Alexander The Great - The Conqueror Of Land, Water And Space - Alternative View

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Alexander The Great - The Conqueror Of Land, Water And Space - Alternative View
Alexander The Great - The Conqueror Of Land, Water And Space - Alternative View

Video: Alexander The Great - The Conqueror Of Land, Water And Space - Alternative View

Video: Alexander The Great - The Conqueror Of Land, Water And Space - Alternative View
Video: history of the entire world, i guess 2024, September

The colossal figure of Alexander the Great, first ruler of Macedonia and Greece, and then the ruler of half the world, will attract attention as long as humanity lives. An ingenious commander and a great politician, a talented builder and a brave traveler, he was also a scientist, and maybe even … the first cosmonaut. In any case, he often implemented such tasks that only after centuries were within the power of his distant descendants.

Athos sphinx

This project of Alexander the Great strikes the imagination of even our contemporary, experienced in all sorts of sensations and excesses.

Alexander suggested the idea to create a grandiose sculpture, unsurpassed in size by anyone even in his plans, to his court architect Dinocrates. The famous Mount Athos, 2 kilometers 33 meters high, was supposed to be turned into a statue of a seated Greek warrior, "hewn" the mountain range from all sides as a sculptor does with a block of marble. The monstrous complexity of the plan can be judged if only because, according to the vision of the commander, in his left hand the "warrior" had to hold … a whole city with 10 thousand inhabitants, and in his right hand - an incredible size dish, a man-made mountain "lake" into which would be the waters of rivers flowing from this giant mountain. Another city with a population of 10 thousand was supposed to be under the warrior's right hand. Austrian architect and architectural historian Fischer von Erlal (1656-1723), referring to ancient sources, indicatesthat only such an architectural and sculptural ensemble Alexander would consider "worthy of its greatness."

The project was not implemented. He was rejected, according to the same Austrian author, by the commander himself for a completely rational "ecological" reason: "Such a city would not have enough fields to provide food for the population."

The history of human civilization does not know other similar plans of rulers, although there are enough colossal structures built on our planet. This project can only be compared with the famous "Martian Sphinx", discovered in 1976 by NASA during the flight of the Viking-1 spacecraft to Mars. The dimensions of the "face" of this sphinx: the length of the face from the chin to the hair is 1.5 kilometers, the width is 1.3 kilometers, and the height is 0.5 kilometers.

The height of the Athos sculpture, conceived by Alexander the Great, would have been four times that of this figure on Mars, not to mention that the Martian face is a primitive image. In addition, there is still no consensus: either this sphinx is of artificial origin, or just a natural mountain slightly resembles a face. The sculpture of Dinocrates would be full-figured! Everything has been worked out in the project: down to the smallest folds of clothing, facial features, body muscles, fingers and toes, parts of military equipment, etc.

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And after all, they were going to embody it in "material", and they would have done it, if not for the prohibition of the Macedonian himself. The Greek civilization was more powerful than the one that created the supposed Martian artifact (if it is truly man-made). The commander was definitely a person of a chosen fate, an initiate whose life path was marked by such deeds and such miracles that have not been clearly explained so far.

Miracle of birth

Initiated people call such earthlings as Prometheus, Orpheus, Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras, Plato, Paracelsus, Roger Bacon, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Tsiolkovsky … They owned hidden knowledge. These were the people of Mystery. Alexander the Great undoubtedly belonged to them, although his esoteric deeds and knowledge are less known. They are associated with the initiation of Alexander into ancient cults - a carefully hidden science of the Egyptian priests.

According to the priest of the Temple of Ammon, Alexander's father, King Philip, was "not one of the mortals." Both Philip and Alexander's mother, Olympias, are reported to have been initiated into ancient mysteries. Olympias was clairvoyant and had a presentiment of the great fate of her son. “On the eve of that night, when the bride and groom were shut up in the bridal chamber, Olympias dreamed that there was a thunderclap and lightning struck her belly, and from this blow a strong fire broke out; flames fled in all directions and then died out”(Plutarch). Undoubtedly, the mother correctly guessed the fate of Alexander - who conquered half the world, shone brightly and quickly faded away.

The legend of Alexander's conception recalls the later story of the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ from the Holy Spirit. However, Alexander had an earthly father. Although this is what ancient sources tell. Once Philip, going into the bedchamber to the queen, saw on her bed a huge serpent stretched along her body. It could scare anyone. But Philip also thought that this was not a simple serpent, but someone reincarnated into him and that his wife was “connected with a higher being,” since then he has not shared a bed with her, so the birth of Alexander from Philip can be questioned.


Through the chain of disciplic succession, Alexander the Great joined the secrets of Ancient Egypt, which was then considered the center of wisdom. The local priests kept unique titles that were passed down from the times before the Flood, when, as it is assumed, human civilization was at a much higher level than in the era of antiquity.

The tutor and teacher of Alexander was Aristotle (384-322 BC), who possessed the secret knowledge received from the Egyptian priests. When Alexander learned that his mentor had outlined the secrets in the manuscript, despite his youth, he reprimanded the teacher: You acted wrong by promulgating a teaching intended only for oral teaching. " The ancient Greek writer Diogenes Laertius argued that the priests kept records of knowledge dating back 49 thousand years to Alexander the Great. The depth and unusualness of this information can be judged at least by the appeal of the Egyptian priests to the Salon, by the way, to one of the seven ancient Greek sages: “You, Greeks, remain children forever,and there is no elder among the Greeks …"

A great conqueror could have discovered America

Alexander went to the big world, knowing quite a lot about him, but wanting to check the information he had received. The possessor of secret knowledge should have been subject to the earth, the water element and the heavens. And not figuratively, but literally. Hence the strange, inexplicable, not connected with the activity of conquest, the insatiable thirst of the commander to try himself in these three elements.

