Heirs Of The Templars. Who Contributes To The "renaissance" Of Occult Societies - Alternative View

Heirs Of The Templars. Who Contributes To The "renaissance" Of Occult Societies - Alternative View
Heirs Of The Templars. Who Contributes To The "renaissance" Of Occult Societies - Alternative View

Video: Heirs Of The Templars. Who Contributes To The "renaissance" Of Occult Societies - Alternative View

Video: Heirs Of The Templars. Who Contributes To The
Video: The Bloodcurdling Sacrifices Of Phoenicians | Blood On The Altar | Timeline 2024, July

In October, for occultists there is not only a pleasant Halloween day for them (on the night of October 31 to November 1), but also an unpleasant date for the defeat of their predecessors. It was in October that the notorious Order of the Knights Templar was once defeated, from which many secret societies originate, including the Freemasons. However, the bitterness of the memory of the collapse of their ancient "colleagues" is mitigated by modern victories over their former enemies, who are now rehabilitating and praising Satanists.

So, on October 13, on the website of the Catholic Media Center, which is the official portal of the Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops of Ukraine, a completely positive article about the Templar Order was published. Just this year, this order of knights-monks, founded in 1118 and, unfortunately, not completely defeated (its remnants disappeared into Scotland, Portugal and a number of other countries), celebrates its 900th anniversary.

And the aforementioned note, which was published under the heading "This Day in History", like a jubilee toast, in every possible way whitewashed this notorious sect, implicated in a mass of all kinds of crimes: from financial violations and high treason to participation in savage occult rituals.

This is natural: after all, there is no, and there can be no doubt, that this order really practiced satanic rituals: this is confirmed both by the materials of the investigation, and by the further course of history, when occult figures of all stripes who hate Christianity tried in every possible way to rehabilitate the Templar Order. At the same time, the Masons openly declared what comes from this order.

Quite a long time ago, the Catholic denomination joined this chorus, which, in fact, has long been not Catholic … For even Catholics could not write and place in the official media such a "rehabilitation" note about blatantly criminal, even according to secular laws, Templars like the aforementioned … In it, in particular, it was noted (translated from Ukrainian):

“On October 13, 1307, by order of King Philip IV the Handsome (1285–1314), the Templars were arrested throughout France …

There were several reasons why King Philip IV the Handsome of France decided to destroy the order. Firstly, the Templars were wealthy, had numerous castles and estates, which Philip laid eyes on. Secondly, the king owed the knights a large amount of money, which he did not want to return. Finally, the monarch could not sleep well, knowing that within his kingdom there is a powerful military organization subordinate to the Pope, which has nowhere to do with its energy …

The king's first step was to enlist the support of the Holy See. After difficult intrigues, the henchman of Philip the Beautiful Clement V (1305-1314) was chosen as pope. Having an obedient pontiff, the king of France ordered the arrest of the Templars within his kingdom … They were charged with secret worship of Satan, sodomy and other crimes. Many knights could not stand the torture and confessed to anything. There were also strong-minded people who died in dungeons and at the stake, and did not admit their guilt. In 1314, the last Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay, was burned.

Promotional video:

Pavel Zinchenko, Catholic Media Center”.

So, the essence of this note boils down to the fact that the completely criminal French king Philip the Handsome supposedly decided to rob and kill the good knights who owed money. To do this, he "put pressure" on Pope Clement, carried out an unjust investigation, under torture to snatch confessions from his victims that they had committed non-existent crimes. After that, he robbed the order, destroying its leadership. But some of the knights, according to the neo-Catholic publicist Pavel Zinchenko, the author of this article, turned out to be "strong in spirit" and did not admit their guilt.

So, back in 2007 on the portal of the BBC news agency there was a note dedicated to the presentation in the Vatican of extremely dubious newly published materials on the investigation of the Templars under the title: "The Vatican reveals the secrets of the" Templar case ".

At the end of the post, the author noted that this presentation is most likely

"Is the first step towards the official rehabilitation of the Templars by the Catholic Church."

In such steps of the Vatican, we see not only trampling on Christian morality and distortion of history. Neo-Catholics reject the doctrine of their own confession, which affirms the fidelity of the decisions of the popes and the council decisions of Catholics. The then Pope issued several bulls against the Templars, and also convened a council that condemned them.

