Greetings From The Future - Alternative View

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Greetings From The Future - Alternative View
Greetings From The Future - Alternative View

Video: Greetings From The Future - Alternative View

Video: Greetings From The Future - Alternative View
Video: We Are From the Future 2024, September

This unusually early morning call found Tim Stanley, a successful Wisconsin real estate agent, at home.

- Tim Stanley? - sounded in the receiver.

- Yes it's me. And with whom, in fact …

“It doesn't matter,” an invisible companion interrupted. - Stay at home until noon today, Tim …

- And why is that? Stanley was surprised.

- Because this morning you should be hit by a car …


- To death? - Recovering himself from surprise, Tim asked, not without irony.

Promotional video:

“Fortunately, no,” the stranger responded with exactly the same amount of irony. - Otherwise we wouldn't be talking to you now …

- Okay, I'll think

- Tim said, not wanting to get involved with a bully, even a virtual one …

“Think,” said the man on the other end of the line.

- And so that the thought ends with the right decision, I give additional information: the car that threatens you will be a dark blue Ford, driven by Catherine Newport, a student from California who came here to visit relatives. If that's not enough, here's her car number, her driver's license number, and the number of traffic penalties over the past six months … Convinced?

- I said - I'll think

Tim repeated. - Have you all?

- You are a fool, Tim, - said the invisible interlocutor sympathetically and even somehow sadly.

- Why?

“Because you’ll still reproach this meeting with Gerald Winberg. But instead of the coveted deal, you will get sick leave

bunk … Well, anyway, I warned you!

Short beeps began to "sing" in the receiver … For a while, the dumbfounded Tim stood motionless, mechanically holding the receiver to his ear. Not a single living soul knew about the upcoming meeting - except for them with Gerald Winberg. And it was not possible to cancel this business conversation …

In the early morning of August 23, 2006, Tim Stanley, a 26-year-old successful real estate agent, left the house and went to meet with Gerald Winberg, a newly acquired solid and promising client … Tim's path was cut short about halfway this segment - at the Pristonville Clinic, where he was taken by a car "Ambulance"…

Towards evening, regaining consciousness, Tim saw two faces above him at once - a nurse on duty and a police officer.

The officer leaned over to Tim.

- Can you hear me, Mr. Stanley?

Tim grimaced, nodded …

- You were hit by a car. We are investigating the circumstances of the case. Can I ask you a few questions?

Tim nodded again. Then he tried to answer the questions accurately. And finally asked his own:

- Tell me, what kind of car was it?

“It was a Ford. "Ford" dark blue …

Everything else - the number of the car, the year of its manufacture, even the faulty part of the handbrake - came together with amazing accuracy.

“Well, okay,” the policeman concluded. - Now we will listen to the recording of our conversation. You may want to fix or add something …

The officer turned on his portable voice recorder.

As soon as he heard the first phrases of the dialogue, Tim felt that the morning nightmare was continuing … and, with a weak cry, he lost consciousness again. Because the voice of his recent telephone interlocutor and the voice from the recorder, now answering the police officer's questions, were the same! It was his own voice …


Perhaps the above incident with Tim Stanley is just a fragment from the realm of the incredible, or a common example of coincidence? But first, let's deal with the very definition of the Future. You don't have to be Isaac Asimov to do this! The future is only what comes after the Present that has just left us. And simplified: each subsequent second (minute, hour, month, year …) is the Future of the current second.

Note that we all to some extent live half in the Future …

So, if it is more or less possible to foresee what will happen to us after 10 minutes, then not everyone foresees what will happen to him in 10 years!

We will return again to the case of Tim Stanley, who received a warning of imminent danger from himself - only from the Future. The case, for all its amazingness, is still quite common - in the sphere of contacts with the Unknown (Otherworldly), the existence of such messages is an almost massive phenomenon. Here are just some of these contacts as an example; all of them are drawn from reliable sources …


Sherman Wilde, one of the "masters of thought" of progressive-minded young people in America in the 80s and 90s, once told a story about one of the participants in an action he organized called the Forge of Abundance. This American woman woke up with a bunch of numbers in her head, and like a big fan of the state lottery, she considered these numbers to be a winning combination for the next draw.

