Our Ancestors - Giants - Alternative View

Our Ancestors - Giants - Alternative View
Our Ancestors - Giants - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors - Giants - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors - Giants - Alternative View
Video: Forgotten Mound Builders of America… Giants of the Ancient Times 2024, September

Descriptions of huge people are present not only in the legends of many peoples of the world, but also in the historical sources of the 19th century, which often report the discovery of the remains of people of incredibly large stature in different parts of the world.

One of the ancient books, History and Antiquity, is kept at Oxford University. It contains an account of a giant skeleton found in the Middle Ages. The length of this skeleton was 4 meters, and the teeth were up to 17 centimeters.

At the beginning of the 19th century, in the state of Tennessee, in America, the ruins of an ancient fortress were found, and under it were the skeletons of two people, about 2 meters 15 centimeters tall. Fifty years later, builders of a granary in Wisconsin have discovered giant vertebrae and skull bones that belong to a person.

In another part of the world, in Egypt, archaeologists have discovered two mummies, a woman with red hair and a baby. If nothing is said about the baby's height, then the length of his mother's mummy was almost two meters. Similar mummies were found at the beginning of the 20th century in Nevada. The woman was two meters tall, the man was almost three meters. It is noteworthy that mummies were not characteristic of the Egyptians - red-haired people did not live in North Africa at that time.

German scientist Larson Kohl discovered the skeletons of huge people in Central Africa. 12 men had a height of 3.5 to 3.75 meters, and the most amazing thing is that they had two rows of teeth.

Around the same time, jasper hunters in Australia often found prints of huge human feet. Scientists have dubbed these people megantropes. Their height ranged from 2.1 to 3.65 meters. The growth of gigantopithecus (a genus of great apes) found in China was about the same, and the weight was almost 4 centners. Also on the territory of the continental country, stone tools were found, the weight of which ranged from 4 to 9 kilograms. Moreover, a special anthropological expedition in 1985 found a fossilized tooth 6.7 centimeters high and 4.2 centimeters wide. According to scientists, the growth of the "owner" of the tooth was at least seven and a half meters, and the weight was almost 400 kilograms! The age of this artifact will be 9 million years.

Towards the end of the 20th century, a farmer, while carrying out work in his field, found a fragment of a jaw, the height of the teeth of which was 5 centimeters. Some time later, a stone with a footprint was found in the Blue Mountains. According to anthropologists, this trail was left by a person whose height was at least 6 meters. Since such finds in Australia are far from uncommon, it can be assumed that Australian aborigines were far from the first to populate the continent. It is noteworthy that in the epic of the Australian peoples there is also a legend about abnormally large people.

In one of the articles about giants, the author spoke about the twenty-meter human skeleton, which is kept in the Vatican. It was brought by the Spaniards from America, who for some reason thought that they had found the remains of Adam. The preachers who traveled with the conquistadors sent many finds to Rome. Manuscripts created by missionaries during their travels in America quickly became classified. Many artifacts are still labeled "top secret". However, on the one hand, the ministers of the Vatican can be understood: unfortunately for historians, these days it is very easy to bribe.

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It should be noted that some "paid" historians destroy not only the remains of an ancient man, but also his sculptural image. In the middle of the 20th century, near the coast of Guatemala, people found a huge statue with facial features that did not resemble those of the local population. The statue was so old that it had grown into the ground. 50 years later, when scientists nevertheless decided to photograph such an unusual find, it was discovered that only a pile of stones remained from the artifact. Nobody knows whose tricks it is.

Going deeper into history, you can see that our ancestors were fond of creating huge stone statues, and they did it conscientiously. But how is this possible? There are no gaps between Baalbek's blocks, which weigh 800 tons, and their surface is perfectly smooth. Even in our days, when science has made great strides, it is quite difficult to do this. Is it possible to believe that the stones themselves laid down in the right order with the help of magic or supernatural forces?

In the quarry, which is located 20 kilometers from the Baalbek veranda, a block of granite was found, 25 meters long and weighing a thousand tons. An ordinary freight car can carry 60 tons of cargo.

In Egypt, the following pattern is observed: the older the structure, the more weigh the stones from which it is built, the processing is more perfect, and the structure itself is larger. It can be assumed that this is due to the size of a person - the buildings were built so that their owners could live comfortably in them.

The Bible also writes about the giants who lived on Earth in the past. The historical chronicles of the Sumerians say something like this: the man created by the Designers of Life Kadishtu was called to watch over the animals of the magic garden. So where was it located? There is an opinion that our Earth was a garden of Sumerian legends. The Sumerians write that the huge Nam-Lu-u guarded the Earth until the arrival of the Anunnu. In addition, they possessed a couple of normal abilities: they could fly, were telepathic, and possessed a third eye. About Adam, however, in some sources it is written that his body decreased only after the fall and expulsion from Eden.

Adam's life was also incredibly long: at 130 years old, Adam gave birth to a son of Seth in his own image and likeness, and in 930 he died. The more his daughters and sons mingled with the sons of God, the shorter their life became, although initially it was as long as that of their father.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the French scientist Henrion created a table by which it is possible to trace changes in human growth. According to his calculations, Adam was 40 meters tall, and Noah was already a little over thirty-three. Abraham was no higher than nine meters, and Moses was even lower - only four. The reason, most likely, lies in the good climatic conditions. The high percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere ensured good metabolism. The carbon dioxide content was less and the pressure was higher. So, according to Henrion's hypothesis, millions of years ago the Earth was inhabited by mega-anthropes, but no one really knows whether this is so.