Filaret Nikitich Romanov - Patriarch Of The Masonic Dynasty - Alternative View

Filaret Nikitich Romanov - Patriarch Of The Masonic Dynasty - Alternative View
Filaret Nikitich Romanov - Patriarch Of The Masonic Dynasty - Alternative View

Video: Filaret Nikitich Romanov - Patriarch Of The Masonic Dynasty - Alternative View

Video: Filaret Nikitich Romanov - Patriarch Of The Masonic Dynasty - Alternative View
Video: Романовы (1) - Патриарх Филарет (Фёдор Никитич Романов 1553-1633) 2024, September

An article about the founder of the dynasty, which played a fatal role in the history of Russia … About the Great Sovereign and the Patriarch - in one, pardon the vulgar stamp, a bottle - Fedor-Filaret Nikitich Romanov …

It is believed that after the surgical removal of the ulcer, the "heresy of the Judaizing" Jews in Russia disappeared, but this is not entirely true. Ivan the Terrible's policy was tough in relation to the Jews, but he believed that baptism would correct them and did not persecute them. But the people, when they say that "the Jew is baptized, that the wolf is tamed," they are not saying empty words.

And besides, once thrown in, the virus of free-thinking began to spread by itself. The boyars who knew how to read, and the Grand Duke himself, were interested in Western European science, and, according to the chronicler, “start learning magic books” or, as one contemporary put it, “practicing star law and magic”.

Joseph Volotsky in his "Enlightener" directly says: "… a kind of fable and I teach the law of the stars, and look at the stars and build birth and human life." Astrological "predictions" from the book "Sixwing" became very popular and alchemists (they are also astrologers) - as a rule, Jews - were invited from "enlightened" Europe. The first tsar of the Romanovs was no exception.

When they talk about the origins of the Romanov dynasty, they start with Mikhail Fedorovich. He was officially recorded as the first of the Romanovs on the throne. But he was not a ruler, and he could not be because of his inability to do anything related to government.

The real ruler was his father Fyodor Nikitich Romanov, a large-scale personality and, quite unambiguously, who brought great trouble to the Russian land with his activities. Now it is difficult to establish - the Romanov historians have worked carefully - where Fyodor Romanov picked up the Jewish infection of prudence in relation to faith.

In any case, when the English diplomat Jerome Horsey arrived in Russia, the twenty-year-old Fedor was already so “progressive” that this very Horsey, at his request, wrote Latin grammar for him in Slavic letters. At the same time, it is not mentioned anywhere that he was an inveterate book reader, or even interested in books. The same Horsey noted Fyodor Romanov's keen interest in everything Western.

Fyodor Nikitich was the head of a ramified clan, which included princes Cherkassky, Sitsky, Sheremetevs and others. Had four brothers. He was ambitious and power-hungry, and he carefully concealed the latter. Judging by his further activities, he had a connection with the Lyakhs Sapieha, Vishnevetsky, Vasily Ostrozhsky - former Russians, but who had become zealous.

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During the reign of Boris Godunov, he plotted his murder, for which the entire Romanov family fell into disgrace when it was revealed. Fyodor Romanov was formally accused of wanting to poison the tsar, having found some herbs and roots on him, apparently planted for lack of direct material evidence.

But there was a conspiracy.

English diplomat Jerome Horsey reports that:

“His younger brother, no less strong in spirit than he (Fyodor), Alexander Nikitich, … took the opportunity, … wounded the prince-ruler, but not dangerously, as he intended, and fled to Poland, where, together with Bogdan Velsky, the main favorite of the former tsar and a fabulously rich man - and with other dissatisfied persons both in Poland and in Russia he conceived a conspiracy with the aim not only to overthrow Boris Fedorovich and his entire family, but to destroy and destroy the entire state, … (Jerome Horsey. Notes on Russia XVI- beginning of XVII. Moscow State University. M., 1990.)

