Numerous UFOs Over Turkey - Alternative View

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Numerous UFOs Over Turkey - Alternative View
Numerous UFOs Over Turkey - Alternative View

Video: Numerous UFOs Over Turkey - Alternative View

Video: Numerous UFOs Over Turkey - Alternative View
Video: NASA now investigating Navy's UFO videos: 'There is something there' 2024, September

In the early morning of November 1, 2002, the commanders of the four airborne airliners reported to the Flight Security Service of the Turkish Civil Aviation Administration that in the time interval 05:30 - 05:45, strange brightly glowing objects appeared in the sky between the cities of Afyon and Yalova.

Eyewitness accounts

According to the pilots, one of the objects mentioned was rapidly moving in the direction of the other, hovering motionless and emitting a yellow pulsating light. Having caught up with the hovering object, the mobile one suddenly disintegrated into 10-15 "pieces" of lesser size, which did not lose their former brightness and continued to fly at high speed in the same direction. All this took place at an altitude of about 11,000 meters. The same picture was observed by the crew members of two more aircraft standing on the airfield of the airport.

But on that early morning, not only pilots saw the strange lights in the sky. Khalil Yalcin, who was driving with his wife in a car along the highway between the cities of Balikesir and Susurluk in northwestern Turkey, not only saw them, but also filmed with a video camera for 22 seconds. One of the frames clearly shows a stationary source of pulsating yellow light and fragments of a newly decayed object flying past it, emitting a white glow. On the frame, the camera automatically fixed the date: 2002-01-11 and the shooting time: 5:38:57.

Assumptions and speculations

The incident was reported on radio, television and in newspapers, with headlines like "UFO Armada raid on Turkey" sounded and flashed.

Promotional video:

The information about the incident was picked up by the international press, and then the representatives of NASA, referring to the Russian Glavkosmos, reported that on the night of October 31 to November 1, nothing unusual was observed in the sky over Turkey: they simply entered the dense layers of the atmosphere and burned out the spent intermediate stages the carrier rocket of the Soyuz spacecraft launched on October 30.

However, according to the pilots who witnessed the amazing celestial extravaganza with their own eyes, this explanation did not correspond at all to what they saw with their own eyes. Some of them sent letters describing their experiences to Haktan Akdogan, founder and head of the Sirius Center, Turkey's main organization for the study of the UFO phenomenon, and asked him to explain what really happened. In addition, Khaktan Akdogan, who was also the director of the International UFO Museum in Istanbul, received the above-mentioned video of Khalil Yalchin.

It is noteworthy that the official scientific institutions and authorities of Turkey did not comment on the numerous reports that appeared in the media about this case.

Turkish ufologist analyzes the situation

Dr. Akdogan shared his thoughts on the mysterious "light show" with Linda Howe, an American journalist and writer, ufologist and researcher of anomalous natural phenomena.

This is how she described what she heard on her website.

If we summarize the most detailed information received from the pilots who observed the whole picture of what was happening from different points in space, take into account the reports of other witnesses and carefully study the frames of the video tape of Khalil Yalchin, then we can propose a hypothesis about what really happened that night in the sky over Turkey.

After a detailed study of all the information received from the pilots, the following picture emerges.

At first, a bright fire seemed to flare up in front of them, which could be mistaken for the light of the aircraft headlights on. As the light source approached, another appeared next to it. It was a motionless pulsing yellowish fire. Then the pilots saw several white lights shining with an even, unblinking light. After that, the fire, which they initially mistook for headlights, began to change its position in space and lose brightness. During this time, the yellow pulsating fire remained unchanged. Following this, a third light source appeared in the field of view of the pilots - a large and bright white light. It flew quickly towards the motionless pulsing fire, came close to it and immediately after that began to disintegrate. It crumbled into 12-15 fragments, each of which, according to pilots' estimates, was 30 to 40 meters in diameter,that is, it was not inferior in size to the Boeing-747.