In fact, Pope Clement V did not just "follow the lead" of King Philip the Fair, but, horrified by the irrefutable evidence of the Templars' grave crimes, led the persecution of these Satanists, obliging all Catholic monarchs to persecute their order. So, on November 22, 1307, the Pope issued a bull Pastoralispraeeminentiae, in which he ordered all the monarchs of Europe to arrest the Templars and confiscate their lands and property. This bull initiated legal proceedings in England, Spain, Germany, Italy and Cyprus.

In the summer of 1311, Pope Clement combined the evidence obtained in France with the materials of the investigation from other countries. In October 1311, Vienne Cathedral finally took place. The Pope demanded the abolition of the order, which had dishonored itself. The pontiff firmly insisted on his demands, forcing the supporters of the Templars to remain silent on pain of excommunication from the Catholic Church. The Voxinexcelso bull of March 22, 1312 marked the dissolution of the order, and according to the Adprovidam bull of May 2, all property of the order was transferred to their rivals, the Hospitallers.

As you can see, modern neo-Catholic rehabilitators of the Templars refute their own creed, which considers such decisions to be unshakably approved.

Let me remind you of the history of the penetration of the Vatican by the Masons, who officially recognize their descent from the Templars. Back in the middle of the 19th century, Pope Pius IX, worried about the sad prospect of the subordination of Catholicism to revolutionary global forces, published the documents of the "Supreme Venta Carbonari" (these are Italian revolutionaries - a subdivision of the sect of Masons). Modern liberals called Pius IX some kind of "conspiracy theorist-quilted jacket-sovk" … But this pope had very serious evidence of a real conspiracy of revolutionaries against Catholicism, and decided to publish this text to disrupt it. This is colorfully described in his book "They Betrayed Him" by the Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who departed from the popes after the liberal Second Vatican Council. The correspondence between the Carbonarii published by Pope Pius IX reads:

“The Pope, whatever he may be, will never come to secret societies; they themselves should take the first step towards the church, in order to subjugate both it and the Pope. The work we have decided to undertake is not a matter of one day, month, or even year; it may take many years, perhaps a century; but the death of one soldier in our ranks does not mean the end of the battle …

We have no doubt that we will achieve this supreme goal of our efforts. But when? But how? This is not yet known. However, since nothing should divert us from the planned plan, because, on the contrary, everything should contribute to it, as if the barely begun business would be successful tomorrow, we would like to give instructions to the appointed members of the "Supreme Venta" recommendations to be imparted - orally or in writing - to the entire community of brothers.

… A difficult task has been laid on our shoulders … We must subject the Church to an immoral upbringing and, with the help of small, precisely metered, albeit still very uncertain means, to ensure that the Pope leads us to the triumph of the revolutionary idea. Now we are just timidly embarking on this plan, behind which I have always seen a superhuman calculation ….

The plans of the revolutionary sects were gradually being implemented. The situation in Catholicism was constantly getting worse. Half a century after that historical publication, in the encyclical "Pascendi" of September 8, 1907, devoted to liberal delusions, Pope Pius X exposes the far-reaching penetration of the Catholic Church by the modernist sect.

“It should be said with particular urgency,” writes Pius X, “that today it is useless to seek the inventors of delusions among open enemies. They hide - and this instills the most serious fear and anxiety - in the very bosom, in the very heart of the church, being enemies, all the more dangerous because they act gradually. We are talking … about the multitude of worldly Catholics and, which deserves special regret, about the priests, who, outwardly loving the church, in close ranks go to storm the most sacred in the work of Jesus Christ … The church has no worse enemies. For not outside, as already noted, but from within, they carry out their destructive activity; the danger lies today almost in the very veins and entrails of the church: the blows of enemies are the more confident, the deeper they know the church.

Describing the actions of the modernists, Pope Pius X says that “they set themselves the task of spreading the infection throughout the tree, trying not to let go of any branch of the Catholic faith, but subject each of them to methodical corruption. When they carry out their disastrous plan in many ways, their tactics amaze with the degree of their cunning and perfidy: they mix rationalistic and Catholic views with such sophisticated art that they easily manage to deceive ignorant souls.

Now the Vatican is an important but non-independent subdivision of the global "superpower", consisting of the owners of the world's largest banks and transnational corporations, leaders of totalitarian sects. It is not for nothing that many ordinary Catholics constantly express their distrust of their "infallible" Pope Francis. And the attempts to rehabilitate the once convicted occultists are another evidence of a very sad state of affairs.

Igor Druz
