The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 3. Secret Well-wishers - Alternative View

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The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 3. Secret Well-wishers - Alternative View
The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 3. Secret Well-wishers - Alternative View

Video: The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 3. Secret Well-wishers - Alternative View

Video: The Main Secret Of The Third Reich. Part 3. Secret Well-wishers - Alternative View
Video: Watch: TODAY All Day - July 10 2024, July

Continuation, the beginning of the series read: The main secret of the Third Reich (part 1). Ancestral curse. / The main secret of the Third Reich (part 2). Preemptive strike.

This article is a completely private opinion of the author and does not claim to be historical.

How many wolves do not feed …

By 1941, practically all of Europe and the industrial giants of the United States worked for the Nazi war machine (read more: World War II. A successful business project of the West?). Everything was sharpened to create a monster that would crush the heiress of the Great Eurasian Empire - the Land of the Soviets. And it will bring its masters (so they thought to themselves, in any case) in their teeth - torn prey.

The Anglo-Saxons were wrong, Hitler had his own far-reaching plans. He viewed his sponsors as "hogs" - carcasses on legs, which are gutted as the onset of hunger (necessity).

The ideology of Nazism directly and categorically asserted the supremacy of the German nation, and the weedy branch of the Vikings - the Anglo-Saxons, was assigned the role of second-rate. But then no one thought about it, "they will play enough and forget" - that is how they thought about Nazi theories. The main goal - the crushing of Russia (the Eurasian Empire), overshadowed everything.


Promotional video:

Hugo Boss founded his company in 1923 when Germany was in a state of economic collapse. In 1931 he joined the Nazi Party. Received an order for the manufacture of uniforms for the German Armed Forces, attack aircraft, SS men and the Hitler-Jugend youth organization.

Bet placed

Germany in the interval between the world wars is a prime example of the first technology cluster. Contributions imposed on the Germans by the coalition demanded to feed the hen that would lay the golden eggs. In terms of gold, they demanded from Germany about 100,000 tons of bullion! The last contribution towards these reparations, the FRG made only in 2010, regularly feeding the Anglo-Saxons with their labor.

But in order to start the payment machine, it was required to assemble, teach and regularly supply it with work. And they began to pump funds into Germany. Create scientific schools, universities, open factories and plants, provide orders - earn, grow and pay a favor.

Economic (with the participation of all world powers) plans for the revival of Germany replaced one another. As a result of the First World War, the Germans lost territories, mineral deposits, and other important resources. Therefore, the main focus was on the development of science, research in the field of breakthrough (industrial) technologies.

At the heart of the Third Reich is American money
At the heart of the Third Reich is American money

At the heart of the Third Reich is American money.

Technological testing ground

In 1924 the stabilization of the German economy began. The decisive role in this was played by the billions of dollars in loans provided by the United States of America and England. The total amount of foreign investments in 1924-1929 reached 21 billion gold marks, which was 2 times the amount of reparations. 70% of loans came from the United States.

Loans accounted for approximately 2/3 of the capital of German industry, and the long-term loans received by the German monopolies amounted to 12 billion marks. Some loans were provided for 20-30 years and were used for modernization.

With the help of money from America and Britain, German industrialists were able to restore their international positions. They bypassed England in the export of machinery and equipment. The value of German exports in 1929 exceeded the pre-war value by almost 3 billion marks.

Tank factory
Tank factory

Tank factory.

German finance capital participated in 200 of the 300 international monopolies. In 1926, on the initiative of German industrialists, the European Steel Cartel was created, which smelted 75% of the steel in Europe.

During the global economic crisis (1929-1933), at the initiative of America, the volume and annual payments of reparations were reduced, some territories were returned, and control over the German economy was abolished. It was at this time that Hitler was brought to power (read more Adolf Hitler - a secret project of the Anglo-Saxons.).

The Nazi regime began to actively carry out the expropriation of enterprises and property from "non-Aryans" and Jews. Tough centralized management was introduced, industries were monopolized - in fact, the first principles of globalization were worked out on the Germans.

