Patrick Leopold Gordon - Alternative View

Patrick Leopold Gordon - Alternative View
Patrick Leopold Gordon - Alternative View

Video: Patrick Leopold Gordon - Alternative View

Video: Patrick Leopold Gordon - Alternative View
Video: Patrick Gordon 2024, September

Patrick Leopold Gordon is also known in Russia as Peter Ivanovich Gordon. March 31, 1635 Scotland - November 29, 1699, Russia) - Russian military leader, general and rear admiral. Scottish by birth.

A devout Catholic and supporter of the Stuarts, he, however, spent most of his life in the service of foreign interests. Also in the Russian service were his nephews Alexander and Thomas. His ancestor QC Gordon married Margaret Lermont of Balcomy, who is a relative of M. Yu. Lermontov.

At the age of 16, he left his homeland and entered the Brausborg College in Danzig, after which he joined the Swedish army in July 1655. Captured by the Poles in the battle of Warsaw, he transferred to the Polish service and fought against the Tatars and Russians. The Russian ambassador to Warsaw, Leontyev, noticed Gordon's abilities and persuaded him to join the Russian service.

On October 2, 1661, Patrick Gordon, along with another Scotsman, Menezius, arrived in Moscow and was enrolled in a foreign order with the rank of major. Then he was transferred to the regiment of the foreign system of Crawford as a lieutenant colonel, in 1665 he was promoted to colonel and in 1668 "on sovereign affairs" he was sent to England.

The events of 1689, contributing to the fall of Princess Sophia, put Gordon on close and even friendly relations with the king. On September 4, the tsar's letter came to the German settlement, in which Peter ordered foreign generals and officers to come to him at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Gordon, as the senior of the foreign officers, correctly considering the political moment, considered it right for all foreign officers to go to the Lavra, despite how Princess Sophia and Prince V. V. Golitsyn would react to it. But, making such a decision, Gordon at the same time recognized it necessary, in the order of service, to notify Prince Golitsin of the royal decree, and to ask for a formal instruction to follow the monastery. The embarrassed Golitsyn replied that he would show the letter to Tsar Ivan and the princess and then tell them what to do. Gordon objected that when the king and his family were in danger,then the boss must fulfill the duty of the oath, even if he did not receive an order from the higher authorities. In view of this, without waiting until evening for Golitsin's answer, Gordon with the Butyrka regiment, part of the 1st elective regiment and with all the foreign officers went to the Lavra, where he arrived the next day. Thanks to this, Peter won a victory without bloodshed, which made him treat Gordon with special gratitude. After the Trinity campaign, Gordon becomes the head of all military activities of Peter. By this time he was already 54 years old. Thanks to this, Peter won a victory without bloodshed, which made him treat Gordon with special gratitude. After the Trinity campaign, Gordon becomes the head of all military activities of Peter. By this time he was already 54 years old. Thanks to this, Peter won a victory without bloodshed, which made him treat Gordon with special gratitude. After the Trinity campaign, Gordon becomes the head of all military activities of Peter. By this time he was already 54 years old.

He possessed a mature mind, great military knowledge, had rich combat experience, knew how to keep military units in strict discipline, was managerial and brave, but at the same time prudent, cautious and modest. Gordon maintained and refreshed his military practical knowledge by studying various military writings on artillery, fortification, the structure and mode of operations of troops in various states. Possessing high moral qualities in all respects, Gordon was loved and respected not only by the inhabitants of the German settlement in Moscow, but also by many of the Russian nobility.

In 1694, Gordon participates in Peter's trip to the White Sea.

In 1698, under the command of the boyar Shein, he participated in the defeat of the rebellious archers near the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery.

Promotional video:

He is considered the founder of the first Masonic lodge in Russia.

He died suddenly after the accession of the liar.