He conquered the earth, triumphantly conquering Egypt, Iran, Arabia, Central Asia, part of Scythia and India, that is, a huge part of the then inhabited world ("Oikumens"), at least in that part that was known to the Greeks.

Not only did Alexander the Great conquer one kingdom after another, he stubbornly walked to a certain limit of the earth, believing that this limit is somewhere beyond India (that's why he went there). For some reason he was sure that there stretches a kind of Great Sea (Pacific Ocean?), Which, if you sail along it further to the east, will lead him … back to Egypt! And he strove for this sea, about which the priests most likely knew something, and therefore Alexander. From Aristotle, he learned about the sphericity of the Earth, that on the opposite part of it live "antipodes" (Aristotle's term), that is, people who walk upside down in relation to the Europeans. Probably, Alexander the Great also knew the approximate dimensions of the earth's geoid, which was no longer a secret then.

In a word, the great conqueror was looking not only for military glory, but also … a way around the globe. This would have been the path of the discovery of America, but in the opposite direction from Columbus and almost two thousand years earlier than the Genoese navigator. Isn't the knowledge of such a sea road surprising for the IV century BC ?!

Prospecting of Alexander

Alexander sailed on ships in the Mediterranean Sea, sailed along the great rivers of Mesopotamia and India, went out into the Indian Ocean. But this was not enough for him. He decided to study the water column, which then did not occur to anyone at all.

For the descent under water, the great Macedonian built a "bathyscaphe" (which in Greek means "ship for the depths"). Of course, now it is difficult to say exactly what he looked like, but traces of such a device remained in historical sources and, of course, in the legends about the commander.

It is known that the underwater vehicle was invented by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), who, apparently, also possessed intimate knowledge. But Leonardo lived two thousand years after Alexander. In the 4th century BC, of course, no one had heard of submarines. How did Alexander know about them? Probably from the same secret sources.

There is an old, dating back to the early Middle Ages, depiction of Alexander the Great descending under water in an apparatus resembling a transparent glass barrel, hermetically sealed, with a hatch above and lighted lamps inside. The "barrel" is supported by cables. Tsar Alexander sits inside the apparatus with his legs tucked in and observes the picture of the underwater world unfolding before his eyes.

The medieval image, one must think, was based on some even earlier drawings, perhaps even from the time of Alexander. In addition, the oral tradition of this legendary event has been preserved.

Flying to the sky

Flights to heaven and even to the stars in ancient times were written much more often than they think today. The dream of reaching the heavenly abode of the gods has never left people. The ancient chronicles are full of reports about flying vehicles, the ascension of people to heaven, or the appearance of higher powers from heaven. A wooden model of a glider made 2.5 thousand years ago was discovered in Egypt. The sacred books of India tell in detail about "vimanas", fiery flying machines; Viking legends retained memories of "wafernas" - flying devices that left behind a whirlwind of fiery sparks; in Palenque (Mexico) found a relief image on a stone, belonging to the ancient Maya; depicts a spacecraft with an astronaut inside. The hero of the Sumerian epic Etana (XXV century BC) flew to the sky and saw from there the Earth as small as a basket. Obviouslyso that the Earth can only be seen from space! But how a person got there in the era of Neolithic civilizations remains a mystery.

So, Alexander the Great repeated Etana's feat. In the second century BC, an anonymous Alexandrian author reported this fact in the chronicles of Alexander's life. The ancient manuscript was supplied with drawings. On one of them, the king ascends into the sky.

The text and graphics along a chain of borrowings through Ancient Rome passed into the manuscripts of the Middle Ages. The Alexandrian manuscript was lost, but a medieval manuscript book by a German author, illustrated with miniatures, survived. Among them there is one, remarkable in all respects: it depicts Alexander the Great in some kind of aircraft. The king, in solemn vestments and with a scepter in hand, sits on the throne in the cabin. The cockpit is obviously sealed. She is pulled up by four eagle teams, three eagles each.

And what is interesting: they knew about this event in Russia - perhaps directly from ancient sources, and not, for example, from the same German manuscript. Those who were in the ancient Russian city of Vladimir could be struck by the strange relief on the southern facade of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, built in 1194-1197, that is, before the above-mentioned German manuscript was compiled. But on the relief of the Vladimir temple - the same plot: Alexander the Great ascends with the help of some strange device to heaven. It is noteworthy that in this image, not eagles are designated as "thrust", but some fantastic animals with wings: most likely griffins.

Of course, neither griffins, nor eagles, nor any other living creatures in this context can be understood literally. This is just a symbol of some * powerful and mysterious forces that were able to take the king's cabin into the sky and further, beyond the earth's atmosphere, into space. The animals of Alexander the Great as "space thrust" is its conventional image. In this case, everything falls into place, and the relief of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir, like the miniature of the anonymous medieval German artist, does not seem fantastic.

And here is the evidence that the king clearly saw the Earth from space and that this was not a simple air flight. When Alexander ascended high, a medieval manuscript narrates, "he saw neither land nor water." Then, when he looked down again, "The Earth presented itself to him as a small ball in an endless ocean …" The American astronauts who flew to the Moon expressed approximately the same opinion.

Perhaps it was not for nothing that Alexander hinted many times to his companions and subjects about his heavenly origin …

Source: "Interesting Newspaper Plus" # 6 (130). L. Melnikov