On the way to the ticket sales point, she sensed that some of the numbers were “wrong,” and chose others that she thought were more likely to fit. Guess what numbers ended up falling out? The ones that she dreamed about. It turns out that the girl voluntarily threw several million dollars into the trash can …

There are many stories about people who dreamed about a winning combination. But most often stories about the predicted future are associated with mass disasters …

In October 1966, a tragedy occurred in the village of Aberfan, South Wales, the memories of which to this day plunge the inhabitants of this small mining village into horror. The village elementary school was buried under a collapsed waste heap. A total of 144 people died …

Subsequently, psychiatrist John Barker was able to collect about sixty testimonies that in the weeks leading up to the accident, people had some premonitions. In twenty-two of these cases, the victims communicated their fears to others, so it can be said that in these cases the foresight of the future is confirmed by witnesses.

Some "insights" seem to be just supernatural. For example, Monica McBean worked at an aircraft factory 20 miles from Aberfan. One day while working, a vision of "a moving black mountain and buried children" appeared before her eyes. Mrs. McBean was so excited by what she saw that for a long time she could not recover. This happened just half an hour before the disaster.

Eryl Mae Jones was nine years old, along with most of her classmates, she died at Aberfan School. Two days before her death, she told her parents that she had a dream in which her school no longer exists, and she herself is covered with something black - along with two of her best friends. When Eryl's body was found, it turned out that she was falling asleep at the moment when she was sitting between two friends, whose names she gave to her parents …


In 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson published the novel The Wreck of the Titan.

In this literary work, it was about the tragic death of the ship called "Titan". According to the plot, a passenger liner with an incredibly large displacement of 75 thousand tons was considered unsinkable, but, having set off on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic, it collided with an iceberg. Most of the three thousand passengers are killed, as there were only 24 lifeboats on board …

This plot seems pretty familiar to us! But the whole paradox is that Robertson's book was published 14 years before the Titanic set off on its maiden voyage in April 1912! The huge ship was simply destined to collide with an iceberg, after which most of the 2,200 passengers died.

The characteristics of a real-life ship were incredibly close to its literary counterpart: the Titanic's displacement was 66 thousand tons, and it had only 20 lifeboats. According to the plot of the book, at the moment of collision with the iceberg, the Titan was moving at a speed of 25 knots, and the Titanic was moving at a speed of 23 knots … And there are more than seventy such coincidences …

Morgan Robertson was far from the only person who foresaw the disaster of the Titanic. Writer and public figure W. T. Stead wrote in 1894 for the London digest "Review of Reviews" a detailed study on the shortcomings of ocean liners, in particular, the possible options for their death.

Stead described the deaths of the passengers of an imaginary liner that hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic. Surprisingly, his article looked more like a stenographic record of the death of the real Titanic - almost all parameters of the ship coincided, all stages of its death, the number of crew and passengers (even some names!). Alas, no one in society perceived this newspaper material as a formidable prophecy!

There are many such penetrations (or “breakthroughs”) into the Future, and in very different ways: sometimes it is a rapidly “rolling” image-vision, in some cases it is a suddenly arising conviction (moreover, often completely unmotivated); all these forebodings occur on the eve of inevitable catastrophes - either in a dream or even in reality!

The fact that most of the foresight of the future comes to their addressees precisely in a dream is of great importance in itself. Many psychologists and seers believe that the state of sleep allows a person to "slip out of his time" and enter the astral world, where time flows differently, along an "unusual channel." Thus, a state is achieved in which time no longer moves in a continuous stream, the future does not follow the past, and all periods of time are equally “available”. And all these streams converge at a certain common starting point, inevitably add up to the scheme of Time reversibility, which, in turn, is an integral part of the great and all-embracing Scheme of Being …

Under the Scheme of Being, each person means something different. For some, this is a desire to arrange and comfortably equip their personal cell in the general Scheme. For others, in such a lonely cell it would be too close, so they spread their influence over many cells … God and the Devil are clearly present in the Scheme - our task is only to choose "our" side and act according to its rules.

