In Altai They Are Looking For A Meteorite Again - Alternative View

In Altai They Are Looking For A Meteorite Again - Alternative View
In Altai They Are Looking For A Meteorite Again - Alternative View

Video: In Altai They Are Looking For A Meteorite Again - Alternative View

Video: In Altai They Are Looking For A Meteorite Again - Alternative View
Video: Did I Find a Meteorite? How to identify a REAL meteorite or meteorWRONG! Sudbury Crater Canada, Chat 2024, September

An expedition from Krasnoyarsk arrived in search of the meteorite that fell this winter in the Altai Territory. Today the editorial office of the IA "Amitel" was visited by the head of this expedition, a member of the Astronomical and Geodetic Society of Russia Sergey Kotelnikov.

He said that the four-man expedition intended to stay in Altai until early September. During this time, they plan to visit the regions of the region (in particular, to visit the Uglovsky and Yegoryevsky districts), where residents observed an unusual phenomenon.

According to eyewitness accounts, the researchers will try to draw up the trajectory of the meteorite, and thus calculate its place of impact. “If we succeed, then in the future, directly in search of the meteorite, or its parts, we will come with a more numerous expedition, - said Kotelnikov, - since this work is laborious and requires a lot of time and a large number of people.”

According to Sergei Kotelnikov, he was not convinced by the materials found by the members of the Kosmopoisk expedition. (It took place in May) “Only the Committee on Meteorites should give a final conclusion on whether this substance is a meteorite or not. Yes, I heard that it was already stated that the Kosmopoisk expedition found the fragments of the meteorite, and that they were transferred to the Committee on Meteorites for an accurate conclusion. However, although I maintain contacts with the Committee, I still have no information that this substance got there, and even more so there is no information that it was recognized as a fragment of a meteorite,”Kotelnikov explained.

However, Sergey Kotelnikov refused to discuss his colleagues “in the shop”, saying only that he could speak only for himself: “I do not hope that I will definitely find a meteorite here. For almost thirty years of experience of my activity in this vein, I became convinced that this is a very laborious work. And I am not one of those who necessarily brings a meteorite from every expedition."

Recall that in the evening, January 10, 2007, an unidentified flying object swept over the villages of the Uglovsky and Yegoryevsky districts of the Altai Territory, and then a strong explosion was heard. It was later suggested that a meteorite could be the culprit.

The stones found by the researchers have already been sent to Moscow.

The fall of meteorites for the Altai Territory is not so rare - more than twenty cases are known. The first known one was found on May 9, 1840 - the " Karakol " metorite, its weight is 2.6 kg.

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A meteorite is stored in Shipunovo, found several years after its fall on the field in September 1954. Its weight is 16 kg. The last time a meteorite fell on the territory of the region was in 2004 in the Altai region. But the substance was never found.
