Dance Of Amazing Halos In The Firmament - Alternative View

Dance Of Amazing Halos In The Firmament - Alternative View
Dance Of Amazing Halos In The Firmament - Alternative View

Video: Dance Of Amazing Halos In The Firmament - Alternative View

Video: Dance Of Amazing Halos In The Firmament - Alternative View
Video: The Deep-Sea Podcast episode 07 - Human impact with Albert II, Prince of Monaco 2024, September

Something amazing happened in the sky over Sydney (Australia). The rising sun was preceded by a network of glowing curls, circles and arches. Adriano Massatani, who photographed the sunrise, noted that it was a rare moment.

This halo is all caused by sunlight shining through ice crystals in cirrus clouds. Usually the halo shapes are simple, but in this case, unusual halos crossed the sky. In the photo we see a 22-degree circle, a 46-degree circle, a Parry arc, a zenith arc, a parhelia and several others. And that is not all! According to Masstanai, he later managed to see the full Pargelian circle - he had dreamed of seeing it for many years.

Parhelium (false sun) is a type of halo that looks like a bright iridescent spot at the level of the Sun. It occurs as a result of the refraction of sunlight in anisotropically oriented ice crystals in the atmosphere. A similar phenomenon can occur in the Moon - Parselene. The earliest depiction of parghelium in painting dates back to 1535. Sometimes a pargelian circle can appear - a light, sometimes rainbow circle, which at the level of the sun bends around the entire sky parallel to the horizon.

The variety of halos that Massatani witnessed was caused by a corresponding variety of ice crystals, which have a rare, almost "jewelry" perfection, as well as their unusually precise alignment. What is the likelihood of these conditions occurring? No one knows. It was definitely a lucky day in Sydney.