Scientists Have "read" The Genome Of The Russian - Alternative View

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Scientists Have "read" The Genome Of The Russian - Alternative View
Scientists Have "read" The Genome Of The Russian - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have "read" The Genome Of The Russian - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have
Video: Александр Панчин: «Куча людей не догадываются, что может современная наука» // Час Speak 2024, September

For the first time, scientists from the Kurchatov Institute have completely decoded the genome of a Russian. “We decoded it on our own, in just six months and at a much lower cost than it took to create a genetic portrait of an American, European and African,” Vesti reports

“A tremendous breakthrough has been made at the Kurchatov Institute, we are among the countries that can decipher the complete human genome,” says Mikhail Kovalchuk, Director of the Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, RAS Corresponding Member. - So, you know what you will be predisposed to, what diseases and risks can await you and not only you, but also the generations that will follow you. And that means creating opportunities for fundamentally new personal medicine. The genome is actually a cheat sheet showing what a person is made of.… It is hidden in DNA molecules. 99.9% of the genome in humans is the same, but it is the remaining one tenth of a percent that is responsible for the fact that each person is unique. It determines a person's appearance, his mental characteristics - whether he will be brilliant, curious, aggressive, and sometimes there is also a predisposition to terrible diseases.

The genetic characteristics of the Russian person have yet to be studied in detail, but some conclusions can already be spoken about - no problems with alcohol were originally laid in him.

"We are exactly the same as the Europeans, in fact, " says Konstantin Skryabin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of the genomic project of the Kurchatov Institute, shares the results of the study. - Because what they say about Russians is not true. But further, when we move towards Asia - there, of course, it is different. And now we understand why this is so. There are medications that are used for heart disease. It works for Africans and does not work for whites. Or Icelanders and residents of the North of Russia are more resistant to AIDS infection, because they have one or two point mutations. "Now scientists know how to find these mutations, how to" read "them. This means that a person can be warned about the threat of cancer. Alzheimer's diseaseand many other diseases for many years, if not decades before their development. “If we received information that there is a predisposition to some kind of cancer, we may already limit ourselves to smoking, we will not go to harmful production,” explains Natalya Gruzdeva, Researcher, Laboratory of Genomic Analysis. “Thus, we will no longer be in a situation where they hit us like a butt on the head: hello, you have such and such a disease.” Moreover, the ability to decode genes, experts believe, will sooner or later allow changing them and completely eliminating the threat diseases. Some scientists say: " People are machines that carry out the orders of their genome. But we can stop this disgrace - to arrange a revolt of machines."The human genome has already been deciphered in 8 countries of the world and in some there are concerns, but will all ethical issues be resolved? Will there not be a division of people into those who have everything in order with their genes and those who do not? In the United States, for example, a law has already been passed prohibiting insurance companies from discrediting patients for genetic reasons.
