Skunk Tags - Alternative View

Skunk Tags - Alternative View
Skunk Tags - Alternative View

Video: Skunk Tags - Alternative View

Video: Skunk Tags - Alternative View
Video: Skunk Feathers -- Banana Slug Batter 2024, September

I have to write about this because the brain is pressurized by many questions, and the answers to them still do not come. I will show what we have for today, and together, maybe we will answer at least some of the riddles. Time is running out quickly, there are several articles crowding in line at the exit, and I don't want to create a traffic jam.

Fragment of a geographical map from the medieval Catalan atlas
Fragment of a geographical map from the medieval Catalan atlas

Fragment of a geographical map from the medieval Catalan atlas.

Seeing this, I experienced a feeling close to shock. The first thing that catches your eye is the symbols on the Polish flag. What do "T" and overturned "C" mean?

First thought - "C" is a crescent, then "T" is a cross? Well, yes, why not. This is one of the many crosses called Christian. Specifically such


called the Tau-cross, or otherwise - the Antoniev cross. By the way, this was exactly what Jesus was crucified on. And yet, the prototype of this cross can be

Ankh is an indispensable attribute of the god Horus
Ankh is an indispensable attribute of the god Horus

Ankh is an indispensable attribute of the god Horus.


Promotional video:

Here he is in his right hand. The key to the door to find? Or maybe just a tau cross on a string? Then if a cross and a crescent are adjacent to the flag of Poland, it means …



This is not the only thing that caught my attention. Take a look at the two spellings of the word "Polonia." The first one (in large, voluminous letters) is “POLONIA”, and “A” does not look like “A” at all, but the Russian “I”, which is the eye - Mountain. Editing traces? Below, in words it is written differently - "pollonja". How shoud I understand this? Maybe it's not about the same thing? And in general, why we have adopted the name "Poland" if others say "Polonia", maybe the Russian language contains an image that is the key to understanding the history of Poland itself? What does "Polonia" mean, the country of the Polovtsians? And "Pollonia" = "half moon"? After all, we see the crescent moon on the banner. Then what does "A - pollon" mean, where the prefix "A" usually negates, canceling the meaning after it, as in English "Unmasked" (without masks), or "Amoralis" in Latin (not moral). So it could bewhat does "A-polloon" mean "Not crescent"?

But back to the cross with the crescent moon. There is a lot of this good in Russia, and it began, apparently, not yesterday.


This is from Sumer. The cross is the symbol of the elephant, the god Ashura, and the month is the symbol of the moon, God Sina (China).


Everyone has long been accustomed to this picture, but its meaning has been lost, or hidden so deeply that even the church itself cannot clearly explain what this crescent means. Tales begin about the boat on which the soul of the deceased goes … and so the church itself falls into insanity, heresy, with which it fights so hard. Meanwhile, the symbolism is quite widespread. See for yourself:


This is the ensign of Bohdan Khmelnitsky.


And these are the coats of arms of the cities of Konotop, Belozersk and Zenkov. Analogies with Muslim and Jewish symbolism immediately suggest themselves. Don't let the hexagonal star confuse you, it is not Jewish at all. This is a symbol of the emperor of the Ottoman Empire Daoud, the father of the famous king Solomon, only the writers of the Bible made him Solomon, acquaintances and friends called him Suleiman ibn Daoud. Let's take a look at the modern Turkish flag.


The conclusion asks by itself. The sun, the cross and the star are one and the same symbol, only in a different spelling, which means, without fear of accusations of distorting the facts, we can assume that the cross has simply “mutated” over time and due to a change in cultural foundations into a star!


And with the stars, especially the red and five-pointed, we are all right. There have been no shortages in the last 150 years.


Pay attention to the Nagasaki flag, which the Americans considered an unnecessary city on the Japanese islands. In the center of the pentacle are the same tau crosses and crescents! And the Ottoman and KGB orders are depicted in the form of an inverted pentagram, the famous satanic symbol of Baphomet. On the Chekist (in this case, this is a model of an unapproved Order of Dzerzhinsky. But basically the details of this order "migrated" to the Order of the Red Battle Banner) also Masonic symbols - a hammer and a plow. The plow is considered equivalent to a scythe or sickle.


And what kind of symbol is such a "red star"? Raise your head to the sky, see? Ah … The ceiling is in the way! Okay. What do we call a red star? Right. MARS! And this is the God of War, whatever one may say. Therefore, the military attraction to this symbolism is understandable. That only the DESIGNERS of the USSR coat of arms, who stood behind the KULMAN, drew the globe of the Earth on WATMAN and Mars above it, but they tried so hard that there is simply no doubt what exactly they wanted to portray.


Earth under the shadow of Mars - the God of War. Where else are there similar tips? That's right, dear gentlemen of Washington, your city was built by free masons, and they tried very hard to leave marks on their work.


Here you have symbols for every taste. And the pentagram. and a cross, and a compass, and a magendavid. Only the crescent was not taken care of.


But they tried to leave the scheme of the Egyptian pyramid for the aeronauts.

And where else does a red star meet in the arms of a tau cross and a crescent moon? And that's where:


Full set. Only … it's a hammer, not a cross, and a sickle, not a month. May be. But it may not be quite so. If someone told you this, then it is not at all a fact that this is how everything is. It has long been known that the hammer and sickle are ancient symbols of free masons. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were associated with two Masonic lodges, one of which was a sickle and the other a hammer. Now let's look at the coat of arms of Austria:


Mmm? How do you like this passage? Here you have a month. There is a cross for you. Freemasons mark territory like skunks. Controlled states always have state symbols that belong to secret societies. So a two-headed eagle with a sword in its paws indicates the thirty-third degree of initiation.


