Mecca Of Extraterrestrial Contacts Turned Out To Be A Hoax Of Spanish Students - Alternative View

Mecca Of Extraterrestrial Contacts Turned Out To Be A Hoax Of Spanish Students - Alternative View
Mecca Of Extraterrestrial Contacts Turned Out To Be A Hoax Of Spanish Students - Alternative View

Video: Mecca Of Extraterrestrial Contacts Turned Out To Be A Hoax Of Spanish Students - Alternative View

Video: Mecca Of Extraterrestrial Contacts Turned Out To Be A Hoax Of Spanish Students - Alternative View
Video: The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong? | TRACKS 2024, September

British ufologists are proud of their discoveries of the Roswell incident, and their Spanish colleagues still celebrate the visit of the Ummite expedition to our planet. 65 years have passed since then, but the Mecca of extraterrestrial contacts turned out to be a grandiose hoax of students, but how did they manage to deceive the researchers?

The first information about the landing of extraterrestrial guests from a distant space object in the Provencal Alps appeared in the 50s. Then the Ummites flew here on three UFOs and had quite friendly intentions in relation to earthlings, because they were interested in the flora and fauna of the planet, as well as humanoids were eager to study our civilization. According to the documents, they were brought here by Morse code, which was used by a Norwegian whaler in the 30s. How could the researchers know about such a mission? It turned out that extraterrestrial beings themselves decided to inform humanity about their plans, so in 1966 many newspapers and scientists began to receive mysterious messages in different languages, where a purple seal was clearly visible. Even politicians were not spared these gifts, but the letters contained information about the visit,after which the envoys decided to share with the people the story of their society, and then called to unite in a world government in order to avoid war and other conflicts.


In the mid-60s, the Spanish ufologist Jose Luis Jordan Peña convened a conference at which he told about his contact with aliens with a strange symbol on his device. Such a revelation caused an unprecedented excitement in the media and among colleagues, and then letters began to appear and the UFO researcher Enrico Villagrasa received a parcel containing pictures taken near this place. Then another specialist, Fernando Sesma, could not resist, who publicly announced his readiness to become a messenger of humanity before the inhabitants of the Ummah after he also read similar appeals. The most interesting was their beginning, mentioning transcendence, and at the end there was a familiar pictogram. Then it became known that during this time the inhabitants of Madrid received 260 cosmic revelations with 1000 pages of text, but then the flow suddenly sharply decreased and disappeared.


This happened after the sensational confession of the first contactee, who decided in the 90s to reveal the truth to society. Peña noted that he was forced to confess by the French ufologists Jacques Vallee and Jean-Pierre Petit, who also became victims of letters from aliens. They then carefully examined the materials and noticed that the UFO images were fake, and the texts, apart from the usual information of a sociological nature, did not reveal anything new. It was hard to believe that the Ummites had come such a long way to wish people further prosperity. It did not mention extraterrestrial technologies or processes that contributed to the origin of the universe. Such information caused a natural skepticism among scientists who called humanoids "humanitarian phenomenon." However, they all noted the scale of the hoax, which required great efforts of the intellect. There are now identical messages recorded where 160,000 pages are mentioned.


It turned out that the culprits of the extraterrestrial rally were students who opposed the Franco dictatorship in the 60s. They invited the ufologist to publish their calls for communism under the guise of a story about a distant planet from which such mythical guests came. But the initiators of the venture were Russian members of the diaspora formed during the war. Then they got the book by Efremov "The Andromeda Nebula", and the writer himself long ago became the idol of youth in the USSR and his work was elevated to a cult. The author's fantasy concerning the description of space came to the Spaniards after translation in France, so they immediately decided to take advantage of the situation and create their own planet Umma. The messages were received by many domestic experts, who noted the clear similarity of the materials with the work of the idol of people. But they decided that in this way he wants to convey the idea of the distant future,because in the messages a lot of information was devoted to earthly events.

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Public interests became the priorities of the inhabitants of the planet, so that children were brought up outside of their parents, who were busy with the tasks of the High Council. It looks like a global network without virtual reality, because the Internet did not yet exist at that time. Philosophical reasoning is reminiscent of the theory of Vernadsky and the teachings of reason and free will. When science fiction writer Arthur Clark got such analogs, he immediately called them network intellectual marketing, reminiscent of the familiar “letters of happiness”. After them, new ideas of unrecognized geniuses appeared in various fields of activity, where the descriptions clearly contradicted each other.


This is especially clearly seen in pseudoscientific theories taken from other sources. People tend to believe in legends, and therefore, even after the exposure, rumors began to appear about the special services that forced the Spaniard to renounce his confession. Now such messages continue to be received by residents of different countries, but the topics of ecology and global disasters have already been touched upon, so it can be assumed that the relay race ended up in the hands of conservationists. Many experts consider the phenomenon to be unusual and warrant further research. This strongly resembles the Voynich manuscript, where it was also difficult to distinguish mysticism from real events that happened in the distant past.

Reshetnikova Irina
