Lost In The Underworld: The Great Wall Of Texas - Alternative View

Lost In The Underworld: The Great Wall Of Texas - Alternative View
Lost In The Underworld: The Great Wall Of Texas - Alternative View

Video: Lost In The Underworld: The Great Wall Of Texas - Alternative View

Video: Lost In The Underworld: The Great Wall Of Texas - Alternative View
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More than 100 years ago, a mysterious wall was discovered in Texas. And only in our days they began to say that these ruins belong to the antediluvian civilization that inhabited this territory for many centuries in the distant past.

The city built on the site was named Rockwall. Most of its inhabitants do not have the slightest idea about the origin of this place name. It turns out that he got his name after people in search of water found the remains of a strange wall [translated from English, the word "rock" means "rock, stone", and "wall" - "wall". - Approx. transl.] and a giant skull. According to reports, it is a near-perfect rectangle: 6.5 kilometers wide and 11 kilometers long, with a total area of 32 square kilometers. The upper part of the wall rises 168 meters above sea level.

How was this wall discovered? The story tells about three settlers who came to these places in the past. T. Yu. Wade, B. F. Boydston and Mr. Stevenson came here to start a farming community. In 1852, Wade and his family began building a home in the valley on the eastern end of the eastern arm of the Trinity River, just at the western edge of present-day Rockwall. During construction work, Mr. Wade stumbled upon a strange stone formation. During additional excavations, it turned out that this is a stone wall buried underground. Further excavation revealed many stones stacked on top of each other, too heavy for an ordinary person to lift.

People stopped excavations at a level of about nine meters. They decided to no longer extract stones from the formed mine, but instead dig it a little to the side to make a well. During these works, an almost perfect square opening was discovered in the wall, later called a window. Now the depth of the mine reached about 12 meters, but the bottom in this structure was still not visible - and the excavation was stopped due to senselessness.

A few years later, in 1859, Mr. Sanders of Texas completed the work he had begun. As a result of excavations, four megaliths weighing several tons were brought to the surface. On one of the stones were visible some unusual signs resembling pictographic writing.

Over the past hundred years, doors or passages have been found in the wall. The Dallas Morning News reported the 1967 discovery: “Going back to the 20s, T. H. Meredith said a well had been dug on his farm east of Rockwall, and Mr. Meredith stated that excavation excavated a stone wall with an arch over a window or door."


In addition to all that has been said, excavations have revealed curious metal rings inserted into the wall, consisting of an alloy of tin, titanium and iron. “Firstly, this wall is very spectacular, and determining its origin, development and age provides tremendous opportunities for research that will undoubtedly help to understand this phenomenon. However, the most important fact is that geologists do not know the exact processes that could create such a feature; thus, a systematic and detailed study of a part of the wall has the potential to expand our knowledge and discover new data that have not yet been taken into account,”said archaeologist, Ph. D. Randall Moire of Texas.

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According to New Orleans geologist James Shelton, “It's good that examples like the Rockwall Wall are popping up because they test our capabilities and force us to revisit the fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics that have been unquestioned for over 150 years. Physics should abandon this method at the beginning of the century, preferring the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics to it, in order to advance in understanding matter and the universe. New discoveries don't fit this paradigm. The new physics will help us solve issues that we have brushed aside for a long time, so that we do not lose credit."

Further excavations are underway. Josh Reeves founded a fund to raise funds for his personal archaeological research on the wall. The goal is simple - to excavate one or more sections and - in search of an ancient civilization - conduct a full survey, filming every step on video.

Translation by Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info