The Myth Of The Alien Threat - Alternative View

The Myth Of The Alien Threat - Alternative View
The Myth Of The Alien Threat - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of The Alien Threat - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of The Alien Threat - Alternative View
Video: Alien Movies On Netflix That Should Be Required Viewing 2024, July

Someone seeks to impose on humanity the idea that we are threatened by alien civilizations that seek to enslave humanity for their own selfish purposes. Even Stephen Hawking warned humanity about such a threat. Let's see if this is so.

To do this, we can reason purely from our human point of view. First, let's consider why humanity discovered new lands. Firstly, the newly discovered lands were joined to the state, to which the discoverer of these lands belonged, and the desire of the local population was not asked. Secondly, the export of everything valuable began from these lands: spices, timber, minerals, and the local population itself as slaves.

What has changed now. In fact, nothing, only all this is done under the slogan "Humanitarian Mission", and slavery is veiled, that is. slaves are not taken out forcibly, they themselves come to countries that are economically at a higher level of development than their native countries. In the west, these are immigrants, we have guest workers. Now let's put ourselves in the place of these very aliens, i.e. what would we do in their place, with their capabilities and power? In fact, nothing would have changed with the level of our morality.

Suppose that we flew to a planet inhabited by another civilization. If we lag behind them in development, we will begin to beg them to share with us their knowledge and technologies, which, according to our moral perplexity, we will begin to use to the detriment of the majority and the enrichment of individuals, and in the future, it is possible against the donors themselves. If they lag behind us, then the pumping out of resources from their world will begin, while we will give them knowledge that they will use against themselves, and when they understand that we are robbing their planet, then against us.

Now let's consider whether we are really threatened by alien intelligence. First, the goal of civilization, as well as the goal of its individuals, is improvement: mental and moral. But "When the physical intellect, not protected by high morality, goes beyond the corresponding level of spiritual development, the law of nature ensures its violent suppression. The movement to absolute evil is interrupted for each race by the next cataclysm. We can control the events of our life, but not its law And no mortal can change it. During the chain of births, although the personality (body) changes, the thread of life (ray, spirit), on which they are strung like beads, remains continuous. " (Esoteric Buddhism). Those.a civilization that has not reached the proper moral level cannot carry out interstellar flights, since it itself is destroyed, not having achieved the proper ones for flights. level. And as you can see from the above quote, this is an adamant law of nature. If they did not destroy themselves, having achieved such technologies and knowledge that allow them to carry out inter-star and intergalactic travel or travel in time and parallel worlds, then they have achieved high morality and they do not raise a hand to destroy life. Why can they travel if their technologies allow them to obtain any chemical element and even a finished object at the molecular level (in a way, they discovered the secret of the philosopher's stone) and they do not need minerals, and robots replace slaves? But curiosity is characteristic of all thinking, i.e.they are driven by knowledge.

On the other hand, underdeveloped civilizations (to which ours belongs) have something that these civilizations cannot use yet, but this is something that is constantly being renewed. This something can be psi energy, and this energy is taken away by civilizations that have reached high levels without harm to its producers. And the third option, we have already been conquered by alien intelligence, but we do not even know about it. But this is the worst and most unlikely option.

The presence of the Galactic UN was suggested by IA Efremov in his novel "The Andromeda Nebula", where this organization is called "The Great Ring". And most likely this organization exists in reality and its task is to follow and help imperceptibly young civilizations, without interfering in their internal affairs and thus depriving them of their own history. But if a civilization is incorrigibly "sick," its development starts to take its course, right up to self-destruction. Recently, more and more information appears that the governments of the leading countries have established contact with alien intelligence, but they hide it from the people. This is motivated by the fact that they would not create panic. But what a panic there can be from the knowledge that we have brothers in mind. In general, has anyone ever wondered what could actually be the reason for hiding these facts?

And the reason is very simple. The reason is in the form of government. Humanity knows two main types of government: monarchical and republican. The power in them can be aristocratic, plutocratic, tyranny and democratic. By the way, Plato considered all these types of power and government not fair, but believed that: "Better the arbitrariness of one than many."

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A civilization that has overtaken us in development must develop a new, just type of government. And what a lagging civilization is usually interested in, having met with a civilization ahead of it, is knowledge and everyday life, and the way of government enters into everyday life. And if a developed civilization can transfer knowledge only those that cannot be used for military purposes and for self-destruction, then information about the structure of its state can be transferred unlimitedly. But having learned about such a structure, the people will begin to demand the same from their rulers. And which of the current powers that be wants to lose power and wealth?