Mysterious Disc Of Death From Teotihuacan (Mexico) - Alternative View

Mysterious Disc Of Death From Teotihuacan (Mexico) - Alternative View
Mysterious Disc Of Death From Teotihuacan (Mexico) - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Disc Of Death From Teotihuacan (Mexico) - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Disc Of Death From Teotihuacan (Mexico) - Alternative View
Video: Teotihuacán, Ancient Mexico's Mysterious Metropolis 2024, July

This mysterious artifact is now kept in the Anthropology Museum of the famous ancient Mexican city of Teotikuan.

It was found in 1963 here, in Theotikuan, at the foot of the Pyramid of the Sun.


Scientists are still arguing about its purpose - the skull in the middle of this circle prompted them to think that this is an image of Miktlantekuhtli - as the Aztecs called the god of death. Accordingly, this disc was named the disc of Death. By the way, it is believed that he was associated with human sacrifice.


Interestingly, this disc is made with amazing precision, its inner edges are the same thickness and carefully finished. In addition, if we look at the reconstruction of this disc, we will see a strange resemblance to the halo of saints on ancient icons. I will add that you can even see images of rockets on these icons.


Promotional video:


Perhaps the ancient gods were somehow connected with space flights, and the disks and halos represented some kind of equipment and equipment. This version is also supported by the fact that many researchers believe that the Road of the Dead at the Pyramid of the Sun is an ancient runway.


By the way, Teotihuacan translates as "the place where the gods touch the ground." And this leads us to think that in antiquity aviation and astronautics could well have existed …

Natalia Trubinovskaya