In 1600, the Romanovs already openly gathered to oppose Boris Godunov and gathered armed people at the courtyard of Fyodor Nikitich on Varvarka to seize the throne, but did not have time. Polish ambassadors talk about the preventive strike of Tsar Boris, who was watched from the windows of the embassy, located here on Varvarka: “… we saw from our yard how several hundred archers came out of the castle (Kremlin) at night with burning torches, and heard how they opened fire, which scared us …

The house in which the Romanovs lived was set on fire, he (Tsar Boris) killed some, arrested some and took with him … (Alexander Shirokorad. Russian Troubles.) According to his promise not to be executed for 15 years, the Grand Duke sent the brothers Fyodor to exile, from where only Ivan returned alive, and he himself was forcibly tonsured as a monk, thus depriving him of his claims to the royal throne.

A. Shirokorad tells about the presence of such people, who "in the" Collection of materials on the history of the ancestors of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich ", published in St. Petersburg in 1901, … came across a most curious detail. In the 18th century, by order of Catherine II in the village of Kolomenskoye, the wooden palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was broken.

At the same time, they discovered a portrait of the monk Filaret, in the world of Fyodor Nikitich Romanov. The paint in the picture began to peel off, and under it was discovered a completely different image - the same Filaret, but in a different, royal, robe, with a scepter in his hand. Below was the signature: "Tsar Fyodor Nikitich." So Boris Godunov knew what he was doing.

But the monasticism did not stop Fyodor Nikitich. Even before Godunov's opal, he conceived a scam with the same purpose - to occupy the Rurik's table. A man was prepared from his slaves - Grigory Otrepiev, who was later destined to become the first tsar from the Romanov court.

This whole story with False Dmitry from beginning to end was planned and carried out by Fyodor Romanov with the direct participation of Polish magnates Adam Vishnevetsky, Lev Sapega and Yuri Mnishek. It is characteristic that, according to the historian Skrynnikov, on the Polish-Lithuanian land, Gregory dealt only with princes, the papal nuncio, the chancellor and, finally, with the king.

A slave, a vagabond, a beggar (at one time Otrepiev was washing the dishes of a landowner near Kiev), whom the Moscow authorities could every minute demand from the Commonwealth to hand over for reprisals, he suddenly turned out to be "well-known" to the rich landowners, to the most senior officials.

Of course, this was not without serious recommendations from the boyar Romanov, from whose yard he left during the attack of the Godunov archers.

Fyodor Nikitich, Filaret as a monk, was not very burdensome with his position, and he really recovered when the news came about the campaign of False Dmitry to Moscow: "You will see how I will be ahead!" And the "prophecy" was not slow to come true. False Dmitry, after his wedding to the kingdom, returned the disgraced Godunov from exile, Philaret gave the Rostov metropolitan see and "… the tsar gave a lot of honors to his son, named Michael." (Arseny Elassonsky. Memoirs from Russian history.)

But even after the fall of False Dmitry I, Filaret (Fedor) not only remained afloat, but was treated kindly by False Dmitry II, who called him patriarch (!) - this is when Patriarch Hermogenes was still alive. This becomes clear if, to paraphrase Klyuchevsky, we take into account that the second Pretender was “leavened and baked” in the same Polish cuisine as the first.

Being in Polish "captivity" Filaret also did not endure torment, as he lived in full allowance with his old acquaintance Lev Sapega. Captivity did not prevent him, as the head of the Romanov clan, from taking an active part in the political affairs of Moscow.

And when, after the liberation of Minin and Prince Pozharsky of Moscow from the Poles, the question of the tsar arose sharply, the Romanovtsy took advantage of the inconsistency in the actions of their opponents and forced the Zemsky Sobor to name Filaret's son Mikhail, about whom his uncle Ivan Romanov said, “That prince, Mikhail Fedorovich, still young and not fully aware "(The Tale of the Zemsky Sobor in 1613), and the Dutchman Massa:" He is completely uneducated and to such an extent that I do not know if he can even read letters."

