"The X-Files" Of Humanity: 6 Mysteries Of Our Time - Alternative View

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"The X-Files" Of Humanity: 6 Mysteries Of Our Time - Alternative View
"The X-Files" Of Humanity: 6 Mysteries Of Our Time - Alternative View

Video: "The X-Files" Of Humanity: 6 Mysteries Of Our Time - Alternative View

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1. Experiment "Philadelphia"

According to rumors, in 1943, the US military allegedly tried to create a ship invisible to enemy radars. For this purpose, special electromagnetic generators were installed on the destroyer Eldridge. The idea of the experiment was that a very strong electromagnetic field around the ship would serve as a shield for the radar beams. During the test, the ship, to the amazement of the military, not only disappeared from the radar, but simply literally disappeared from sight. He was later allegedly found re-materializing in the Norfolk area, Virginia. The crew of the ship, according to various sources, either disappeared, or went crazy, or was brainwashed immediately after the experiment. According to some eyewitnesses, the members of the Eldridge crew either disappeared, then passed through the walls, or even spontaneously ignited, so much so that they could not be extinguished. There are many versions regarding the reasons for the disappearance of "Eldridge": from the discovery of teleportation to the theory of time travel. The leadership of the US Navy at one time completely denied the conduct of such an experiment. No written evidence has survived: the documents were destroyed, the ship's log was "lost" in the archives, the destroyer was sold to Greece. There are, however, some witnesses to the experiment, but their words also cannot serve as proof. Skeptics believe that during the experiment, the destroyer simply sailed from Philadelphia to Norfolk along some hidden water channel, the existence of which reduced the two-day journey to 6 hours. This. As well as the difference in time, they explain the alleged "instantaneous" appearance of the ship in a water port after disappearing in another. Conspiracy theorists continue to search for written evidence of the Philadelphia experiment.


2. The Roswell incident

In July 1947, an American farmer discovered the wreckage of a strange aircraft and, as many are sure, the bodies of strange little people near the town of Roswell. The appearance of the wreckage was suggestive of an alien spacecraft or a failed top-secret military experiment. However, the FBI "froze" the debate on this topic for 60 years: the plainclothes officers who arrived at the site immediately mothballed the wreckage of the aircraft and took it for further research in a closed hangar. A few years later, the US government announced that the wreckage allegedly belonged to a Soviet spy balloon. However, supporters of the theory of extraterrestrial intelligence, of course, did not believe a penny. As the government pondered what the debris of which had fallen on their head in 1947, word of mouth quickly spread the news across the country. Since then, the words "Roswell" and "UFO" are practically synonyms. The city earns fabulous profits from tourists who want to have at least one eye look at the landing site of the "flying saucer"


3. Zombies Among Us

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We used to think of zombies as part of the film industry. The living dead, resurrected by sorcerers, no longer frighten even avid fans of the horror genre. But are there real zombies? Ethnobotanist Wade Davis, in his book The Snake and the Rainbow, about zombification and voodoo in Haiti, tells the story of a strange man named Clervius Narcissus. In 1962, he died in a local hospital three days after admission with flu symptoms. Eighteen years later, he allegedly returned from the world of the dead and, as proof, gave his sister the family nickname she had once awarded him. According to the "resurrected", his body was stuffed with drugs, then turned into a zombie and forced to work with other zombies on a sugar plantation. After the death of the owner, Narcissus managed to escape, and for 16 long years he wandered around the country,until he came across his own sister in the market and recognized her. Skeptics believe that Clairvius Narcissus did not die at all, but fell into a stupor, which the local illiterate doctors took for death.


4. Wow signal

The SETI project was engaged in the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, proceeding from the assumption that if developed civilizations exist somewhere, then they should have created radio signal systems, the same as on Earth. The search for brothers in mind was expressed in listening to millions of radio channels in an attempt to catch some kind of intelligent code. On August 15, 1977, what all the project participants had been waiting for so long happened - at the University of Ohio, a radio telescope recorded a signal that lasted exactly 37 seconds. Astronomer Jerry Eiman, who accepted the 6EQUJ5 code, delightedly circled it in a red marker in the diagram and scribbled in the margin with the same marker: WOW! - "Cool!". However, the scientist's enthusiasm was premature. No one was able to prove whether the received signal was really the code of brothers in mind, or arose on the air as a result of any human activity. Attempts to re-index the signal have failed.


5. Wheat

circles The phenomenon of wheat circles has been around for almost 30 years. Mysterious circles and signs formed by neatly crushed ears of wheat are clearly visible from a helicopter and even from space. Interestingly, about 90% of all circles are located in England. There are many theories about the origin of these circles. The most popular of them is the intervention of unearthly civilizations, traces of alien spacecraft and even secret signs that our brothers in mind give us. Scientists are inclined towards meteorological explanations of the phenomenon: the circles appear to them as the result of sudden tornadoes or the destruction of the ozone layer. Skeptics believe that all circles are the result of someone's unsuccessful "long-playing" joke.


6. Bigfoot

Until now, in many parts of the world, scientists, tourists, hunters find "evidence" of the existence of the so-called Bigfoot - a huge humanoid creature with long white hair covering his entire body. Traces of huge feet were seen in Alaska, Elbrus, and Peru. Many are inclined to consider Bigfoot as one of the intermediate links in evolution, proof that man descended from an ape. Others consider him a mystical creature. Skeptics, as always, grin and advise everyone to be more realistic: footprints may be someone's joke, photographs - fake, video evidence - fake