible, who, after the capture of Kazan, becomes king from the Grand Duke. Are these events related? How late the arrival of Freemasonry in Russian everyday life and the victories of Peter the Great or not is an open question. As we wrote earlier, the Russian Emperor Paul I, the great-grandson of Peter, was a Freemason. It was he who left a prophecy to Nicholas II, which spoke about the death of him in 1918 and about the involvement of the Freemasons in this death. Most recently, the name of Ulyanov-Lenin was found in the lists of the Grand Lodge of France. As we know, on December 29, 1915, the German General Staff, through the banker Paul Warburg, issued one million gold rubles "for organizing a revolution in Russia" to the Odessa millionaire and the famous freemason Parvus,companion of V. Lenin. Additional funding for the future Russian revolution in the amount of over 12 million US dollars was carried out in 1916-1917 through the English banker Lord Milner and through the banker Felix Warburg, Mortimer Schiff, Olof Ashburg and many others. Lenin and 32 of his associates from Switzerland returned to Russia, crossing the border in an armored carriage sealed by the Germans. This event was financed again through the Warburg banking house. Let's try to figure out why the secret brotherhood needed it. After all, as the famous freemason Papus admitted, in Freemasonry "every ritual always corresponds to either political or philosophical necessity." However, when the need arose to protect their knowledge from the uninitiated, the Freemasons abandoned any ritual. Additional funding for the future Russian revolution in the amount of over 12 million US dollars was carried out in 1916-1917 through the English banker Lord Milner and through the banker Felix Warburg, Mortimer Schiff, Olof Ashburg and many others. Lenin and 32 of his associates from Switzerland returned to Russia, crossing the border in an armored carriage sealed by the Germans. This event was financed again through the Warburg banking house. Let's try to figure out why the secret brotherhood needed it. After all, as the famous freemason Papus admitted, in Freemasonry "every ritual always corresponds to either political or philosophical necessity." However, when the need arose to protect their knowledge from the uninitiated, the Freemasons abandoned any ritual. Additional funding for the future Russian revolution in the amount of over 12 million US dollars was carried out in 1916-1917 through the English banker Lord Milner and through the banker Felix Warburg, Mortimer Schiff, Olof Ashburg and many others. Lenin and 32 of his associates from Switzerland returned to Russia, crossing the border in an armored carriage sealed by the Germans. This event was financed again through the Warburg banking house. Let's try to figure out why the secret brotherhood needed it. After all, as the famous freemason Papus admitted, in Freemasonry "every ritual always corresponds to either political or philosophical necessity." However, when the need arose to protect their knowledge from the uninitiated, the Freemasons abandoned any ritual.

Seekers of Forgotten Wisdom

The second half of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries is the time of “seekers of forgotten wisdom”. This flame burned especially brightly in Russia. In those years, hundreds of nameless pilgrims went in search of secret, "intimate" knowledge. " In 1851 H. P. Blavatsky set off “in search of wisdom”. In 1875, she founded the Theosophical Society, which set as its goal the study of the ancient heritage. Nicholas Roerich and the largest Russian researcher of Asia N. M. Przhevalsky were seriously interested in the stone book. It seemed to him that it was there that "the origins of the entire eastern civilization lie." Heinrich Schliemann devoted his life to the search for traces of an ancient civilization. Luck smiles at him, and he finds in Tibet "Chronicle of Lhasa", which speaks of the legendary country of Mu. And, finally, the Stone Book is found by N. Gumilev, the founder of Russian Symbolism,during a trip to the Russian North in 1904, where he saw at the mouth of the Indel River (a tributary of the Vyg River, which flows into the White Sea near Belomorsk) flat rocks on which hieroglyphs were carved - hundreds of meters of text.

Thanks to this discovery, Gumilev was taken under the patronage of the emperor and made friends with his daughters. Further research by N. Gumilyov is supported by the state. With the help of a kind of dictionary of symbols, carved in the same place on the rocks, and translators who know the Arabic language, Gumilev manages to translate the texts. Of course, the accuracy of the translation is imperfect. But thanks to him, on subsequent expeditions, Gumilev finds the Kuzov archipelago (the legendary Buyan island), and on the Russkiy Kuzov island opens the tomb of the queen of the Viki empire. The golden comb found on the skeleton is striking in its elegance, and later, after examinations, it turns out that the comb was created from gold that does not exist in nature - gold of the thousandth standard. This crest gets to Matilda Kshesinskaya and during the revolution with other ballerina's values hides on the territory of her mansion. As Matilda Kshesinskaya wrote, American Masons offered her any money for a comb, and having received a refusal, they switched to open threats, because of which she was forced to turn to the emperor for protection. As you know, even before October 1917, the only building captured by the Bolsheviks in St. Petersburg was the Kshesinskaya mansion, where they rummaged through all the things, opened the floors and knocked on the walls. Probably, they were looking for a comb that the Masons needed so much.captured by the Bolsheviks in St. Petersburg, was the Kshesinskaya mansion, where they rummaged through all the things, opened the floors and knocked on the walls. Probably, they were looking for a comb that the Masons needed so much.captured by the Bolsheviks in St. Petersburg, was the Kshesinskaya mansion, where they rummaged through all the things, opened the floors and knocked on the walls. Probably, they were looking for a comb that the Masons needed so much.

The fate of N. Gumilyov is also symbolic. After the first revolution, he led the largest expedition in the history of Russia to Africa, in search of the legendary land of Mu, which he learned about from the texts of the Stone Book. Then Gumilyov, and the emperor himself, did not yet imagine what for our country, and for them personally, an attempt to make the most ancient knowledge publicly available would turn out.