The Pantheon Is A Concrete Megalith ?! - Alternative View

The Pantheon Is A Concrete Megalith ?! - Alternative View
The Pantheon Is A Concrete Megalith ?! - Alternative View

Video: The Pantheon Is A Concrete Megalith ?! - Alternative View

Video: The Pantheon Is A Concrete Megalith ?! - Alternative View
Video: INT 125 - Lecture 1 Egypt 2024, September

The concrete dome of the Pantheon weighs ~ 5000 tons. The literature claims that the secret of this ancient concrete is lost.


This is a typical microwave evaporator!


Can you imagine a modern concrete dome that can last 2,000 years?

Quote: The composition of the concrete changed depending on the height of the dome: on the lower belts, the filler was solid travertine chips, on the upper ones - chips of tuff and light pumice. The dome rises 22 m above the rotunda, so that the overall height of the building is almost equal to the inner diameter of the rotunda (43.5 m) and reaches 42 m. The floor is paved with multicolored marble; The rotunda wall cladding is also made of multi-colored marble. End of quote.

Have you heard of concrete of variable hardness and density? The Romans, who did not build houses from concrete, suddenly built a miracle from concrete of variable composition! This only happens in fairy tales and in history textbooks:)

Note the high degree of symmetry. It is typical for the production of modern magnetrons. Before us is a dielectric supermagnetron with a 28th-order symmetry axis. Let me remind you that in the Wiltshire Nautilus, the circle is divided into 29 sectors and is a superamplitron.

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Obviously, the columns and pediment of the Pantheon are made of large stone blocks, i.e. The Pantheon is definitely a megalithic structure. This means that the 5000-ton dome of the Pantheon was made by aliens and is a working supermagnetron.

Quote: The portico rests on 16 monolithic granite columns of the Corinthian order with white marble capitals (there are 8 of them on the facade, the height of the columns is 14 m, diameter is 1.5 m); columns support a marble entablature and a triangular pediment. The outer walls of the lobby are partly lined with marble blocks, partly covered with marble cladding. The dome was covered with gilded bronze from above. End of quote.


This photo clearly shows that the inner squares in the dome niches are displaced relative to the outer ones. Thus, an additional gradient of the internal energy of the ether is created and the power of the super-magnetron increases. Unlike modern magnetrons, the Pantheon dome resonates in two degrees of freedom, i.e. both in longitude and latitude. In addition, blind stepped niches are triangular current resonators and have a trapezoidal shape, as in the Makchu Picchu megalithic complex. Pay attention to the small dome painted yellow. If the ornament of crosses and octagons was originally here, then this is an active element of the energy source! In that case, we will soon be able to turn it on …


Aqueducts are megalithic channels for supplying spring water to evaporation complexes. It is possible that in the immediate vicinity of the evaporator they consisted of energy source elements, i.e. preheated water even before entering the evaporator …


Roman forum. Another megalithic complex.