This is the "Bible" of the greatest Freemason of all time, Albert Pike.


INRI is an abbreviation: IESVSNAZARENVSREXIVDÆORVM (Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews.


This is the badge of the Knight of the Double Eagle, dedicated to the Freemason of the Lodge of Scotland.

Throne of the Master of the Washington Masonic Lodge
Throne of the Master of the Washington Masonic Lodge

Throne of the Master of the Washington Masonic Lodge.

That's all for you to listen to less nonsense about the meaning of the state symbols of Russia. succession from Byzantium there, and blah blah blah. In 1917, the Khazar grouping of the group took revenge, and marked the colony with a cross and a crescent, i.e. hammer and sickle, but on March 11, 1985, on the anniversary of the death of Thutmose III, the 11th Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a member of the Masonic lodge, British spy Gorby began a successful project of bloodless transfer of the USSR under the jurisdiction of past masters, whose symbol is a two-headed eagle.

It's just that Masons don't do anything. March 11 is the last day of the Jewish month "Adar". It is also the sacred day "Rosh-Chodesh" (head of the month). On this day, a new year begins, and all the most important things begin on this day. At the same time, remember when the tsunami that hit Fukushima happened? Right. Also on March 11th. Masons are generally extremely fond of the number 11. It is like a pitchfork, or sharp peaks indicate death.


And they almost always leave warnings about upcoming dirty tricks. This is one example that requires no explanation. The trick is that catastrophes are canceled every time if such "marks" are identified, and are made public before the event itself. But if no one noticed the warnings in time, disasters occur, often affecting the course of history, and only then, as in the case of September 11, 2001, dozens of "prophetic" signs are found around the world. In fact, there are no prophecies. There is a clear plan of action that is being carried out flawlessly. So no one writes in "prophecies" design estimates for a building, for example. Suddenly a new shopping center appeared, and everyone waved: - “Oooh !!! His appearance was predicted by a prophet! Here we have found a drawing made two years before the emergence of the temple "Ikea"! Is it funny?


And here's another testimony from the Washington Freemasons. Again a two-headed eagle with a sword in its claws - as a symbol of the 33rd degree of initiation. Take a look at the ornament. Especially let the Slavic-Aryans rejoice. Here are the Aryan swastikas.


Wasn't this the “mutation” of the two-headed eagle from the cross with a crescent moon to the bird - the mutant?


What does scepter mean? This is a symbol of the supreme undivided power. The question is, whose power and over whom! The answer is obvious. Whose eagle has the power, and this power over the subjects - i.e. slaves, you are with us. Moreover, the scepter is no longer crowned with a trefoil, but a small coat of arms, on which there is also a scepter, and so on to infinity, in a geometric progression there is a reduction in the image. This is called a fractal. Why a fractal on a coat of arms, and even with a clear sense of degradation? Reduction and division programmed? And in the left paw is the power, or the sovereign's apple. Lies again. This is how the moon is portrayed. Yes. This is the globe of the moon. No longer a sickle - a crescent, but a full moon, why? What is the meaning of this symbolism. Whoever is supposed to, of course knows, and quietly laughs at us, but somehow I don't want to feel like a ram in a herd, to which no one is going to explain anything.


The sickle, repeating the shape of a crescent, is a lunar sign, a symbol of fertility and abundance, but at the same time an emblem of death. The scythe adopted the paradoxical symbolism of its older brother, with the only difference that its deadly function is more noticeable. The allegorical figure of the Old Woman with a scythe had the strongest influence on the mass consciousness of superstitious people. This gloomy medieval stereotype did not take shape all of a sudden: the personified Death had a considerable arsenal of frightening weapons (sword, spear, trident, arrows, hourglass, etc.), but the scythe gradually pushed them into the shadow, turning into the main attribute of Bones.

A hammer, like an ax, is an instrument of the thunder deities (Vishnu, Torah, etc.) and symbolizes a thunderclap or a flash of lightning. Initially, it was a tool of a blacksmith, acting in the mythological tradition as a demiurge; for this reason, the hammer is endowed with the magical ability to create. The hammer, in relation to the anvil, personifies the masculine, active principle. It acts simultaneously as an instrument of creation and destruction. The hammer of the Scandinavian god Thor Mjöllnir was used not only as a throwing weapon, but also as a ritual means of approving contracts and marriage unions (since the hammer was generally considered an attribute of a blacksmith, “forging bonds”, including symbolic ones). The first mention of the pentagram as a symbol of evil refers to the infamous Templar process. In interrogation documents, she is mentioned by the knights as a symbol,hanging around the neck of an idol named Baphomet.

So, let's summarize. I had a version that the hammer and sickle is not exactly what we were always told. It has nothing to do with the union of workers and peasants. This explanation is for the slaves of a captured country. The same thing as parents “otmazyutsya” with cabbage and storks on the child's question: - “Where did I come from? in fact, this symbolism is deeply rooted in history and originates from the events that happened even when humanity itself was completely different, such as we no longer remember. But there are those who remember. Who pass on knowledge from generation to generation. a very small group of people (or not quite people), which like the apple of an eye keeps the secret of the origin of the Earth and man. Which has unprecedented power, and shares with the slaves strictly dosed, as the experiment progresses. First, religions were given to explain the incomprehensible phenomena, then Einstein and Darwin, now they were allowed to look at the title pages of the first volumes of "Genetics" and "Information Technologies". Hopefully the experiment enters a new phase, and soon we will be given access to a new level of information.