But still, only the Scheme itself can know the fullness of the essence of the hidden and invisible Scheme of Existence! And we just have to gaze intently into the sleepy world of the Looking Glass, looking out there for the subtle frame contours of the Scheme and, perhaps, its clues …


“What is time? This is the interval between two events or their series. But it can be argued that if there are no events or actions, then time ceases to exist. From which it can also be concluded that an interval in time is also an action or an event.

Try to imagine such a small interval between two events that no other event or action that has no direct relation to the first two can fit into it. This interval, or unit of time, is time itself. It can be argued that such a gap cannot exist - and if this is true, then time itself does not exist! But time is useless to deny! After all, everything that has ever existed or will exist in the future must have existed in time.

If everything in the world has always existed, then there is the possibility of traveling from one event to another. Try to imagine it not as a step forward or backward, but as a step to the side …"

These words belong to Chris Robinson, one of the most famous clairvoyants of our time - a "dream detective" in the police service. Year after year, he predicted the imminent terrorist attacks of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) in the English town of Cheltenham.


The above statement can be compared with information about the time of another, no less famous clairvoyant Jane Roberts. He allegedly received his predictions from Seth - his "guardian angel" in Eternity.

Seth's concept of time, based on the concept of reincarnation, is that all lives occur simultaneously. In other words, all the events of all lives and eras are "compressed" in one instant, called "now". Only the human mind is designed so that it perceives time as a stream - Seth and other "supernatural" sources argue that this is a huge delusion, and only then will we wake up and find ourselves in "reality" when we understand that all the events that make up our life, in a sense, has already happened. Despite the fact that this view clearly contradicts our perception of reality, it can explain the ability to see the future.

Sayings from the Tibetan mystical "Revelations of Nepal" echo the concept of Set in the best possible way:

“You were, but you also are and will be at the same time. You are, but you also were and will be at the same time. You will, but you also were and are at the same time. You are eternal, for the Death invented by you is even more meaningless than the real Death - if it really exists … "(" Revelations of Nepal ", Chapter XXVII -" Time of the flow of rivers ").


As already noted, a lot of facts of warnings from the Future are known, but the question is: is it possible to avoid the indicated predestination? And is predestination itself indestructible?

Returning again to the case with Tim Stanley, I would like to find out: what would have happened if, after calling about the impending danger, this young man “heeded the voice of reason,” believed his counterpart from the Future, and there would not have been an accident? What could have happened in principle if Tim had stayed at home that fateful morning? Is such a "twist of Fate", "straw underlining" possible? Did the American guy Stanley (like all of us) have the right to choose at all or everything that happens to us is already predetermined by the great Scheme of Genesis?..

“Unfortunately, people who receive prophetic visions are often unable to interpret them correctly or even influence the course of events in order to prevent future disaster or catastrophe,” says KeithTutt, author of the acclaimed bestselling book on signals from the Future.

But is it really so?.. After all, along with fatalists, albeit involuntary, there are a considerable number of people who claim that they have escaped danger by listening to their own inner voice (which is nothing but the same signal from the future, only in a different variation).

American actress Lindsay Wagner was checking in for an American Airlines flight at Chicago's O'Hare airport when she had a strong premonition that she should not board a plane … A few seconds after takeoff, a DC-10 model Lindsay had to sit down, rolled over and crashed, killing all 273 of her passengers.

The actress Wagner was not the only person who had a feeling that something terrible was about to happen. David Booth from Cincinnati, Ohio, during the two weeks before the Chicago disaster, constantly came to mind the details of the future accident - in his dreams he saw several times how a large three-engined American Airlines jet plane was trying to land, but something with its engines not so, - he knew it from the sound that they made. After that, Booth usually saw the plane crash and go into flames. “I had the feeling that I was standing nearby or watching it all on TV,” said David.

