Contacts With UFOs In The USSR In The Late 80s - Alternative View

Contacts With UFOs In The USSR In The Late 80s - Alternative View
Contacts With UFOs In The USSR In The Late 80s - Alternative View

Video: Contacts With UFOs In The USSR In The Late 80s - Alternative View

Video: Contacts With UFOs In The USSR In The Late 80s - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, September

Approximately once every fifteen years, according to ufologists, our planet is invaded by extraterrestrial civilizations. The last peak of UFO visits (before the next massive activation in 2012) was observed in the late 80s, when the Central Black Earth region became the epicenter of alien landings.

On a sunny July day in 1989, Fedor Molokanov, the driver of the collective farm named after May 1, Khokhol District, Voronezh Region, was delivering lunch to tractor drivers. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, right in the middle of the field, the engine of his truck stalled. The man got out of the cab, raised the hood and was dumbfounded when he heard an unfamiliar voice behind:

- Your car is working, I stopped it, I wanted to talk …

Before him stood a tall man in a silver overalls and a helmet on his head.

“Your planet is the most beautiful in the known part of the universe,” he said. “However, you have brought her to a disastrous state. Life on Earth will die. In twenty years, an ecological disaster will inevitably await you. If you agree to fly with us, you will have the opportunity to escape …

“My cow is not milked enough,” Molokanov protested, gripping the car with both hands. - I am sixty years old, I am an old sick person and will not fly anywhere!

- Sixty is not age, - said the stranger, - I am 130, in our understanding, these are still middle years.

- Why are you attached to me? - the driver, stupefied with horror, waved his hands. - Get out!

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After that, the alien, without reaching its goal, entered a translucent bluish apparatus, which silently melted into the sky.

After meeting with aliens, Fyodor Ivanovich was afraid to leave the house for several days, and soon ended up in the hospital with hypertension. For a long time he did not tell anyone close to him about what happened, he decided only when all the worries and fears subsided.

On the night of December 28 of the same year, an employee of one of the design institutes, Natalya Sorokina, woke up from shocks in the chest. And today she talks about the past nightmare very emotionally:

- I feel there is someone in the room. Some kind of flashes of white … Then she began to fall as if. I woke up in front of a ditch filled with a dark oily liquid. On the other side was a long one-story structure, in the opening of which were two creatures. They asked me to open my mouth and began to examine my teeth. Then they took us down a corridor, on the sides of which doorways without doors were visible. Behind them were rooms in which there were people.

I see a man of about forty lying on a table in one of the rooms, all entangled in hoses, pipes, and some kind of devices … In another, a woman of about fifty, with beautiful white hair, covered with a sheet, looks at me with a prayer. As soon as she reached the end of the corridor, she began to fall through again, woke up already in bed. An awkward sensation in the chest persisted for about a day, then it passed …

After the very first reports in the press about the invasion from the outside, a real boom began in all the black earth cities. Drawings of plates and of the humanoids themselves were made according to the stories of the "contactees". At the landing sites, scientists made measurements of magnetic radiation, took soil samples … There were even witnesses of the landing of a UFO fifteen years ago …

Descriptions of flying saucers were repeated quite rarely: some saw a red glowing ball, slightly smaller than the moon, others - a yellow shimmering disk, similar to a hat, others - a giant "blue egg" … However, a characteristic feature of all UFOs, noted by many observers, were light rays, extending like antennas and curved or "dotted".

In Voronezh, "unannounced visits" were recorded most often. So, on August 8, 1982, the passengers of a bus traveling from Voronezh to Kursk saw the landing of an unusual pillar of fire 15-20 meters high, in the lower part of which there was something like a gimbal.

For several minutes, the corkscrew-shaped tip drilled the ground, and then the device silently flew away.

A couple of years later, meetings with mysterious celestial bodies began to occur with the pilots and instructors of the Borisoglebsk Flight Military School during training flights. In professional language, these "plates" and "balls" were called "a special class of radar reflections from meteorological objects" or "angels".

The massive UFO sightings in Voronezh in 1989 were called the Voronezh phenomenon and were equated with a sensational phenomenon. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why the aliens chose this city and the adjacent territories.

