In Alaska, Found A Huge Skull Of A Polar Bear From The Legends - Alternative View

In Alaska, Found A Huge Skull Of A Polar Bear From The Legends - Alternative View
In Alaska, Found A Huge Skull Of A Polar Bear From The Legends - Alternative View

Video: In Alaska, Found A Huge Skull Of A Polar Bear From The Legends - Alternative View

Video: In Alaska, Found A Huge Skull Of A Polar Bear From The Legends - Alternative View

In Alaska, specialists managed to find an incredibly large skull of a polar bear. The local residents of the Chukchi region have been telling stories about the legendary giant bear since ancient times. Before the present discovery, scientists were skeptical about such speeches, considering all this to be fairy tales.

The skull of the animal has an elongated occipital part, which suggests that the animal belonged to a special species of predators, about which it is still unknown.

In 2015, they published a scientific paper on the importance of polar bears in the life of the Inuit. This work also contains stories about a huge white beast with an elongated body. The Inuit claimed that a giant bear could only be seen once or twice in a lifetime. And despite its size, such an animal possessed sufficient flexibility and, while running, could dramatically change its trajectory, like a cat.

The finding of the skull testifies to the veracity of the existence of the legendary bear. He was found on the coast of the Chukchi Sea near the town of Barrow.

Scientists have determined that the giant bear lived from 670 to 800 AD, its height was about 4 meters in length.