Secret Laboratories: Why Does The US Need Russian Genetic Material - Alternative View

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Secret Laboratories: Why Does The US Need Russian Genetic Material - Alternative View
Secret Laboratories: Why Does The US Need Russian Genetic Material - Alternative View

Video: Secret Laboratories: Why Does The US Need Russian Genetic Material - Alternative View

Video: Secret Laboratories: Why Does The US Need Russian Genetic Material - Alternative View
Video: 5 Scary Russian Experiments Russia Doesnt Want You To Know 2024, July

American military biologists surround Russia with secret laboratories in order to gain control over the Russian human genome. What is it for? We continue the topic.

I must say that such a subtle biological machine as a person is constantly influenced by various factors. Some of them also affect genes, causing various changes in them. They are called mutations. Most of these mutations are harmless, even completely invisible, but they leave marks about themselves in the chromosomes. These marks are consistent, like entries in a diary. Thanks to this, on such "records" you can walk into the depths of history, like a ladder of ancestors.

At the same time, these marks are parallel, or rather divergent. This is understandable: one father has several sons, one of them was visited by the mutation, the other was not, the third was "hit" by another - and in general, the descendants of one ancestor carried different marks with them. A sort of twigs on a tree.

It was by these marks that scientists came to the forefather of all modern mankind, immediately called, of course, "Adam". We, his current descendants, are divided into 20 large "offshoots" called haplogroups. Simply put, these are groups of people who have one common ancestor. Further, haplogroups are divided into smaller "branches" called subclades, and so on. As a result, a “family tree” is written in the chromosomes of each of us.

Long journey history

Naturally, we need to make a reservation again: belonging to different haplogroups does not mean any difference in the biological properties of people. We will repeat, we are talking only about records, about marks in, so to speak, a genealogical passport. They do not change anything in nature, just as nothing changes in you, say, a mark in a real passport about the change of registration from Pokrovka to Tushino. But your children, seeing her, can say: my parents once lived in the center of Moscow.

Genomic editing is on the promising agenda today. Photo: Jochen Tack / Globallookpress
Genomic editing is on the promising agenda today. Photo: Jochen Tack / Globallookpress

Genomic editing is on the promising agenda today. Photo: Jochen Tack / Globallookpress.

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However, another thing is also true: people are really different. And something depends on belonging to one or another ancestral line. For example, lactose, milk tolerance. Or a tendency to catch certain infections. Or, conversely, innate immunity. Of course, all these properties were developed depending on the differences in the natural environment where the ancestors lived, on the nutritional base, on the climate, and so on. But it is precisely the "marks in the passport" that make it possible to navigate where which properties could be acquired or lost.

For example, most of the Russians once lived with most of the Indians and Chinese as part of the haplogroup P, which today is represented, in particular, by the Papuan inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. The very ones who run completely naked and threaten the flying helicopters with wooden spears. The natural conditions in which we lived further made us different, but these haplogroups can tell a lot about what and how much - and, most importantly, how to intervene in it.

So that's it. Such haplogroups - large, basic - have been found 20. They go back, if without difficulties, to haplogroup A. It is African and is still represented in Africa. Just like haplogroup B. But haplogroup C is already fixed in the Middle East, from where its carriers began to disperse around the planet, simultaneously receiving mutations and further dividing into other haplogroups.

Slightly less than 50% of the Russian population - and in purely Russian outbacks and up to 90% - belong to the R1a haplogroup. This does not mean that the other half are not Russians. Haplogroup, we repeat, is not an ethnos. This is just a designation of belonging to one or another ancestral line. Ethnicity is self-identification. As a family in which two different ancestral lines are connected. There are more than ten such haplogroups in the Russian people. But the largest in number, except for R1a, are N1a and I2a.

Haplogroup R1a originated about 22,800 years ago in Southern Siberia and Turkestan, and its further path is quite clearly traced not only genetically, but also geographically and even archeologically. By the way, at about the same time and in the same place, there was a division with haplogroup Q, to which most of the Indians of both Americas now belong. Future Indians poured into America, making their way sideways past the glaciers to the warm south, right up to the Amazon, and the future Russians ran to the Balkans, until they found a wonderful refuge there - the so-called Balkan refugium. A refuge, of course, from the last (at the moment) glacier - the so-called younger Dryas. There, in the valleys among the mountains, the influence of the cold climate was smoothed out, but the beast, who fled, like people, from the onset of the ice wall, crammed into it a lot!

And here, in this refugium, the R1a people met the I2a people. Who also waited out dashing times in relative warmth. And when the so-called Meyendorf warming came - the first warm period after the glacial maximum (14,450-13,800 years ago) - these people had already descended from the Balkans together and went to explore the open spaces.

Just let's not create illusions for ourselves that they ALL went together. For, of course, the haplogroups did not gather in a handful and did not go into the unknown in a dense mass. At that time people did not know genetics, just as they did not know imperialism and its corrupt girls.

They left in communities, uniting not according to the principle of genetics, but according to the principle of complementarity. Liked each other, to put it simply. And these different groups of sympathizers dispersed in different directions, forming different tribes and archaeological cultures.

But let us note to ourselves: the two most numerous ancestral lineages of the present-day Russian people have already lived in the same natural conditions since then.

What can be done with this data

Well, for example, to combine that ancient history and modernity.

For example, think about why the Pentagon needs to place even biological laboratories that are banned in the United States on the other side of the world, when nearby there are the same obedient and ready for anything lapdog countries - Haiti, Puerto Rico, the notorious Honduras. Why is Ukraine more interesting for the development of biological warfare agents?

