Tartary In The &Bdquo; World History &Rdquo; Dionysius Petavius - Alternative View

Tartary In The &Bdquo; World History &Rdquo; Dionysius Petavius - Alternative View
Tartary In The &Bdquo; World History &Rdquo; Dionysius Petavius - Alternative View

Video: Tartary In The &Bdquo; World History &Rdquo; Dionysius Petavius - Alternative View

Video: Tartary In The &Bdquo; World History &Rdquo; Dionysius Petavius - Alternative View
Video: The Tartars (Preview Clip) 2024, July

Returning to the lack of honesty in the presentation of the history of Russia, we note another logical inconsistency. Fomenko and Nosovsky do not trust the officially recognized creators of European, including Russian, history. It's about Scaliger with Petavius.

Well, let's say Fomenko and his colleagues are mistaken and Petavius is a good, honest and competent professional historian. With this assumption, it is clear why the history of Russia is presented to us in the Scaligerian-Petavius version.

Then, gentlemen orthodox from history, be consistent! Since Petavius is a canon for you, please tell the children at school about the predecessor of the Russian Empire - Tartaria! After all, your Petravius wrote about her, so why are you deliberately distorting the history of our Motherland ???


Tartary was also described by the founder of modern chronology, and in fact the falsifications of world history, Dionysius Petavius (1583-1652), a French cardinal, Jesuit, Catholic theologian and historian. In his geographical description of the world to "World History" (The History of the World: Or, an Account of Time, Together With a Geographicall Description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America), published in 1659, the following is said about Tartary (translation from middle English by Elena Lyubimova specially for "The Cave"):


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TARTARIA (in ancient times known as Scythia, after the name of their first ruler Scythia, who was first called Magogus (from Magog, son of Yafet), whose descendants settled this country) is called by its inhabitants the Mongols Tartaria by the name of the river Tartarus, which washes most of it … This is a huge Empire (incomparable in size to any country, except for the overseas possessions of the King of Spain, which it also surpasses and between which there is a communication, while the latter is very scattered), stretching 5,400 miles from east to west, and to 3,600 miles north to south; therefore its Great Khan or Emperor owns many kingdoms and provinces containing a great many good cities.

In the east, it is bordered by China, the Sin Sea or the Eastern Ocean and the Anian Strait. In the west - by the Imaus mountains (Himalayan ridge), although there are hordes of Tartar who recognize the power of the Khan, on the other side of them; in the south - the river Ganges and Oxus, which we now call Abia (modern Amu Darya), Hindustan and the upper part of China, or, as some say, with a mountain …., the Caspian Sea and the Chinese wall. In the north - with the Scythian or Frozen Ocean, on the coast of which it is so cold that no one lives there. In addition, there is the rich and great kingdom of Cathai, in the center of which is the city of Cambalu or Cunbula, stretching 24 Italian miles along the Polisangi River. There are also the kingdoms of Tangut, Tenduc, Camul, Tainfur and Tibet,as well as the city and province of Caindo. However, the general consensus is that today Tartary is divided into five provinces.

1. Small Tartaria (Tartaria Precopensis) is located on the Asian bank of the Tanais River (modern Don) and occupies the territory of the entire Taurian Chersonesos. She has two main cities called Crimea. The one in which the ruler sits is called the Tartar Crimea and Prekop, by whose name the country is called. These tartars should help the Turks by sending 60,000 men without payment at the first request (if they have a shortage of people), for which the tartars inherit their Empire.

2. Tartaria Asiatic or Moscovite or Desert is located on the banks of the Volga River. People there live mainly in tents and represent an army called the Horde. They do not stay in one place longer than the food for their cattle in the pasture runs out, and in their movements they are guided by the North Star. Currently, they are under the control of one prince, who is a tributary of Muscovy. Here are their cities: Astrakhan (under whose walls Selim II, a Turk, was defeated by Vasily of Moscow) and Noghan. The northernmost hordes of this country, the Nogais, the most warlike people.

3. Ancient Tartary is the cradle of this people, from where they furiously spread throughout Asia and Europe. It rests on the icy ocean. Ordinary people live in tents or under their own carts. However, they have four cities. One of which is called Choras, famous for the khan's tombs. In this province is the Lop Desert, where King Tabor came to incline them to Judaism. Charles V burned it at Mantua in 1540.

4. Chagathai (Zagathai) is divided into Bactria, bordering in the north and east with Sogdiana near the Oxus River, and in the south with Aria, where in ancient times there were beautiful cities - some were destroyed, and some were built by Alexander. Three of them are: Khorasan (Chorazzan or Charassan), after which the country is named. Bactra, named after the river now called Bochara, where the ancient Pythians were born; and also Zoroaster, who in the time of Nin [the king of Babylon] was the first king of this earth and who is credited with the invention of astronomy. Shorod Istigias, which some say is the capital of this province, is one of the nicest cities in the East.

Margiana lies between Bactria in the east and Hircania in the west (although some say it lies north of Hyrcania). She is called Tremigani and Feselbas, because people wear huge turbans. Its capital is Antioch (named after the king of Syria Antiochus Soter, who enclosed it with a solid stone wall). Today it is called India or Indion, and was once called Alexandria Margiana. Sogdiana is located west of Bactria. Its two cities: Oksiana stands on the Oxus River and Sogdiana of Alexandria, which Alexander built when he went to India. It also contains Kiropolis, a strong city built by Cyrus. Alexander was wounded under its walls. He was hit by a stone right in the neck, he fell to the ground, and his whole army considered him dead.

Turkestan, where the Turks lived before they went to Armenia in 844, the barren land forced them to do so. They have two cities - Galla and Auxerre, of whose glory I know nothing.

