Chichen Itza - "Well Of The Itza Tribe" - Alternative View

Chichen Itza - "Well Of The Itza Tribe" - Alternative View
Chichen Itza - "Well Of The Itza Tribe" - Alternative View

Video: Chichen Itza - "Well Of The Itza Tribe" - Alternative View

Video: Chichen Itza -
Video: Mayan Pyramids of Chichen Itza | Lost Temples 2024, July

The sacred city of Maya - Chichen Itza - "Well of the Itza tribe" - "place of power", the most famous Mayan center in the Mexican part of Yucatan, a city that united two cultures within its walls - Maya and Toltecs. Chichen Itza was founded (according to academic science) in the 7th century A. D. (late classical period of the Mayan civilization) and was one of the largest cities.


Even at the end of the 5th century. AD began an inexplicable and mysterious migration of the Maya peoples from the low-lying tropical regions of Peten and the valley of the Usumansinta River to the arid lands of the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula. The magnificent cities of the cradle of the Mayan civilization - Palenque, Tikal, Copan, fell into complete desolation. On the new lands, new cultural centers of the Mayan civilization arose - Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Koba.


In the X century, Chichen Itza was captured by the Toltecs under the leadership of Topiltzin Se Acatl Quetzalcoatl - Kukulkan (among the Aztecs and Maya), who came to Yucatan from central Mexico.

At the end of the 12th century, Chichen Itza was defeated by the troops of three city-states: Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal and finally emptied.

It is not known what caused this, since the Spanish invaders who invaded Mexico in the 16th century burned ancient manuscripts. Many of the Mayan cultural monuments have not survived to this day, as they were destroyed by the Inquisition or by time. Much of the mysterious history of the ancient people has been lost.

As the ufologist, writer Erich von Daniken writes in the book Maya Gods: “As for the Maya, first of all, a version suggested itself that they were expelled by alien invaders. But who could have dealt with the Maya, who were at the pinnacle of their civilization and culture? No traces were found anywhere, on the basis of which it would be possible to draw a conclusion about a military clash."

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Daniken believes that "the Maya from the very beginning (early pre-classical period: about 2000-900 BC) possessed accurate astronomical knowledge, as if tables with data and calculations of planetary orbits had fallen from the sky ready for them."


Perhaps in very ancient times, the Mayan ancestors were visited by the "Gods" who gave them knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and the calendar?

Since the "Gods gave their word to return one day", the Mayan priests kept the knowledge gained, creating a new religion of Kukulkan - "Feathered Serpent".

According to Mayan legends, "the gods promised to return from heaven" when, according to the laws of the calendar cycle, the construction of the large structures of Chichen Itza will be completed. In the Mayan calendar, it was prescribed every 52 years (one calendar cycle) to complete a certain number of steps of any structure, astronomically oriented to the stars.

Theosophist, writer, traveler Helena Blavatsky wrote in The Secret Doctrine: Popol-Vuh (the sacred book of the Maya Indians) tells how man was created: “they say that they were created and blinded, they had neither mother nor father … a woman did not give birth to them … only by witchcraft were they created and molded … "? Where did the Maya get the idea of "creating" man?

There is still no answer to the many secrets and mysteries that witnesses of the Maya and Toltec eras in Chichen Itza keep: the pyramid of Kukulkan, the Great Ball Field, the Sacred Cenote, the Caracol Observatory, the Temple of the Warriors, the Temple of the Jaguars, The Group of a Thousand columns”, Temple of Skulls.

Who gave the Maya astronomical knowledge about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto? What does the image of God on the stone in Palenque mean? What was the meaning of the Mayan calendars with calculations for millennia ahead?


Of all the ancient civilizations known to us, the Maya Indians had the most advanced knowledge in astronomy. The Mayan calendar correlates better with the astronomical year than the modern Gregorian calendar. The Mayan solar year had a length of 365.242203 days, which more closely corresponds to the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun than the length of the year in the Gregorian (modern) calendar - 365.2425 days.

The data on the orbit of Venus were known to the Maya with such accuracy that in a century they diverged by less than half an hour, and in 6000 years by only one day. It's hard to imagine how many generations it took to get the result of the need to adjust the orbit of Venus every 100 years by half an hour !?

