Secret Societies - Alternative View

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Secret Societies - Alternative View
Secret Societies - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies - Alternative View
Video: Inside the secret world of the Freemasons 2024, September

Secret societies have been around all the time human civilization has existed. Moreover, one of the most famous European societies is the Order of the Templars and Freemasons. There were also secret societies in Asian countries.

Freemasons today

There are different versions as to whether there is a connection between the two organizations. Some researchers believe that the Freemasons are the successors of the Templars, having a similar ideology. There is evidence that Freemasonry originated in the 16th and 17th centuries. According to another version, its predecessors were masons' associations, which had a closed structure. That is why the members of this society called themselves free masons. This organization still exists today, but people who are not initiated into it know little about what is happening there. There is a version that the ranks of the Masons include only persons who are able to influence political processes and the economy in a particular country and the world as a whole. Modern Masons themselves deny this and present evidence of their peaceful enlightenment activities. The members of this society today are citizens of many countries of the world, therefore it can be called interethnic.

Establishment of a new world order

Meanwhile, secret societies, including Masons, still exert influence on the course of world history. This can be seen if you read the studies of conspiracy theorists dealing with this problem. According to their theory, the world is ruled not by well-known politicians, but by secret societies. They are the ones who actually hold in their hands finance, industry and power. These organizations provoke the outbreak of wars and armed conflicts, pursuing their own goals.

Secret orders are especially widespread in the United States, with the most famous organizations there being the Skull and Bones Societies, the Bilderberg Club, the Illuminati and a number of others.

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It is known that the Skull and Bones club includes only influential and successful people, including presidents and big businessmen, and getting there is very difficult. Practically nothing is known about their activities either - it is assumed that it is at the meetings of the members of the order that all the most important state affairs concerning not only the United States, but the whole world are decided. Huge financial resources are concentrated in his hands, therefore "Skull and Bones" controls power structures, public, political organizations, and the media. Not a single decision of the country's government is made without the approval of the club members. In addition, the order has its own research centers, where the best minds are working on the technologies of the future. Conspiracy theorists consider the activities of this organization, and others like it, dangerous for humanity,since her plans are far from peaceful. According to some reports, secret societies with tremendous power and influence intend to significantly reduce the number of people on Earth. This is planned to be done with the help of artificially induced cataclysms, new viruses, controlled military conflicts. The remaining residents will have to provide a comfortable existence for the secret rulers, working for their benefit. All these actions will be carried out secretly, so that people would not guess anything.working for their benefit. All these actions will be carried out secretly, so that people would not guess anything.working for their benefit. All these actions will be carried out secretly, so that people would not guess anything.

Secret societies of the Third Reich

The fact that secret orders can be dangerous to society can be seen in the example of the Third Reich. One of these most famous secret societies is the Ahnenerbe. It originated long before the formation of the Nazi regime. The beginning of the existence of this society can be called the last years of the 19th century, when the abbot of the monastery in the city of Limbach Theodor Hagen went on a trip to the Caucasus and eastern countries. He returned home with ancient writings, which none of the brethren could get acquainted with. However, after this event, the bas-reliefs in the monastery were changed, on which the swastika now occupied the central place - a mystical symbol denoting the circulation of the universe. According to some reports, it was in this monastery and at this time that the future Fuhrer sang in the choir.

It is known that the entire top of the Nazi party was in the Ahnenerbe society. The ideology of this order boiled down to the fact that all its members are descendants of a race of supermen, who must have some kind of secret knowledge. It was on such ancient knowledge that hopes were pinned during the Second World War. Then, expeditions were sent to the countries of the East, in particular to Tibet, in order to search for rare minerals and secret knowledge. It is known that ancient manuscripts were delivered from there, telling about the emergence of mankind through genetic experiments. Also thanks to these expeditions, the Nazis managed to take possession of ancient knowledge related to high technologies. Thanks to them, it was possible to create samples of technology that are much ahead of their time. After the end of the war, a lot of documents passed into the hands of the winners - the USSR and the USA. However, much of Ahnenerbe's activities still remain a mystery today.

Secret societies have always pursued their own special goals that were not disclosed to ordinary people. The activities of these organizations are in most cases incomprehensible and kept secret even after they cease to exist. It is quite possible that a small number of initiates hold in their hands knowledge that is inaccessible to most people. This means that the danger posed by the secret orders is quite real.