Henry Ford receives one of the highest awards of Nazi Germany - Iron Eagle - from the hands of high-ranking officials, 1938
Henry Ford receives one of the highest awards of Nazi Germany - Iron Eagle - from the hands of high-ranking officials, 1938

Henry Ford receives one of the highest awards of Nazi Germany - Iron Eagle - from the hands of high-ranking officials, 1938.

The US corporations also transferred technical secrets to Germany: the production of rubber, radio installations, equipment for diesel engines, etc. American factories in Russelheim, Brandenburg, Cologne supplied the fascist army with cars.

The main content of the economic policy of fascism was general militarization - it was impossible to wait any longer, because the USSR also made an unimaginable leap from devastation and natural economy to technological and industrial development!

Contributing to the preparation for war of a potential aggressor, the USA, as well as England and Denmark (!!) hoped to clash Germany and the USSR in the war, receiving economic and political dividends from this. By 1938, Germany had become a powerful military power and in industrial production came to first place in Europe and second in the world.

The main sponsors of fascism are from overseas
The main sponsors of fascism are from overseas

The main sponsors of fascism are from overseas.

Carte blanche

As recent events have shown, Europe did not consider before and does not consider now the beginning of World War II - the annexation of the territories of Czechoslovakia by Germany, and then Austria. Moreover, the seizure of these and other European states (including France) was seen as the creation of an analogue of the European Union under external control.

Here are three reasons why Hitler did not stop and land, in his ambitions and the capture of European states:

1) Germany had to increase its industrial capacity to pay huge reparations.

2) Global monopolies, rightly counted on the complete capture of the huge European market and through it, strengthening their positions on a global scale.

3) The Nazi regime was seen as a weapon made for the capture of the USSR.

Having received a huge resource (economic and mobilization) base, the Anglo-Saxons considered Hitler (almost) ready to fulfill the main purpose - the liquidation of the USSR. And time was running out: the Soviets also made the industrial revolution and hatched plans for a world revolution, rearming the army and expanding the borders.

So it happened that Nazi Germany (as the first representative of globalist structures) did not have enough, just a little before the launch of advanced weapons capable of changing the course of the war. The Anglo-Saxons were simply frightened by the growth of the USSR's capabilities and its possible expansion into Europe. The options were not assessed correctly …

In the United States, even during the War, Nazi organizations operated legally
In the United States, even during the War, Nazi organizations operated legally

In the United States, even during the War, Nazi organizations operated legally.

Will there be another revenge?

The occult and mystical version of the technological breakthrough of pre-war Germany overshadows the eyes, distracts from the main idea - the plans of the global Western elites in relation to the USSR / Russia, their real role in the birth, formation and strengthening of the Nazi regime, and attempts to control it.

After the Second World War, the method of technological and scientific clusters, localized in a limited area, tested in Germany, began to be widely and successfully applied. Japan, South Korea, then China - all these are examples of technologies worked out by the Germans.

Pioneers of globalism at the BMW factory, which used the slave labor of prisoners of war
Pioneers of globalism at the BMW factory, which used the slave labor of prisoners of war

Pioneers of globalism at the BMW factory, which used the slave labor of prisoners of war.

The battle for Berlin had not yet ended, as our allies were preparing to carry out an attack on Soviet troops in Europe, bearing in mind the possible attacks of the USSR from all directions (read more: Allies, damn it … With such "friends" and enemies are not needed!). The refusal to implement this and all subsequent similar plans occurred solely out of fear of receiving unacceptable damage.

Therefore, what we are now seeing in Europe: migration problems, energy wars and the reanimation of fascism, Nazism (so far in its mild form - nationalism), is a struggle for the prerequisites for a future world war. The fact that it will still be there is less and less doubt, it's all about the date and composition of the participants.

The photographs used in the material with elements of some Nazi symbols have an educational purpose - the publication of the hard-hitting truth about German fascism and its supporters.