How To Start Acting Strongly, Or Playing For High Stakes - Alternative View

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How To Start Acting Strongly, Or Playing For High Stakes - Alternative View
How To Start Acting Strongly, Or Playing For High Stakes - Alternative View

Video: How To Start Acting Strongly, Or Playing For High Stakes - Alternative View

Video: How To Start Acting Strongly, Or Playing For High Stakes - Alternative View
Video: "Describe A Time When You Solved A Difficult Problem" INTERVIEW QUESTION 2024, July


Hello, valiant warrior! You don't know how to start acting and do it most effectively - then you have come to the right place. Action is a process that completely determines a person, and therefore our task today will be to initiate into this difficult art.

This story is the second part of the acclaimed saga of actions, in the first part we tried to understand what action is in general and why laziness settles in us, for the sake of completeness it would be nice to read it.

Recognizing the need for action

So how do you get started? First, you should come to the understanding that you cannot, by definition, not act. There is one simple exercise that will help you figure it out for yourself.

Try to remove all the distractions in the room (turn off the TV, phone, close the door, ask not to disturb you for a while), place a chair in the center of the room, sit on it, close your eyes. You don't have to listen to music, watch movies, try to think, meditate, change your position in space, or somehow expend energy, just don't do anything, absolutely nothing. We see how long you will last.

The very first thing that will give up almost immediately is the brain. The brain cannot stand idle, and it will not come to an agreement with it for a long time. The brain will be followed by the body, which also does not like inaction at all, so it will definitely inform you of its displeasure through a numb back, for example.

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If you still continue to show miracles of will, then the brain is again connected to this whole event, starting to file you with thoughts from the category: “My friend, you’re bored at all, why do you continue to sit on the chair? Let's go and do something at last!"

You can try to overcome nature as much as you like, but sooner or later any, even the bravest and most desperate soldier, surrenders.

How to get started effectively

Just now we have clearly understood that not to act is not our option, then let's understand how to start acting in a big way.


Okay, for that we need: a monumental idea and nothing else. It's funny, isn't it? There is no need to frantically search for a desire to act or cultivate 853 qualities that, according to the Internet, will help a person to achieve success - all these are consequences of a monumental idea, why chase after consequences when it is enough to give birth to a reason ?!

What is it all about? For ease of understanding, a monumental idea can be called the meaning of life or the ultimate goal, or the most important thing that you can only imagine in your being. This is the idea that makes a person get up in the morning, which warms him more than anything else, and this is the same idea that all other ideas in your head ultimately boil down to.

Very often we live without ideas, and this just means the absence of that monumental direction in which we would incredibly want to move. It's great if you have the same idea in your mind, but if not, let's find it.

Search for a monumental idea

You can only find it when you ask questions. To find an idea, you will have to constantly beat yourself up with questions from the category: "For what purpose am I doing my business?", "Where would I really like to come?", "What do I like the most?" happy? "," What is most important to me in life and why is it so important?"

The easiest way to find what we are so determined to look for is to set goals. In this process, all the above issues are analyzed.

What kind of ideas can these be? Planting as many trees as possible, playing cool music, creating and raising amazing people, making a million - the idea can be absolutely any, because every person is special. The point here is how significant and beautiful you think the idea is.

Someone will endlessly be moved by the thought of a million dollars in their pocket, but for any such person there will be another who will not be hooked at all by big money, and both of these people in their particular case will be right.

It is not by chance that we start with the search for a monumental idea. If a person's actions are not based on a solid foundation from the idea they pursue, then such actions cannot initially be effective. Take any successful person, study his biography and see that in the life of each such gentleman one final idea can be traced, based on which he builds his activities.

If the prospect of goal setting did not please you at all, then another approach to finding a monumental idea is described in the saga about what is the meaning of human life.

Filtering out unnecessary actions

So you've found the idea. Now what? Now we analyze each action to see if it helps to move in the direction of the idea or not. If you cannot honestly explain to yourself how a certain action will help you get where you are going, then you no longer need to waste time on such an action.

This is only the first step on the way to how to start really acting, but in the context of one particular person, this step is gigantic.

Start acting like a master

Great, they found the idea, removed some unnecessary actions, now there is the last step. The highest level of skill to act is to do only what moves you in your most important direction. We strive for precisely this skill, therefore this article does not pay attention to any other, "not so important" actions.

How is this even possible? Well, well, we can remove some of the useless actions from our lives when we reorganize our thinking, find the very idea and see that in some cases the energy really goes nowhere. But still there are "obligatory" actions such as sleeping, eating, walking the dog, commuting, which can not be done in principle, what about them?

About the meaning of actions

It is important to understand here that the action itself has absolutely no meaning, only the meaning, the idea with which the action is performed, matters. For the meaning depends on how exactly we perform this action and what experience we gain in the process.


For example, walking the dog is of little benefit to us, because we have decided that the whole point of this action is a primitive satisfaction of the animal's needs. Do you really think that this is the deepest meaning that can be given to this action?

If we sharply learned to give meaning to at least a walk with a dog, then one person, walking a dog, would find a lady of the heart, a second, walking a pet, would write a book about animals, a third would lose 40 kilograms, a fourth would earn a million, and the fifth, with the same action, would plant a whole forest of trees.

The initial action for all these people is the same, but each put into it his final idea and came to the results he required. Therefore, the simplest answer to the question "how can I start acting effectively?" is to put a monumental idea into every action. And then, in the process of its implementation, it is necessary to connect thinking and think on the topic "How can I do this in such a way to achieve what I need?"

Mastery by example

If your monumental idea is to plant as many trees as possible, then why not think about how eating or sleeping will help you with this? For a start, you can come to the conclusion that if you do not eat and sleep, then after a while you are unlikely to be able to plant at least one tree.

It turns out that these actions in themselves help you in the implementation of your idea, the very realization of this will allow you to take a responsible attitude to sleep and cook food with love and hellish desire.

But it is not worth dwelling on this, in the process of cooking you can study the properties of the food that you use in order to find the ideal fertilizer for trees, for example. Examine your cutlery, some of which may lead you to a new way of planting trees that will allow them to settle down better. Use these steps as a means of finding the information you need, the expertise you need.

What does all this give?

So you will begin to perform all your actions differently and begin to get different results, because the meaning has changed. The commute to work will cease to be a banal transportation of the body from point A to point B, and washing dishes will never again be a mechanical action to clean cutlery from food.

The beauty of this approach is also that in this way a person learns to love everything that he does. For him, there is no more unnecessary and unnecessary time or energy expenditure, there is only a reasonable investment of time and effort in what will lead you to your innermost desires.

It is unlikely that, among such a concept, the thought can arise in my head: “How does this start to act at last?”, Because the actions begin to look too cool not to engage in them.

Effective activity in detail

In the previous section, we got the principle by which any action becomes effective, and we have a deep interest in performing it. This seed is the main information that needed to be learned.

However, there are a number of features that will help to implement this principle. All these features are comprehended in the process of practice, but why not simplify your task and learn about them in advance? Let's improve your record on this track!

Raise responsibility

Responsibility is a clear understanding of the fact that whatever you do changes the world. Every action has consequences, there are no accidents. We are all very lucky to have energy, it is so strong that with its help you can not only create, but also destroy what was previously created.

A responsible person always carefully monitors where his energy goes and how deep the meaning is invested in each of his actions. When you start treating your resource so respectfully, you no longer have a chance to use it ineffectively. If you really want to figure out how to get started, then just become a responsible person.

Give energy without residue

It is necessary to act with maximum efficiency. So, in order to reproach myself with nothing, so that there are no questions left: "What if I tried harder or did more?" Do not forget that you are acting for the sake of your idea, it is hardly worth saving anything here. Children ideally understand this idea, because they have a lot of energy and they are always busy, but we have already gone through all this in a conversation about the problem of growing up.


Why you don't need to save energy

There are three main reasons why it is the most rational decision to use energy generously.

  1. Each of us already has an inexhaustible supply of energy, because with the help of food (intellectual and physical) and sleep, we are able to synthesize this very energy in the required quantities.
  2. Energy was invented in order to realize it, therefore we can lose energy only when we strive to save it.
  3. A person is adaptive, which means that if you start spending more energy, you will learn to restore more energy. Something inside us notices: "So, it means he spends so much to bring debits to credit, you need to allocate more energy to him." And the more energy we are able to generate, the more brilliant things we will be able to do.

Only exists today

Yes, the search for a monumental idea means that we need to look far ahead, but this is only needed to set the course - nothing more. Life is all in the present.

Every day we grow, which means that yesterday we did less important things than today, and tomorrow we will have even more significant achievements than today. Therefore, there is no tomorrow for today's affairs.

By postponing until tomorrow, we only alienate ourselves from more significant things and risk never getting down to something significant. Stop lamenting with questions about how to get started, just imagine your life ending at the end of this day.

In the same way, there is no yesterday for today. If something worked out yesterday - great, it didn't work out - now it doesn't matter anymore. Today everything is different, today you are a different person who is able to act stronger than it was yesterday. For today, yesterday's information is outdated and no longer relevant.

Think less, do more

Thoughts are of two types: constructive (goals, dreams, desires) and destructive (doubts, negative attitudes regarding the results of actions). The former help us to act, the latter hinder us. Thinking less means putting an end to destructive thinking.

You don’t have to think about whether you will succeed or fail, or be overcome by the question of whether your efforts really change something - this all undermines self-confidence, dampens the desire to act and never gives meaningful information.


Empirism is our everything

We all go through experience. Of course, in your mind you can decide that to fly to the moon is very deep and great, but until we step on it, nothing will be clear to us until the end.

It is very difficult to assess the Moon from the Earth, just as in the mind it is unrealistic to assess the meaning and depth of the idea for which we now decided to act. Actions will allow you to determine whether the right direction was chosen or the energy should be redirected to something else. It is impossible to obtain any such information without action.

Do not be afraid to be mistaken in the main thing, it will happen anyway, and you need to be grateful for this, because this way your new direction will already be more accurate than the previous one.

If you are completely confused, you should not exaggerate in your head for a long time ideas on the topic: "How to start to act and in what direction?" Just when you have no idea what to do at all, it is important to do at least something to clarify.

Faith of the winner

What is faith? - this is another amazing ability of our thinking. We usually choose to believe in the worst outcome, although no one knows the future for sure. From this we get that the worst and the best outcomes by default can happen with equal probability. And if so, then you should think about what is more profitable to believe in?

How often have you been helped by the belief in the worst outcome, and can it help a person in principle? This kind of belief is destructive, so let's change the constants a little and now believe that you will inevitably come to your goals. It will happen anyway, and nothing can stop you. Faith moves mountains, but only if you believe in the beautiful, and not in the terrible.


How to start doing big? - Make action a permanent process and inaction an unnatural state.


Time to take action

A person too often sits and for some reason waits for the weather by the sea. We suggest that you decide that favorable weather has just come and has reigned in your life forever. No matter how old you are, the best time to take action is now.

It doesn't matter how insignificant your actions may have seemed to you up to this point, and it doesn't matter if they didn't really change your life, because you just gave yourself the opportunity to act completely differently.

We hope that on this line the question of how to start acting on a large scale has become rhetorical for you, all that remains is to realize your brilliant idea in action, the world is obliged to see it. Good luck!

At the Top of Mind Team