Secrets Of The Lost Places - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Lost Places - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Lost Places - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Lost Places - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Lost Places - Alternative View
Video: Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century Chateau in France (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years) 2024, September

Perhaps the most famous and least mysterious "black place" in Russia is the famous Death Valley in Kamchatka, which became known back in the early 30s of the last century, when hunters who had lost their dogs stumbled upon their corpses in the upper reaches of the Geysernaya River, near the foot of the Kikhpinych volcano.


In addition to the dead dogs, numerous half-decayed carcasses of other animals and birds were seen on a site about two kilometers long and up to three hundred meters wide. And although the hunters very quickly left such an ominous place, they still paid with a sharp deterioration in their health. Attracted by rumors about such an unusual place, amateur expeditions set out to Kamchatka. Many of them, alas, ended tragically: dozens of enthusiastic researchers died trying to unravel the mystery of Death Valley.

Despite the fact that scientists quickly assumed that animals and birds died due to poisoning with carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, which were released as a result of volcanic activity, some ambiguities remained. The fact is that these gases act rather slowly and such large animals as bears and wolverines should have had time to leave the danger zone. The fact that, having tasted the meat of an animal that died in the valley, a completely healthy bear died almost immediately was striking. Only in 1982, scientists were able to establish that highly toxic cyanide compounds are present in the volcanic gases in Death Valley, which in some cases caused almost instant death of people, animals and birds.

If the secret of the Kamchatka Valley of Death can be considered solved, then another "lost place" - the Devil's Cemetery - in the area where the Kova River flows into the Angara still continues to confuse the minds of researchers. There is clearly something more mysterious than volcanic gases. Indeed, according to the recollections of old-timers, the Devil's Cemetery appeared in 1908, immediately after the fall of the so-called Tunguska meteorite. Local residents then even had to relocate a section of the road to protect their livestock. It was said that at first, in this anomalous place, they observed just a hole in the ground, which over time was littered with dead wood and animal corpses. Thus, a lifeless clearing, covered with bones, appeared. As in the case of Kamchatka's Death Valley, many enthusiasts paid with their lives for trying to solve the mystery. According to researchers of anomalous phenomena,in search of the Devil's cemetery, about seventy people died.

In 1991, an expedition of Vladivostok ufologists, after a long preliminary preparation, still managed to find a mysterious clearing. The researchers even found an image of a devil with an arrow-pointer, which was carved out at one time when the local residents moved the road.

According to the story of Alexander Rempel, a member of the expedition, when approaching the cemetery, the compass behaved strangely, and the device that records electromagnetic radiation began to show the maximum value. The researchers, just in case, were divided into two groups: one went to the mysterious meadow, the other insured it. When approaching the Devil's Cemetery, people began to experience a strange tingling sensation throughout their bodies, and the connection with the insurance group was cut off.

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The clearing was surrounded by black lifeless trees, white bones were visible everywhere. It was already dusk, and they decided to postpone the study until the next day, setting up camp a kilometer from the clearing. Alas, in the morning a number of the expedition members started having such strange health problems (numbness of the body, swelling of the joints, deterioration of vision) that it was decided not to risk it and to conduct a study the next year.


There are also “bad places” in Karelia. One of these places, which still defies any logical interpretation, is located in the Segezha region of our republic, on Segozero. This is a large, deep-water lake, with various kinds of anomalous phenomena constantly observed over the centuries.

Local residents, who have been building their houses along the banks of the Segozero since the 17th century, from generation to generation pass on blood-chilling stories about the Segozero oddities. The most striking of these are related to the "abnormal behavior" of the lake itself. There are a lot of similar stories, so as an example I will cite only one that HZ told me. Lak - Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Geology of the Karelian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

“In 1961, I quite by chance met an old-timer, an old Karelian who lived in the original Karelian village of Karelskaya Maselga, on the southeastern coast of Segozero. He told me about an amazing phenomenon that took place in 1928. From Lysaya Guba, which in its configuration is somewhat anomalous (it is located in the most southeastern part of Segozero and does not fit into the general saucer-like shape of the entire basin of the lake), all the water left in 1928. There were a lot of fish on the surface, which children and even adults began to collect in baskets, in the hem of their shirts and in different containers. However, the adults heard the rumble in time and saw an approaching wave of about five to six meters in height - the water returned with a rumble back into the bay. Everyone was saved, there were no victims. The water returned to its original position. But, in essence,the second miracle happened: the water was warm, and the children began to swim in October.

The next year, in the northern part of Segozero, not far from the headwaters of the Segezha River, a tragedy struck. In this place, the raftsmen always rallied the rafts. The process was carried out with the help of boats on which collar-shaped winches were installed. The depth was known, the boats were anchored, and the anchors were attached to pre-measured ropes. When the rafting works began, the water began to drain unexpectedly, and in a few minutes people found themselves on the dry bottom of the reservoir. A minute later, a huge wave of several meters returned the water to its place. All died. Some of the witnesses of this terrible event, who were at that time on the shore and saw it all with their own eyes, went crazy."

The legends recorded by the author of this article indicate that in the 17th century, a huge pyramidal body allegedly descended from the sky into Segozero, which is still at the bottom of the lake. It is with him that the locals associate the terrible cataclysms that occur there. Science is not satisfied with such legends as a possible explanation, but it is not able to offer any natural explanation for everything that happens.