Perhaps the aliens were somehow attracted by the nuclear power plant located there, perhaps the reason was the specific tectonic faults of the earth's crust that dotted this area. According to some hypotheses, at the points of intersection of these faults, there are channels for the release of the Earth's electromagnetic radiation, that is, its energy. And the UFO simply needed recharge.

It is extremely rare for people to capture alien ships on film. Partly because they always appeared suddenly and just as suddenly disappeared. But even if the picture was taken, the card turned out to be completely different from what the person saw with his own eyes. This could be explained by only two reasons: either the object was constantly changing its shape, or rather, it had a pulsating electromagnetic field around it, or it did not exist at all. But all this did not look like mass hallucinations. It was found that on the same day, residents of different parts of the globe could observe flying objects of clearly unearthly origin, very similar in description.

And the places of their "landing" coincided with the places of magnetic and dowsing anomalies. There was recorded an increased content of a number of chemical elements in the soil, an excess of the radioactivity rate and inhibition of microorganisms. In many cases, measurements were made at the alleged points of contact of the aircraft supports and it was found that the compaction of the soil there corresponded to an applied force of several tens of tons. All this could hardly be a coincidence or falsification, although further research in this area has not progressed …

In 1967, Ivan Korchagin, a resident of the village of Staraya Kriusha, Voronezh Region, invented an apparatus for communication with the Cosmos. The man learned to receive signals from extraterrestrial civilizations with the help of an old kerosene lamp, but so far no one has been able to decipher them.

It all started with the fact that in 1949 Korchagin learned from a fellow traveler on the train that every 19 years, in September and October, from sunrise to sunset, an ordinary two-wire kerosene stove starts to tick in her attic. This always happens on the 22nd, 25th and 28th, and what is the reason, the old woman cannot explain. 19 years later, on September 22, 1967, Ivan Mikhailovich himself accidentally heard strange sounds in the attic of his house.

Climbing upstairs, he noticed an old kerosene stove, in which it is not clear why the mica plate of the chimney's viewing window was vibrating. According to Korchagin, the knock sounded like a Morse code and could well have been signals sent from space. The "conversation" with the help of a kerosene stove took place on the same days as that of his old fellow traveler, in strict accordance with the phases of the moon. The man tried to send a response signal to the aliens by tapping an encrypted signal on the kerosene stove, but it is not known whether he was understood.

In 1986, enthusiasts-ufologists decided to repeat the experiment with a kerosene stove. And to everyone's amazement, the aliens contacted again. However, this time too, scientists were unable to explain the origin of the mysterious tick. And according to the hypothesis, the next contact with an extraterrestrial civilization will take place in September 2005.

In the summer of 1989, Maria Vorotkova from Lipetsk witnessed the flight of a huge fireball. He was next to her balcony.

“If there was no sun in the sky, I would have taken this ball for him,” recalls a fifty-year-old woman. - But he also moved, slowly at first, then in jerks. It was not a hallucination, I saw him very clearly …

A real sensation for the residents of the Central Black Earth Region was the repeated landings of aliens in the South Park of Voronezh. Hundreds of people could observe the aliens in September 1989. At the place where the "plates" landed, the instruments stopped working, the electronic clock was "zeroed", the dowsing frames went off scale. Local geologists managed to collect strange reddish-brown pebbles on the spot, taken at first for samples of extraterrestrial origin. In a matter of days, a sensational news spread around the world: particles of extraterrestrial rock were found in Voronezh.

For several months, South Park became a landing site for dozens of journalists and ufologists. However, after some time a laboratory analysis of the pebbles was made, and it turned out that this was an ordinary dried paint. Despite this, thousands of people continued to attack newspaper offices and city police stations. It looked like a massive insanity.

That year, UFOs were seen in the Manturovsky district of the Kursk region, in Novovoronezh, in Lipetsk, Omsk, at the Irkutsk airport, near the village of Maysky in the Belgorod region, as well as in Rostov, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Saratov, Tyumen, Skeptics, however, put forward the assumption that there were no aliens, and strange visions could turn out to be a kind of disruption in the coexistence of parallel worlds here on Earth.

Therefore, the humanoids, no matter how hard they tried to "light up" and impress the earthlings, remained incomprehensible. They are still not taken seriously. However, our fellow countrymen continue to meet the newcomers to this day.
