How Does The Government Make Money On Our Health - Alternative View

How Does The Government Make Money On Our Health - Alternative View
How Does The Government Make Money On Our Health - Alternative View

Video: How Does The Government Make Money On Our Health - Alternative View

Video: How Does The Government Make Money On Our Health - Alternative View
Video: How do governments make money? | CNBC Explains 2024, September

Everyone knows that morbidity and mortality from almost all types of diseases among Russian citizens are growing. The Government of the Russian Federation convinces us that this is a global trend. The citizens themselves are to blame for this.

From the TV screens, the Minister of Health Skvortsova V. I. convinces us that alcohol, smoking, etc. are to blame for this. Malysheva sends everyone to the doctor.

So who is to blame for the fact that the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in Russians increased by 85%, and oncological diseases by 35%?


The answer is simple. The government of the Russian Federation, not citizens.

First, greed and a desire to make money for the health of citizens. In all developed countries, it is forbidden for manufacturers to use trans fats. These are vegetable fats, including palm oil, hydrogenated with hydrogen. The result is milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese that never disappear on the one hand, and on the other hand, do not contain milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese. However, if you do not consume these products, what will happen? Then you get trans fats from bread, noodles, pasta, candy, biscuits, etc. Adding trans fats to bread, for example, increases its shelf life. Bread does not dry out as quickly as without them. The same thing happens with cookies. With a simple stroke of the pen, the Russian government can ban the import of palm oil. However, it raises VAT on it to 20% in order to make money on those producerswho violate state standards and poison people. Instead of imprisonment for life sentences - a go-ahead to manufacturers. Poison the people, we will help you. Just let us earn. That is why the import of palm oil will exceed more than 1.2 million tons this year. The Government of the Russian Federation alone earns 5 billion dollars from the import of palm oil every year. Of course, the manufacturer pays them. But in the end - we are with you, when we add sour cream to borscht. 5 billion dollars is the price of our health and life.manufacturer. But in the end - we are with you, when we add sour cream to borscht. 5 billion dollars is the price of our health and life.manufacturer. But in the end - we are with you, when we add sour cream to borscht. 5 billion dollars is the price of our health and life.


Secondly, the regulation of the demographic situation. Those children who now consume milk, sweets, cookies will get cardiovascular or oncological diseases by the age of 40-50. Their active period of life, 20-40 years, will end. They will give birth to children, they will serve in the army, they will wear themselves out in hard physical work. The state does not need them anymore. You can get rid of them. Savings on retirement. From what people die in Moscow - the graph shows.

Promotional video:

86% die from cancer and cardiovascular disease
86% die from cancer and cardiovascular disease

86% die from cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Someone might think that the Government of the Russian Federation does not know about this. So no. WHO (World Health Organization) has warned all leaders of all countries about this. Under painting. The talk is titled “Avoiding Heart Attacks and Strokes. Don't be a victim Protect yourself”about palm oil. A REPLACE package of measures was provided for trans fats, which implies a complete ban on the manufacture and use of trans fats, from which more than 500 million people die in the world every year, and 5 billion people are at risk of premature death.

Is there a direct relationship between the use of trans fats by manufacturers and the morbidity of citizens? There is such a dependence. Unlike cis fats, trans fats do not exist in nature. The interaction of trans fats with a living organism leads to a violation of the immune system, to a violation of the biochemistry of inflammatory processes. Directly - vascular atherosclerosis and the risk of heart attacks, sudden cardiac arrest, the development of other heart diseases. The functioning of the pancreas is also disrupted. Type II diabetes mellitus develops, as the body's insulin sensitivity decreases. The consumption of trans fats leads to obesity not only in the body externally, but also in liver cells. With a decrease in immunity, there is a danger of cancer.

Why is it profitable for food manufacturers to use trans fats or other salomas? The main thing is to reduce the cost of food. Replacing expensive components with cheap ones. Issue of counterfeits of any type. Butter = salomas + flavorings. Sweets = salomas + flavorings instead of chocolate. Sausage - instead of meat, we use salomas + flavorings. Cheese. Instead of cream - salomas + flavorings. The second property of trans fats is their almost endless storage. Under the USSR, the period for selling sausages was 72 hours, now it is 1 year. Sour cream, such as natural, never turns into butter. Even if you carry it in the trunk for a year. Will not disappear or change shape.

If you take the graph of the growth of morbidity and the graph of the growth of import of palm oil, you will see a direct relationship.

Scientists believe that the daily intake of trans fats (salomas) in the amount of 5 grams. per day increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 25%. Russians consume over 27 grams of trans fat per day. On packs of cigarettes, we just draw the harm from smoking, and on products with trans fats - nothing at all.

Rospotrebnadzor, V. I. Skvortsova they turn a blind eye to this, and the current situation plays into the hands of the RF Government. Themselves, they are not fed from these factories. Their lives are priceless. They live happily ever after, but after 40 years we have to write a will. Therefore, the Government is increasing the import of palm oil to Russia and earns $ 5 billion a year from this. On our health.

We have no choice. In the current political and economic system, we cannot avoid trans fats. Whether we want or not, we will get them through almost any product. A ban is only possible at the legislative level. But there we have the United Russia party. The party in power.