It is very noteworthy that all the fragments were moving away from the yellow flickering fire with the same high speed, maintaining the "close formation" and the horizontal direction of flight. At the same time, the yellow fire continued to pulsate at a constant frequency, approximately twice a second. This gave the pilots a reason to consider the mentioned fragments as a UFO squadron, especially since, as the onboard radars of their aircraft showed, there were no unknown devices around. True, the radars also did not feel the brightly glowing and perfectly visible "UFO squadron" with the naked eye.

The version that it was a "meteor shower" disappeared immediately. After all, it cannot consist of "raindrops" with a diameter of 30-40 meters, flying in a close group, and besides, also horizontally. Obviously, the source of yellow pulsating light that hung motionless in the sky could not have been a meteorite. The version about the fragments of the carrier rocket of the Russian Soyuz spacecraft burnt in the atmosphere was also not confirmed. It is reliably known that all the used and discarded intermediate stages and other elements of its launch vehicle really entered the dense layers of the atmosphere at about the time when the mysterious fireworks were observed in the sky. But only the dimensions of these elements did not exceed three meters, and such small "pieces" could not reach the height of 11,000 meters, at which, according to the eyewitness pilots, the "fiery extravaganza" was unfolding. They should have completely burned up in the atmosphere much earlier. And besides, how could the “pieces” of the carrier, having split into 15-20 fragments, retain after that a bright glow, and even fly horizontally, contrary to the laws of gravity?

It is very important that quite numerous eyewitnesses in different parts of the country observed exactly the picture of the development of events described above. Among the "earthly" witnesses is, first of all, Khalil Yalchin, whose video is an irrefutable proof of the authenticity of the events that took place. In addition, several dozen residents of different cities and villages saw them from the ground, including an imam, who was heading to the mosque to perform the morning prayer - namaz.

Two versions of Dr. Akdogan

Further, Khaktan Akdogan offered the most likely, from his point of view, explanation of what happened, with the reservation that to someone it may seem completely implausible.

It is obvious that the disintegration of a brightly shining object, rapidly approaching a stationary source of pulsating yellow light, was the result of the latter's active influence. And this was a purposeful and conscious impact, after which the luminous object ceased to exist as such, and the pulsating light source, remaining intact and unharmed, retained its motionless position in space. This could happen only if the pulsating source was a controlled artificial structure, which is a product of high technologies of extraterrestrial origin. Earthlings, even Americans, are not yet capable of creating such structures and launching them into space. As for the moving luminous object, then, most likely, it really was a giant meteorite,whose fall to the ground threatened all of us with a terrible disaster.

But the most important thing is not even that. In the context of unabated political tension in the Middle East, as well as due to the growing global threat of terrorism, the fall of such a meteorite and the accompanying explosion of enormous force could be mistaken for anything. And someone with the appropriate power could, without hesitation for a long time, "play a battle alarm", and someone's hand - it's scary to think! - reach for the nuclear button …

Thus, according to the hypothesis of Dr. Akdogan, more than ten years ago, some extraterrestrial intelligent forces may have prevented a terrible military and environmental catastrophe on Earth.

The strange horizontal flight of the meteorite, as well as its fragments after destruction, can be explained by the fact that the "guardian angels" of the Earth captured it with a certain energy field already on the distant approaches to the planet and with acceleration pulled it to their citadel soaring in the sky, and after the destruction gave an additional impulse the resulting fragments. As a result, they stayed in the Earth's atmosphere much longer than if they flew directly downward under the influence of gravity alone. Therefore, the fragments managed to completely burn out before reaching the earth's surface. This is confirmed by the absence in these days of reports of falling to the earth of any heavenly "stones".

However, according to the Turkish ufologist, another version of what happened has no less right to exist.

The rapidly flying luminous object could not be a meteorite, but another extraterrestrial artificial structure created by other high-tech owners who are in hostile relations with the former. And then all eyewitnesses of this cosmic fireworks turned out to be accidental witnesses of a cruel fight between representatives of two intellects equally alien to us, who, perhaps, are completely indifferent to both the well-being and the very existence of the Earth and its inhabitants …

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №14. Author: Vadim Ilyin