Angels Who Are With Us. Life Stories - Alternative View

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Angels Who Are With Us. Life Stories - Alternative View
Angels Who Are With Us. Life Stories - Alternative View

Video: Angels Who Are With Us. Life Stories - Alternative View

Video: Angels Who Are With Us. Life Stories - Alternative View
Video: True Stories about Angels 2024, September

Do you believe in guardian angels? In those invisible beings who are always with us, always near, who help in difficult times and save us from possible misfortunes. We run through life and do not think - what if, on our heels, there is a piece of our Soul, which carefully guards us from the vicissitudes of this world.


Probably, each of us can recall a case when, having miraculously escaped some kind of danger, we sigh with relief “oh, lucky!” And move on. It is a pity that we cannot see what actually happened. As with his invisible and caring wing, our guardian angel led the danger aside.


But for now, these will only be conversations, until you personally, by your own experience, make sure of the existence of angels. But this happens! And I will tell you some real life examples.


Case 1. On the verge of falling

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This incident happened to a close friend of mine. To be honest, I did not expect such a story from her. Believe me, there was something to be surprised at.

One evening, Lana (name has been changed) decided to put new curtains in the room. For this purpose, she climbed onto a writing table, which stood very well near the window. When the work was almost finished, Lana either stumbled from carelessness or from fatigue. The balance was lost, and the girl began to feel that she was being pulled back, and she was about to fall back on the floor. At this moment from despair, tk. She could not return balance, she already imagined what it would be like to hit her back. It will probably be very painful … (Of course, everything happened in a matter of seconds).


But before she had time to say goodbye to life, she suddenly felt a sharp jolt with her palm in her back, which returned her stability on the table. Calling it a surprise will not be enough, for Lana it was a real shock! And all because at home she was absolutely alone at that time! In your mind and sobriety. Looking back, the girl did not see anyone. She continued to stand on the table for some time, not moving away from the shock. What was it? Who was that? On my back I could still feel the sensation of a push. But the apartment remained empty … And it was at that moment that Lana believed in the guardian angels. And she did not just believe, but was convinced of their existence on my own experience.


Case 2. Wrong person

The second story was told to me by another friend. She happened to her friend literally not so long ago. To be honest, it was also a surprise for me to hear this.

That girl worked as a medic at some rescue station at sea. And one day a nearly drowned man came to her. What he told her caused considerable surprise. This man swam perfectly, but during the next swim in the sea he felt that something began to pull him down. He began to choke and drown. It was impossible to swim out. An incomprehensible force did not let go, and he realized that the end was near. And now, almost resigned to his fate, he suddenly heard voices. Right under the water! The voices said the following: "The place is, the time is, the person is not the same." And at that moment he was released, he began to surface and successfully got ashore.


Yes, this story can be called fiction. The person was drowning, lack of oxygen, delirium, hallucinations. But that's not all! The medic girl immediately went to find out. And I found out! At the same moment, a little further from the place where the described events took place, another man actually drowned!..

Who was that? Guardian angels? Angels of death? Heavenly Office? The question remains open. However, all these stories from life clearly show that next to us, in parallel, there is an invisible subtle world that helps and sometimes controls our destinies. And if we do not see something, it does not mean that this “something” does not exist. Angels are always there, regardless of whether we believe in them or not.