Esotericism And Occultism, What Is It? - Alternative View

Esotericism And Occultism, What Is It? - Alternative View
Esotericism And Occultism, What Is It? - Alternative View

Video: Esotericism And Occultism, What Is It? - Alternative View

Video: Esotericism And Occultism, What Is It? - Alternative View
Video: Witchcraft! Inside The 100-Year-Old Occult Bookstore | You Have to See This 2024, September

"The power belongs to the one who knows" (H. P. Blavatsky "Fragments of Occult Truth") This is how the "Big Dictionary of Esoteric Terms" and "Wikipedia" are interpreted, what esotericism and occultism are:

EZOTHERIKA - “the science of the secret, hidden in ourselves; the object of her study is the internal processes taking place in the Universe and in the depths of the human soul."

(Large Dictionary of Esoteric Terms).

Esoterica - “a specific system of psycho-practices existing, as a rule, within the framework of any cultural and religious traditions, used by only a limited number of adepts and having a predominantly applied nature. Esoteric systems are hidden in the depths of religions, but they are fundamentally different from them in that, unlike religion, esoteric systems are highly practical and pragmatic."

(This is the definition of esotericism from Wikipedia).

OCCULTISM "(from Lat. Occultus - hidden) is the general name for teachings and traditions that believe that there are hidden forces and phenomena unknown to science in man and the cosmos, the experience of which is available only to people with" special abilities "or" dedicated ". astrology, magic, shamanism, beliefs in connection with the "other world", "witchcraft", "extrasensory perception", "paranormal phenomena", etc. are connected. Occultism is a kind of esotericism."


OCCULTISM - (from Lat. Occultus - secret, secret), the general name of the teachings based on the recognition of timeless and non-spatial connections between all elements of the world (cosmic, spiritual and material) and the existence of hidden forces in man and the Cosmos, accessible only to "initiated "Who have passed special psi spiritual training. Investigates secret natural forces, which he considers possible to use for practical purposes with the help of spells, magical actions and the like.

Promotional video:

(Large Dictionary of Esoteric Terms).

“Occultism sums up the One Being as follows:“Deity is the innermost living (or moving) Fire, and the eternal witnesses to this invisible Presence are Light, Heat and Moisture”, this trinity contains everything and is the cause of all phenomena in Nature. Intracosmic motion is eternal and continuous; the visible cosmic motion, or that which is subject to cognition, is of course and periodic."

(H. P. Blavatsky "The Secret Doctrine" v.1 article 57 published by "EKSMO-PRESS" Moscow, "FILIO" Kharkov, 2000)

The more archaeologists find various artifacts, the clearer it becomes that our civilization is not the first and not the most advanced. There is more and more evidence that there were civilizations on Earth that were superior in development to our civilization and which for some reason perished, but in their place new ones were born and this was repeated more than once. Skeptics will say, "Where is the evidence?" But there is plenty of evidence. These are megalithic structures, which are problematic to build even with modern technology, and unidentified fossil objects, and traces of the use of nuclear weapons in antiquity, and many other things that Orthodox science does not like to advertise, because the entire “building” is collapsing, so diligently erected by this science.

Anyone who wishes can type in the Internet search box "Unidentified Fossil Objects" or "Nuclear Wars of the Ancients" and read. Civilization can develop scientifically, technically, or psychically by magic (hereinafter, for short, technical and magical). Technical and magical civilizations strive for high knowledge, but by different methods, i.e. they have different means and methods to achieve this knowledge. It seems that the teaching of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is being confirmed that there were already four Root Races on Earth, our fifth. And in each Root Race there are seven sub-races, and in each sub-race there are seven sub-races. But this is the realm of esotericism.

So what is esotericism? Knowledge is divided into esoteric (external, accessible to all) and esoteric (internal, secret, accessible to initiates). Esoteric knowledge becomes exoteric as the civilization is ready to perceive it and not harm itself, applying this knowledge in everyday life. There are several degrees of initiation, the higher the degree of initiation, the more dangerous the knowledge that the initiate possesses. It is no secret that knowledge can be used both for the benefit and to the detriment of humanity. And to open them for mankind, as mentioned above, it is possible, as mankind is ready, to use them for good, and not for their destruction. For the disclosure of knowledge that is still too early for humanity to know, an initiate may even lose his life.

The development of civilization can follow a mental or technogenic path of development. Our civilization has chosen a technogenic path. The civilization that was before our civilization chose the psychic path of development. With the psychic path of development (it is also called psi magic), a minimum of technical means is used, but what science has long denied and is only now beginning to recognize is widely used: telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, etc. But at some stage of development, the scientific development of this (these) civilization outstripped moral development, and the civilization destroyed itself. This reason, by the way, is given in the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, as a result of the death of Atlantis.

Why does society treat this knowledge with hostility and even fear, and in the recent past this knowledge was prohibited, and for interest in it one could lose one's life, people who were interested in esoteric knowledge were simply burned at the stake. Even now, this knowledge is simply ridiculed by official science, and this is the most effective method of prohibition. A person is afraid to appear funny in the eyes of others. Now imagine that our civilization is dying in a nuclear conflict.

How do you think the survivors will relate to the knowledge that led to this conflict and to those who propagated and disseminated this knowledge. And in the future, when the next civilization develops to the proper level, and if it does not follow a technogenic path, then ours: physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, hydraulics, resistance of materials, etc., will become for them the same as now for us: magic, palmistry, astrology, alchemy, etc. Whatever prohibitions act on knowledge, there will always be people who, despite the prohibitions, even under pain of death, will strive for this knowledge. Incidentally, they preserve occult knowledge.

Occult knowledge is the knowledge left to us by a previous civilization. And here is what HP Blavatsky says about occultism: "Occultism is an exact science in any sense of the word, while the teachings of even the most capable, but not trained seers, working without outside help, can only have an empirical character."

("Fragments of Occult Truth" p.596 published by Moscow "EKSMO" 2003). Orthodox science classifies occult knowledge as pseudoscience. But the picture is interesting. Science uses categories: space, time and matter. Occultism - in categories: infinity, eternity and substance (energy). But according to the occult axiom: "Infinity generates space, eternity - time, and substance (energy) - substance (matter)." Modern science ridicules and denies occult knowledge, but here is the evidence that it exists:

"And if any soul turns to those who summon the dead and to magicians to walk prodigally after them, then I (God) will turn my face on that soul and destroy it from its people."

(The third book of Moses "Leviticus" 20/6) If they (knowledge) do not exist, then why is the punishment so severe?

The difference between esoteric knowledge and orthodox scientific knowledge lies in the fact that orthodox science thinks in terms of space, time and matter, and esoteric knowledge in terms of infinity, eternity, mind (spirit).
