Russian Conspiracy. Church's Fight Against Conspiracies - Alternative View

Russian Conspiracy. Church's Fight Against Conspiracies - Alternative View
Russian Conspiracy. Church's Fight Against Conspiracies - Alternative View

Conspiracy is a very interesting phenomenon. A mixture of pagan magic and Orthodox prayers, gave rise to a whole trend in religious folklore. It is especially pronounced on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Since ancient times, faith in the word has been strong in Russia. By itself, the Russian language carries not only informational, but also a powerful spiritual meaning. And if we take into account the ancient belief in incantations, then Christianity in this matter fell on fertile ground.

The main reason for the appearance of conspiracies was medicine, or rather its complete absence in Russia. This prompted people to seek help, both from the Lord and through magic.

At that time, epidemics destroyed entire villages. And people had to look for protection themselves.

There was an interesting rite of ritual in Russia, "opashka". As soon as a viral disease came to the village. Virgins and pregnant women loosened their hair and went to the edge of the village. The virgins made a symbolic furrow, and the pregnant women followed them, covered the furrow with sand and said: "Let death come when the sand rises." But instead of sand, people developed immunity, but people attributed the sharp healing to magical powers.

During childbirth, too, rarely did it go without conspiracies. In difficult childbirth, the hair was loosened and all the knots were untied. The woman in labor had to drink a whole egg and repeat: "as a hen lays an egg, so I will give birth." Well, if this did not help, then they flung open the windows and doors and began a conspiracy on the icon of the Virgin. The womb of a woman was often called a spool in conversations.

Although the church fought against conspiracies, it did not help. Whole manuscript collections were published, they were passed from hand to hand, copied and remembered.

But there were also conspiracies for evil deeds. So, for example, with the help of charmed menstrual blood, they performed a rite of terrible damage or a strong love spell. Damage was usually done for infertility. For such a woman to be able to remove the spoilage, she had to eat the placenta.

The most used conspiracies have been "creepers". These conspiracies were used by young people to attract the attention of the opposite sex. And they were massively used by young men. Today it has long been known that this is pure psychology, but still a huge mass of people continue to believe in conspiracies.

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