Obviously! The fact that somewhere out there, in the region of Ukraine, and their combat use is planned. And for this, two circumstances characteristic only of a given area are important: climatic conditions, on which viruses and pathogens critically depend, and the presence of biological material, which pathogens must act on in the right way, while remaining harmless to other people.

And what is the difference between some people and others? We just looked at this - in genetics. And at once all the logic is built into a consistent picture.

We have a biolaboratory in Kazakhstan's Alma-Ata, the construction of which was funded by the US Department of Defense. Yes, officially this so-called Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) at the M. Aikimbaev National Research Center for Highly Dangerous Infections (NSCOOI) was created within the framework of the Executive Agreement on Elimination of Weapons of Mass Destruction Infrastructure between Kazakhstan and the United States.

Let's not even find fault with the word "infrastructure" when applied to a biological laboratory. There is one - the old Soviet laboratories on an island in the Aral (former) sea. Let the old ones - the Americans are still interested.

But maybe they are also interested in something else? What follows from considering the migrations of people of haplogroup R1a. For example, a large representation of R1a among the Kyrgyz, Tajiks, a number of Pashtun tribes? And also among the higher castes of Hindus?

Or, for example, the US Ambassador to Kiev Christina Queen personally admits the presence in Ukraine of as many as 15 secret biological laboratories belonging to … the Pentagon! Moreover, it is said that in these laboratories, among other things, experiments with "human pathogens" are carried out.

US Ambassador to Kiev Christina Queen does not deny the presence of Pentagon biolaboratories in Ukraine. Photo: Pavlo Gonchar / Globallookpress
US Ambassador to Kiev Christina Queen does not deny the presence of Pentagon biolaboratories in Ukraine. Photo: Pavlo Gonchar / Globallookpress

US Ambassador to Kiev Christina Queen does not deny the presence of Pentagon biolaboratories in Ukraine. Photo: Pavlo Gonchar / Globallookpress.

What is it like? The American Ministry of Defense cannot eat as much, so wants to help the Ukrainian people to cope with "human pathogens"? Or will the real answer be the fact that, from a genetic point of view, the population of today's Ukraine is a complete copy of the Russian people? Is that with an increase in the proportion of I2a to the southwest. Yeah, closer to that very "Balkan refugium" …

What logic dictates happens

What does the discovered logic tell us next? That's right, look for American military biological laboratories in Moldova. And what?

No private data needed! American diplomats themselves openly admit again: Moldova participates in the Pentagon's programs on biosafety and bio-surveillance!

True, the Moldovan authorities themselves only know about this, and the very activity of biological laboratories for them is the same secret as in Georgia. Only the press expresses cautious concern that

At the same time, by the way, the issue is conveniently resolved with the Serbs: they also have a large number of R1a and I2a carriers …

It is noteworthy that the Moldovan government has granted the personnel of this center diplomatic privileges and immunity from arrest, detention and prosecution in criminal, civil and administrative cases. The employees of the center are exempt from any taxation and other fees, as well as immigration restrictions and compliance with the procedures for registering foreigners.

Well, how else can you take care of the health of Moldovans?

Wait, doesn't Georgia fall out of this logic? No, it doesn't fall out. First, the Russians are nearby. Secondly, their historical ancestors in the form of immigrants from the Indo-European cultures of the Black Sea region took this very road to the Transcaucasia and the Middle East, where they laid the foundation for many local ethnic groups. Third, and finally, the Caucasus itself is such a storehouse of a wide variety of haplogroups, which is richer than only the storehouse of local languages for a linguist. And here approaches to genetics are born not only of Russian citizens from the regions of the North Caucasus, but also to the genetic health of residents of Turkey, the Middle East and … Who should I say? Or guess yourself? Well, of course, here it is, Iran, hostile to the United States! Across the road actually …

Yes, but there is another significant haplogroup in the Russian people - N1a: from 10% in the south to 35% in the north of Russia. What's wrong with her? Is it not focused on the development of strains that overcome human immunity, or microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics common in Russia?

Latvia and Estonia, as members of the NATO bloc, also participate in the respective biological and genetic research programs * for defense *. Photo: Michal Kamaryt / Globallookpress
Latvia and Estonia, as members of the NATO bloc, also participate in the respective biological and genetic research programs * for defense *. Photo: Michal Kamaryt / Globallookpress

Latvia and Estonia, as members of the NATO bloc, also participate in the respective biological and genetic research programs * for defense *. Photo: Michal Kamaryt / Globallookpress.

She actually came from the Urals, and before that - from Transbaikalia. The Americans do not have their own lapdogs there. But there are many representatives of this haplogroup in Latvia and Estonia. And what do we see there? That's right, these countries, as members of the NATO bloc, participate in the relevant programs of biological and genetic research "in the interests of defense". And the most interesting thing, you know? Yes, yes, in the scientific literature one can find an unusually wide number of articles on the results of genetic research in the north of Russia, in which … Estonian scientific or educational institutions took part. And how they sponsor, how they sponsor! They are very interested in the genetic origin of the Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Erzyans with Moksha …

But the matter can go a little further

With all of the above, the development of biological weapons in itself is still yesterday. As the global experiment with covid carried out by the Americans showed, this weapon is very indiscriminate, imperfect, and most importantly, uncontrollable. As a result, the infection that had been planted on the Chinese returned to the United States, where it modified itself and hit the Americans with such diseases and deaths that, according to these tragic statistics, they overtook the rest of the world.

And genomic editing is on the promising agenda today. This is a technology that allows you to directly intervene in the "program code" of the human body, which was discussed above. But not to interfere as much as gene modification, when something from another was “attached” to the genome. Namely, the correction of the genomic code. Which, of course, is not done using computer program code. But as?

And how useful the biological centers of the Pentagon, familiar with the genetics of target ethnic groups, will be here!