What Is Banshee - Fairy, Ghost Or Patroness Of The Family? - Alternative View

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What Is Banshee - Fairy, Ghost Or Patroness Of The Family? - Alternative View
What Is Banshee - Fairy, Ghost Or Patroness Of The Family? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Banshee - Fairy, Ghost Or Patroness Of The Family? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Banshee - Fairy, Ghost Or Patroness Of The Family? - Alternative View
Video: BANSHEE - A Wailing Fairy Harbinger Of Death Irish Folklore | Irish & Celtic Mythology Explained 2024, July

Banshee (Bin-Sidhe, Benshi) translated into Russian means "a woman is a fairy." The banshee is known in Ireland as a female spirit that cries outside the house to warn residents of the imminent death of a family member. Often you can hear her even before you see her, her cry is so piercing that no one dares to voluntarily try to approach this terrifying spirit. It is believed that the banshee's howl resembles a hellish mixture of the sob of a child, the howling of a wolf, and the cackle of wild geese.

In the legends of Ireland, Banshee does not bring the news of death directly to the doomed person, but warns his loved ones that the death of their relative is close. This gives the family an opportunity to prepare. Some believe that, like the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, Bin-Sidhe accompanies the deceased to ensure that the person will safely cross over to the other side of being.

Banshee in Celtic mythology

Banshee stories have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Some say the Banshee is the ghost of a young woman who was brutally murdered and died so badly that she now watches other people die.

Banshee walks through the cemetery
Banshee walks through the cemetery

Banshee walks through the cemetery.

According to legend, the Banshee can also take many forms. However, in Ireland she is most often portrayed as a beautiful young woman with long flowing, silvery-white (sometimes red) hair. Or, like an old woman in rags with dirty gray hair, long nails and sharp rotten teeth. Both descriptions share a similarity - Banshee's eyes, red and swollen with tears.

The Banshee Witch can take the following form at will:

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  • An elderly woman wearing a black dress. She has long gray hair and a veil covering her face.
  • An elderly woman with long gray hair, red eyes and a green dress.
  • A deathly pale woman with long red hair, dressed in a white dress, sometimes in a shroud.
  • Beautiful woman in the shroud.
  • A beautiful woman with silvery white hair, wearing a long shimmery silver dress, wearing or using a silver hairbrush.
  • A headless woman, naked to the waist, carrying a bowl of blood.

As you can see, there are several options for describing what the Banshee actually looks like. However, the fear she instills in people who are unlucky enough to hear her is always the same. What all Banshee witnesses agree on is that this creature makes a terrible cry.

It was originally thought that Banshees only came to Irish families such as O'Grady, O'Neill, O'Brien, O'Connor, and Kavanagh. He especially loves those who have the letter "O" or "Mac" in their last name, for example, O'Brien or Mc'Neill. However, later legends say that Benshi also comes to people of other nationalities.

The Man Who Met the Banshee

“This story was told to me by my uncle when I was just a child. He walked home on a cold and windy night. Upon arriving home, my uncle told my grandmother that he was trying to comfort an old woman whom he met right outside our house. Describing her, he said: “The old woman was dressed in a black dress with a veil on her face, she was crying and crying near the house. Every time my uncle approached her, she backed away, but all the time she continued to point to our house.

Her gaze is terrifying
Her gaze is terrifying

Her gaze is terrifying.

My grandmother was well versed in old Irish legends. She immediately understood what this old woman was and hastened to put my uncle to bed, assuring him that she herself would look for the old woman. Needless to say, she didn't dare to do such a thing. Just three days after this strange encounter, my grandmother's brother died peacefully in his sleep. It turns out that that day my uncle tried to invite the Banshee for tea!"

Banshees - good or bad?

Not all Banshees are creatures filled with hatred. Among them there are those who had strong ties with their families during their lifetime and continued to protect their relatives after death. When Banshee Guardians reveal themselves, they appear as lovely, charming women. They sing a sad song filled with care and love for loved ones. This song can be heard a few days before the death of a family member. Usually, a Banshee song can only be heard by the person for whom it is sung.

Banshee Girl
Banshee Girl

Banshee Girl.

The evil and fearsome Banshees are mentioned in the legends as the “reverse side of the coin”. During their lives, these women have had reasons to hate their families. They look like distorted and frightening visions filled with hatred. The howl of these Banshees is so eerie that the person who hears it chills to the bone. Instead of alerting a family member to impending death, these Banshees celebrate the future demise of someone they hated!

Banshee maddens or tears to shreds

Other stories in Irish mythology regarding Banshee say that she is the ghost of a young girl who suffered a brutal death, and her spirit still warns family members that a violent death is imminent. The ghost is said to look like an elderly woman with rotten teeth and long nails. She is dressed in rags and has blood-red eyes that are so filled with hatred that a direct look into them will cause immediate death! This Banshee's mouth is always open, and her shrill cry torments the souls of the living.

Banshee in the forest
Banshee in the forest

Banshee in the forest.

According to some stories, there are evil Banshees who take pleasure in killing. They actively seek out their victims and begin to chase them with their screams until the person commits suicide or goes insane. There are even Banshees who can rip people to shreds, and these horrible ghosts are exactly the character that characterizes modern horror films.

Hidden knowledge

No one really knows how the Banshee will find out about the man's death. One theory suggests that each family member has their own personal guardian who watches over them and reports to the Banshee. However, in our time it is believed that this legend is nothing more than a creepy bedtime story.

Centuries ago, the belief in the Banshee was very widespread in Ireland, and it was considered sacrilegious to be an unbeliever. If you have an elderly Irish relative, it is quite possible that he still believes it! For most modern people, the legend of the Banshee falls into the category of myth and superstition. Therefore, if you happen to visit Ireland and hear a terrible scream in the middle of the night, then it is not at all necessary that it comes from the ominous Banshee witch!