And, finally, to the north of these four lies the province of Zagatae ?, which was so named after the Tartar nobleman Sachetaie?.. Ogg, Tamerlane's father, was the heir to the Sachetaie. Tamerlane, who was called the Fury of the Lord and Fear of the Earth, married Gino, daughter and heiress, and thereby received the Tartar Empire, which he divided among his sons. And they, after his death, lost everything that he conquered. His capital, Samarkand, is the place of residence of Tamerlane, which he enriched with booty brought from his numerous campaigns. And he also has Bukhara, where the governor of the province is located.

Cathai (which has long been called Scythia, which does not include the Himalayas, and Chagatai - Scythia within the Himalayas) took its name from Cathey, which Strabo had here. It borders China in the south, the Scythian Sea in the north and lies east of the Tartar Provinces. It is believed that earlier Seres lived here, who possessed the art of weaving silk yarn from fine wool, which grows on the leaves of trees, therefore in Latin silk is called serika. The people of Katai and Chagatai are the most noble and cultured among Tartarus, and lovers of all kinds of arts. This province is home to many beautiful cities, including the capital Cambalu, which is 28 miles wide, besides the suburbs, some say and others say 24 Italian miles, and is home to the Great Khan. But in Xainiu he also has a palace - incredible in length and grandeur.

The first of the Great Khans or Emperors of Tartaria was Genghis in 1162, who, conquering Mucham, the last King of Tenduk and Kathai, changed the name of Scythia to Tartaria: the fifth after him was Tamerlane or Tamir Khan. During his reign, this monarchy was at its peak of power. The ninth was Tamor, after which we do not know who was the ruler there, and what outstanding events took place there, because they said that neither the Tartars, nor the Muscovites, nor the king of China allowed anyone except traders and ambassadors to visit them, and did not allow their subjects to travel outside their countries.

But it is known that tyranny reigns there: life and death occurs according to the words of the Emperor, whom ordinary people call the Shadow of the Spirit and the Son of the immortal God. The largest among the various rivers are the Oxus, which originates from the Taurus Mountains. The Persians never crossed it in order to expand their possessions, because they were always defeated, the same thing happened with the Tartars, if they dared to do the same.

The Scythians were a valiant, populous and ancient people, never submitting to anyone, but rarely attacking themselves in order to conquer someone. Once there was a long dispute about who is older: the Egyptians or the Scythians, which ended with the fact that the Scythians were recognized as the most ancient people. And for their large numbers they were called the mother of all migrations of peoples. The philosopher Anacharsis was born in this country, which stretches to the north of the Danube. This area is called Sarmatia or the Scythians of Europe.

Regarding the richness of their territory, it is said that, since they have many rivers, their grasses are apparently invisible, but not enough fuel, so they burned bones instead of wood. This country abounds in rice, wheat, etc. Since they are cold, they have a large supply of wool, silk, hemp, rhubarb, musk, fine fabrics, gold, animals and everything that is necessary for life, not only for survival, but for living comfortably. There thunder and lightning are very strange and terrible. Sometimes it is very hot, and sometimes it is suddenly very cold, there is a lot of snow, and the winds are strongest. In the kingdom of Tangut, a lot of Rhubarb is grown, which is supplied to the whole world.

Many gold mines and lapis lazuli have been found in Tenduk. But Tangut is better developed and is abundant in vines. Tibet is full of wild animals and abundance of coral; there is also a lot of musk, cinnamon and other spices. The country's trade items include rice, silk, wool, hemp, rhubarb, musk and fine camel wool fabrics. In addition to the fact that they trade within the country - between their cities, they also send 10,000 carts, loaded with silk and other goods from China, to Flounder every year. To this can be added their numerous invasions in Europe and Asia, their huge profits, which have been coming from Muscovy and other parts, especially from China, for a long time. We cannot say for sure, but Tartars are very rich. All those who live towards the North are in great need, while their neighbors (who are subject to one prince) have many things.

Regarding the Tartar religion: some are Mohammedans who daily proclaim that God is one. There are more idolaters in Katai than Mohammedans, who worship two gods: the God of Heaven, whom they ask for health and discipline, and the God of the Earth, who has a wife and children who take care of their flocks, crops, etc. Therefore, they ask him for these things in the following way: rubbing the mouth of his idol with the fattest meat when they eat, as well as his wife and children (small images of which are in their homes), the broth is poured into the street for the perfume. They keep the god of Heaven high and Earth low. They believe that human souls are immortal, but they pass from one body to another, according to Pythagoras. They also worship the Sun, Moon and the four elements. They call the Pope and all Christians infidels, dogs and idolaters.

They never fast or celebrate one day more than another. Some of them are similar to Christians or Jews, although there are few of them: these are the Nestorians - those who are from the Papist and Greek churches, saying that Christ has two hypostases; that the Virgin Mary is not the Mother of God; that their priests can marry as often as they please. They also say that it is one thing to be God the Word, and another thing to be Christ. They also do not recognize the two Ephesian Councils.

Their Patriarch, the one who resides in Musal in Mesopotamia, is not elected, but the son inherits his father - the first elected archbishop. Among them, there is one strong and unnatural practice: they feed their old people with fat, burn their corpses, and carefully collect and store the ashes, adding it to the meat when they eat. Presbyter John, the king of Kataya or Tenduka, was defeated by the Great Tartarin Cengiz in 1162, 40 years after he adopted the Nestorian faith, nevertheless, he remained the ruler of a small country. These nontoranian Christians extended their influence to the city of Campion, some of them remained in Tangut, Sukir, Kambalu and other cities.