"The Swedish agent reported:" The Cossacks, who fought for Romanov, had to besiege Trubetskoy and Pozharsky in their courtyards in order to achieve the election of a candidate they liked. " An eyewitness said: "The Cossacks and the rabble rushed into the Kremlin with a great noise, and went on the boyars with abuse." And the Polish chancellor Lev Sapega told the "captive" Filaret, when the Moscow news reached Warsaw, that his son (Filaret) had been put on the throne "by only Don Cossacks." (R. Skrynnikov. "Minin and Pozharsky". Moscow: 1981).

And on June 24, 1619, Metropolitan Philaret by Patriarch Theophanes IV of Jerusalem was elevated to the First Hierarchical See. He became the only patriarch in the history of Russia who had children, the only one who was called the Great Sovereign, and the only one who had a patronymic - Nikitich.

Poorly understanding the affairs of the church, the Primate knew well the system of government and actually ruled the State until his death. Pro-Romanov historians write in enthusiastic tones about this founder of the dynasty, but are silent about the damage done by the Romanovs to Orthodox Russia.

First of all, it should be said that it was Fyodor Nikitich Romanov who was the main creator of the Troubles, which arose as a result of the intrigues of the Romanov clan in the struggle for the royal throne, which almost led to the death of the Moscow state and claimed a huge number of lives. Only a miracle in the person of Prince Pozharsky and Kozma Minin saved the Moscow kingdom.

If in his youth, Fyodor Nikitich was interested in Latin grammar, then in adulthood he already had faith as an application to politics. Not without his knowledge, Grishka Otrepiev (False Dmitry I) promised the papal nuncio to lead Muscovy to the Latin faith. Filaret was captured as part of the embassy to Sigismund, who was traveling with a request to put his son Vladislav on the Moscow throne - an outright betrayal.

He regularly served both False Dmitry, which means that he hypocritically admitted that both of them were not falsity. But before the Pretenders he personally went to Uglich for the relics of the innocently murdered Tsarevich Dimitri. He recognized both the first and the second impostor as Tsarevich Dmitry Ioannovich, despite the fact that the first was his servant, and the second a Jew.

Philaret summoned the English warlock Arthur Dee, the son of the famous scientist and father of British intelligence John Dee, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, alchemist and magician, to the post of the young Tsar Mikhail's personal physician. A number of historians believe that at the court of Mikhail Fedorovich, Arthur Di (Artemy Diy) played the role of political and economic adviser, trying to strengthen, among other things, the British position in Russia.

It was during the reign of Mikhail Romanov in Holy Russia that many satanic alchemical books appear that teach the evocation of demons. A. Martynenko ("Troubles and Schism") gives many arguments in favor of the fact that "the Russian tsars and the elite of society maintained fairly close relations with European alchemists and Rosicrucians" (read - Masons).

Arthur Dee was succeeded as a physician by Dr. Wendelin Sibellista, one of the people of Johann Valentin Andrea's "inner circle", who is considered the author of the Rosicrucian manifestos.

Considering the close ties of the first Romanovs with Jesuit Poland, it can be assumed with great confidence that the political successes of Filaret (Fedor) Nikitich were inspired and paid for by Masonic orders.

Thus, summing up, we can say that the heresy of the Judaizers, through the efforts of the Romanovs, was transformed in Moscow Russia into Rosicrucian Freemasonry, laying the foundation for the destruction of Orthodoxy.

I am sure that for most readers it is unusual and even unpleasant to read such things about the founder of the Romanov dynasty. But the above were confirmed historical facts. And we are supposed to compare them by our very human nature.

And, for comparison, the story, in our terminology, is familiar. In this way, this fateful personality in Russian history is presented to the Orthodox sucker by official-synodal propaganda:

What happens?.. That the blind helmsmen control our Rescue Ship, if not, in general, the pirates captured it ?!

Reason, Orthodox Christians, and do not continue to dwell in the comfort of the usual false ideas. Our salvation in Eternal Life (!) Depends on this. Most importantly, try to understand what is happening with prayer and humility. And in such a spiritual arrangement, the Lord will certainly enlighten.