British astronomer Michael Rowan-Robinson believes that at present such calculations may take several years and equipped with modern electronics observatories. But the Maya did not have measuring instruments and radio telescopes, these people did not know iron and wheels.


Apparently it is no coincidence that the very first round structure of the Maya is the observatory in Chichen Itza - "Caracol" - "snail", which got its name from the internal spiral staircase.

The main temple of Chichen Itza is the pyramid of Kukulkan - "the feathered serpent", 25 meters high, has 9 levels, at the base of the pyramid lies a square with a side of 55.5 meters, on its sides four wide staircases rise, each of which has 91 steps. Scientists believe that the pyramid was based on the principle of the calendar, and the pyramid had astronomical significance.


If the number of steps of the staircase is multiplied by the number of stairs and the platform at the top of the pyramid, on which the temple stands, is considered as another step, the number of days in a year is 91 × 4 + 1 = 365.

The pyramid is built and oriented in such a way that twice a year, on the days of the spring (March 20-21) and autumn (September 22-23) equinoxes, at about 3 pm, the play of shadow and light creates the illusion of a giant snake crawling along the pyramid. In spring the snake "crawls" upwards, and in autumn - downwards. This illusion lasts exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes.

Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotrell in the book "Secrets of the Maya": they write that on the walls of Mayan temples you can find images of "feathered serpents", from the mouth of which human faces "look out". Could this symbol mean that snakes "give birth" to these people, possibly priests who have passed initiation? These masks are believed to be related to the Quetzalcoatl cult.


Until now, scientists argue about the purpose of the "Well of Victims" - the Sacred Cenote of Chichen Itza. This is a deep, circular karst depression filled with water, where, according to researchers, people were dumped as sacrifices to the Gods. Its diameter is 60 meters, its depth is unknown (about 20 meters to the water surface). However, a number of scholars refute the sacrifice hypothesis.

"Acoustic" riddle of Chichen Itza - Large field for ball games. There are 7 so-called “stadiums” in Chichen Itza, but the “Big Stadium” stands out among the rest for its size - this gigantic structure is 146 meters long, 36 meters wide, and the rings are fortified at a height of 8 meters. It seems that giants were playing the ball there. Moreover, the acoustics of the "stadium" is such that two people standing at the northern and southern temples can talk to each other without straining their voices.


According to the scientist, the traveler Andrei Sklyarov ("Ancient Mexico without crooked mirrors"), if we draw a parallel between historical events and the zodiacal periods, we can put forward the assumption that the events reflected in the ancient legend of the Indians of Mesoamerica, about the game of ball between heroes and gods, had place in the era of Gemini, from about 5450 to 4300 BC.

This is quite consistent with the facts that indicate traces of the activities of some "Gods" - representatives of a highly developed civilization in the period before the Flood, which many researchers date the era of Leo.


In The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (vol. 2), the metaphysician and esotericist and paleocontact proponent Drunvalo Melchizedek argues that the Mayan ball games, where two teams played a basketball-like game for a year, are believed to have had their heads cut off. were training programs for overcoming fears.

The Maya thought it was honorable to die like that, in fact, it was all just part of the "training program for high dimensions", because the nature of the fourth dimension is that what you think or feel, actually happens.

All mystery schools and similar training schools around the world have pursued the same thing in various ways - overcoming fears. In the Egyptian mystery schools, the students were led twelve years through training, where they faced all the fears known to man.


Time had the meaning of eternity for the Maya. They not only knew how to accurately determine the moments of past events, but also turned the wheels of time with measurable dates into the future. So far in the future, the event for the Maya was the return of the god Kukulkan.

“In the tenth century, in year 1 Reed, the founder of the city of Tula and the savior of the decayed city of Chichen Itza, the" Feathered Serpent "- Quetzalcoatl - Kukulcan predicted his return on day 1 Reed, year 1 Reed. It was on this day, on "Good Friday" 1519 according to the Christian calendar, that Hernan Cortez arrived in Central America. This was the end of the dramatic collapse of the Mayan civilization "(Jose Arguelles -" The Mayan Factor ").

The disappeared civilizations of the Maya and Toltecs took their knowledge and culture with them, leaving only traces of their existence, which, despite centuries of research, make us lost in conjecture and make the most incredible assumptions and hypotheses.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya
