Big Business: How Pharmaceutical Companies Create Diseases For Their Drugs - Alternative View

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Big Business: How Pharmaceutical Companies Create Diseases For Their Drugs - Alternative View
Big Business: How Pharmaceutical Companies Create Diseases For Their Drugs - Alternative View

Video: Big Business: How Pharmaceutical Companies Create Diseases For Their Drugs - Alternative View

Video: Big Business: How Pharmaceutical Companies Create Diseases For Their Drugs - Alternative View
Video: The power of the pharmaceutical companies | DW Documentary 2024, September

When creating a new drug, pharmaceutical companies are always looking for profitable ways of selling. If a new drug has the potential to become a hit in the market, developers have only two ways: to squeeze the maximum money out of consumers in 20 years (until the clinical trials expire) or to invent new diseases, which will give an opportunity to expand the powers of an exclusive patent.

Pharmaceutical companies have only 20 years to be monopolists in their field and receive all the profits from the sale of a new drug. For this reason, manufacturers are as efficient as possible. Bribes to the attending physicians, investments in bright advertising and other more creative ideas are used. Doctors are ready to write prescriptions for a new expensive miracle drug to each patient. And those, in turn, are ready to buy expensive medicines, because in the minds of people there is a firm conviction that only “good” medicine will help against any disease.


How can a patent be protected

Developers protect their patents in a number of ways. They work directly with drug manufacturers, negotiate, where the main request is to limit the release of old analogues. Also at this stage pricing policy is regulated. The smartest developers do things differently. In an effort to extend the duration of the patent, they are inventing new indications for use. But in order to find a loophole, pharmaceutical employees must be creative in solving the problem.


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Illustrative example

If a drug has proven itself well on the market, then the developers strive to invent a new disease that can be successfully "treated" with the same remedy. You don't have to go far for examples. Everyone knows the drug "Prozac", which is prescribed for depression, and which has managed to take a leading position in its field. The drug is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and is used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. Family doctors and psychotherapists often prescribe it to treat depressive disorders of any severity. In the United States of America alone, Prozac's head sales reach $ 2.6 billion a year.


The developers were seriously enriched, but in order to use their strength and knowledge to test new drugs, they decided to take the path of least resistance, and went for a trick. The information that the drug is an antidepressant has been removed from the Prozac package. A gullible patient will buy this medicine in the hope of curing another illness (such as premenstrual dysphoric disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic attacks) and can have powerful side effects.


The manufacturer acts in tandem with the developer, specifies the necessary information, and the profit is divided according to the agreement. Only then do ordinary people suffer. It is curious that before the invention of "Prozac" women did not know that there is such a "disease" as premenstrual dysphoric disorder. And now only the lazy does not write off female aggression on certain days on PMDD. In addition, now "Prozac" is recommended to appoint shy people before public speaking or in other stressful conditions. Doctors suggest taking a drug to treat mild social phobias. Expansion of powers allowed Prozac to become even more successful and profitable.


Even more powers

This drug is known to reduce sexual function in men. Enterprising pharmacologists and equally enterprising doctors prescribe it to eliminate premature ejaculation. Over time, the "blockbuster" drug acquires more and more new abilities. He is now credited with miraculous powers in treating bulimia and even postpartum depression. If you think that the imaginary possibilities of Prozac are limited by this, you are deeply mistaken.


Let's continue the list of diseases from which this drug can "cure": fibromyalgia, premenstrual syndrome, pathological laughing or crying, agoraphobia, narcolepsy, seasonal affective disorder, body dysmorphic disorder (concern about body defects), trichotillomania (pulling out hair on the head). In fact, the list is endless. As you can see, with the light hand of pharmacists, the usual antidepressant was simply attributed to magical power.

Where does the entrepreneurial spirit of pharmacologists lead?

Nothing is more profitable than a product that a person completely depends on. There is nothing better than convincing perfectly healthy people that they are sick, and bringing them to a state of despair. Thus, the spiders in this giant web are devouring more and more desperate victims.

Is baldness a disease?

Pharmaceutical company Merck has developed a medical treatment for people suffering from prostate adenoma (enlarged prostate). Over time, the growth of hair on the scalp was found in men taking Proscar.


This prompted the developers to release a new line of products based on this drug. So the drug "Propecia" went on sale, which was recommended for male pattern baldness. Now age-related hair loss is being promoted as a "treatable disease", although in fact it is nothing more than a genetic predisposition. Gradual hair loss is normal among the majority of the male population and is an integral part of the aging process. But pharmacologists are unstoppable. Can you imagine the number of people who want to return the appearance of a youthful look? Now imagine the magnitude of Merck's revenue!


Side effects are best kept quiet

Unfortunately, gullible citizens who want to return their former splendor to their hair are putting their health at great risk. In clinical trials, "Propecia" gave a large number of side effects, among which there are decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorders. Nevertheless, the drug has been approved and put on the market. People hungry for their former attractiveness cannot wait. Possible side effects can be kept quiet for the time being. But unsuspecting people learned about this while taking the drug. In New York State alone, more than 700 lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers in total. Merck was aware of the potential side effects and deliberately withheld important information from the consumer. The developers found out during the tests,that problems with sex life do not go anywhere even after the cancellation of "Propecia". And they also kept silent about this.


Children are also at risk

Pfizer has created a drug called Genotropin. This drug is recommended for children with growth disorders and is a hormonal agent. Enterprising American businessmen convinced parents with short children that their children were susceptible to a genetic abnormality. Large-scale work was carried out among the masses. Everywhere in the street it was suggested that tall people in this life have more chances of success, they are more confident in themselves and have no problems in their personal life. What parent would want their child to miss out on all the benefits of a successful life? Of course, the manufacturer has prudently concealed that the hormonal drug has serious side effects. After all, the development of the child's body, its internal organs, should occur in a natural way.


How easy it is to fool gullible women

And if you tell women who do not want to put up with age-related changes in their bodies, about the wonderful properties of "Genotropin", then it can become a real gold mine. If the aging of the body can be recognized as a disease, then money will flow to the manufacturer like a river. There is also a category of professional athletes who can take everything indiscriminately, if only their muscles become harder and their body is more enduring. You just need to come up with an appropriate disease and convince the athlete of this. However, pseudo-diseases only worsen people's health. Therefore, we urge you to be vigilant.