The Magical Battle For The Caucasus - Alternative View

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The Magical Battle For The Caucasus - Alternative View
The Magical Battle For The Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: The Magical Battle For The Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: The Magical Battle For The Caucasus - Alternative View
Video: The History of the Caucasus : Every Year 2024, September

The Nazis lost this battle, because in that bloody confrontation between light and darkness, higher forces were not at all on their side.

Blitzkrieg oddities

It has long been no secret that the ideology of the Third Reich was largely involved in the occult. The first persons of German Nazism believed in the prophecies of astrologers and resorted to magic to achieve their goals. The center of all this was the "Ahnenerbe" ("Legacy of the Ancestors") organization, which worked at the SS (Black Order), whose specialists studied mystical doctrines and practices of the peoples of the world, and also organized expeditions to the sacred places of the planet. There is information that similar "magic" activity took place in the occupied territories of southern Russia.

In August 1942, the Germans launched an offensive in the Caucasus. It is believed that their main target was the Baku oil fields. Fierce battles broke out at present-day Vladikavkaz and at other strategically important bridgeheads. And then the German command unexpectedly threw as many as four divisions, including the elite Edelweiss mountain rifle unit, not on these flaming lines, where they would be more useful, but on the snow-covered slopes of the Caucasus Range. The occupation of this inaccessible and sparsely populated area, poorly protected and therefore taken by the Germans almost without resistance, looks at least strange. Indeed, it is not clear what benefit they wanted to derive by gaining a foothold in the mountains. After all, since ancient times, the aggressor has seized foreign cities and communication routes, and not deserted wastelands. What the Wehrmacht did here as a resulteven less amenable to rational explanation.

A well-equipped group of military climbers under the command of Captain Groot, who had trained more than once before the war in the Caucasus, climbed Elbrus and installed the Nazi banner on its top. Despite the fact that this is the highest point in Europe, such a propaganda step had no practical meaning and was clearly not worth the effort. The German general Kurt Tippelskirch wrote about this: "On Elbrus, the German mountain arrows raised the German flag on August 21, but this significant achievement of mountaineering had neither tactical nor even more strategic significance." Therefore, the assumption about the performance of some secret ritual there looks quite natural.

Join the sources of formidable forces and energies

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The French Jacques Bergier and Louis Povel in the book "Morning of the Magicians" talk about this ascent: "When … the troops were in the North Caucasus, a strange ceremony took place. Three SS climbers climbed Elbrus, the sacred mountain of the Aryans, the cradle of ancient civilizations, the magical peak of the Friends of Lucifer sect. They planted there a banner with a swastika, blessed according to the ritual of the Black Order. The blessing of the banner at the top of Elbrus was to mark the beginning of a new era. Now the seasons had to obey, and fire had to conquer ice for millennia."

However, Adolf Hitler, upon learning of this, was furious. Albert Speer, minister of armaments in the Nazi government, recalled that he had never seen him so furious. The Fuehrer shouted that the organizers of this mountaineering adventure should be brought to court-martial, since they climb mountains instead of fighting. Hitler either really did not see any point in this action, or, on the contrary, understood well its deep magical essence. That is why he lost his temper when he learned that such a significant sacrament was performed behind his back.

Briton Nagel Pennick expresses his view of this mysterious event: “The shooters climbed Elbrus only to plant a flag with a swastika on its top. Such bravado did not impress Hitler, who already knew that he was beginning to lose the war. What are these people doing climbing mountains when they have to fight Bolshevism? The reasons for their actions were deeper than the usual ritual, but Hitler was not privy to this secret, and therefore scolded them for several days with more than usual force. What exactly happened?.. The conquest of Elbrus, the source of all earthly energies, meant the establishment of control over the entire energy system of the Earth … In accordance with this theory, by controlling this key point, the Nazis could turn the tide of events in their favor."

Why did they attach such importance to Elbrus? If only because in Iranian mythology, which they considered the quintessence of "Aryan wisdom", the two-headed Elbrus was called "the king of the mountains", "the sacred ancestral home of the Aryans", "the center of the world." The approval of a flag with a swastika in such a place could indeed be considered by the Germans as a fateful magical act.

There is no evidence that the banner installed there was in any way prepared for this. However, in the SS there really was a practice of “consecrating” flags in the course of group rituals under the arches of departmental castles - up to sprinkling the cloths with human blood. So there is nothing incredible in Bergier and Povel's assumption that the banner brought to Elbrus could also go through such a ceremony. Historians believe that the whole idea belonged to Heinrich Himmler, who directed the activities of the SS and the Ahnenerbe.

The writer Ernst Jünger, being a German officer, visited the occupied Caucasus in 1942 and wrote in his diary: “The Caucasus is not only the cradle of peoples, languages and races; animals, plants, landscapes of spaces of Europe and Asia are also kept in his casket. Memories are awakening in the mountains; the meaning of the earth is revealed more clearly, it is just a stone's throw from it, as if to ore or precious stones, and the waters originate from here. This sacralization of the Caucasus was also characteristic of the mystically minded ideologists of the Third Reich. They hoped to find here the keys of the world's greatest secrets, to join the sources of formidable forces and energies.

Highlanders - "pure Aryans"?

Even before the war, the Caucasus was an important object of study for German scientists, not to mention the esotericists from the Ahnenerbe. After all, the Indo-European race, which the Nazis called "Aryan", has another official name in Western science: "Caucasian" or "Caucasian". That is, long before Hitler, the opinion was established in the academies of Europe that the Caucasus was the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans.

The Nazis adapted this anthropological fact to their ideological needs and even used it in propaganda among the Caucasian peoples. Until now, in some republics, you can hear the tale that during the war the Germans, on the basis of racial research, declared one or another mountain ethnos "pure Aryans." Such statements from the German side really sounded. However, those who now boast of such a dubious "honor" would be nice to remember at what cost they got the reputation of "true Aryans."

Talk about this began in Germany back in the 19th century after studying the shape of skulls from the Caucasus. But where did the highlanders' skulls come from in Europe for such studies? It turns out that history stretches back to the time of the Caucasian War. Fighting in the Russian army, German General von Sass amazed his subordinates with a terrible habit of cutting off the heads of slain enemies. His colleague Phillipson recalled how “he met General Zass in Stavropol. He rode in a sleigh, and the other sleigh, closed with a cavity, followed him. "Where is this, Your Excellency, and what are you taking?" - "I am going, fellow countryman, on vacation and I am taking … settled cases." With this word, he opened the cavity, and I saw, not without disgust, about fifty naked skulls. " The Decembrist Lorer once saw that the general kept the severed heads of the mountaineers at home, and asked: "Why are they here with you?" - "I boil them,- Zass said calmly, - I clean and send them to different anatomical offices and to my friends, professors in Berlin.

This is how a collection of skulls from the North Caucasus appeared in Germany. Examining them, German anthropologists put forward a hypothesis about the ethnic kinship of some mountain peoples with the most ancient Indo-Europeans. The Nazis turned this assumption into a propaganda slogan about "true Aryans" in the Caucasus. And those who today beat themselves in the chest, naively believing that this should be proud, should know that they are pandering to the cause of people who once outraged the heads of their ancestors.

Ramadan Jigil