This dream was repeated in all its gruesome detail for nine nights, and Mr. Booth thought it wise to postpone his flight. Thus, he missed the tragic flight …

Analysis by paranormal researcher William Cox found that the number of passengers traveling on flights that would have crashed was generally less than the number of passengers on regular flights. Even if the "escaped" accident did not realize the danger threatening them, it can be assumed that on a subconscious level, premonitions still visited them. This circumstance raises the following question regarding people who died in plane crashes: Perhaps, unfortunately, they simply ignored the warnings of the subconscious?

From the above we conclude: Fatum gives us a chance to avoid undesirable events, the main thing is not to dismiss his prompts. Otherwise, the Future will perceive us as mindless puppets! As in the famous quatrain of Omar Khayyam: We are obedient dolls in the hands of the Creator. This is not said by me for the sake of a word. The Almighty leads us onto the stage from the darkness and throws us into the chest, bringing us to the end …

The principles of receiving information from the Future, Chris Robinson, "detective from dreams", argues as follows:

“The inevitable, in this case, eventful Future can be anticipated! And, anticipating it, intervene in future events, change them at your own discretion."

Someone who, and Chris Robinson, officially declared at the time by the leadership of the IRA "enemy number 1 of the Irish Republican Army", knows what he says. Beginning in 1989, he predicted the location and type of terrorist attacks carried out by the IRA with amazing accuracy and long before the "X hour".

In his first vision-dream (which, as Chris felt, was of particular importance), he was "shown" a town in the English County of West and a small motel in which a group of five Irishmen were developing a plan for a terrorist attack. When Robinson woke up, he realized that this place was Cheltenham, because in his dream there were large satellite dishes, the purpose of which was to receive information related to the security of the country. These antennas belonged to the government's GBQ communications center.

Robinson guessed that this center was the target of the IRA. And many people who worked at this facility were threatened with death! Chris Robinson immediately contacted Investigator Paul Aylott, who had connections with officers from Scotland Yard, London's police department. Scotland Yard, in turn, could help get out to the secret services.

Aylott, helping Robinson, understood that if it became known about the source from which the latter "obtained information" about the impending terrorist attack, the officers of the special services might have serious doubts about the authenticity of this information. Therefore, a non-existent high-ranking informant was invented ahead of time …

Eight days later, it was reported on the news that the police had arrested a group of Irish terrorists at a Cheltenham hotel. During the search they found firearms and a huge amount of explosives …

The next series of important events began on January 16, 1990. In his dream, Robinson saw three potential locations for the IRA's "infernal machines". He received this information in the form of postal codes: two "BT" codes and one "LE-1". "LE-1" is the zip code for Leicester city center, "BT" is the postcode for Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. So, Chris thought, the bombs were sent from there …

A few days later, Robinson was invited to the police department to present his thoughts on the case. And only two hours later, a bomb was discovered and defused in the center of Leicester. In what part of it? In a small area whose zip code was “LE-1!

However, police officers, who are obliged by duty to ensure the safety of citizens, do not always listen to them and “perceive” the complaints and fears of the latter. Which are often grounded!

In the fall of 1979, Yorkshire and the whole of England were shocked: 12 women were killed, four more barely escaped death at the hands of a man who was called the "Yorkshire Ripper." The public was attacked by the police - people demanded that the killer be neutralized before he strikes again. A huge financial reward was announced to anyone who would provide information conducive to the capture of the offender, the police also received calls from people claiming that they had extrasensory information that would identify the maniac …

One of these psychics who predicted the future was Nella Jones, a resident of London. In October 1979, Nella contacted the police and the Yorkshire Post at the same time. A journalist named Shirley Davenport was immediately sent to Jones to interview. The journalist carefully recorded the story of the seer, wrote an interview article, but. the material, for some unknown reason, never got into the newspaper. The police also kept a strange silence, and did not even try to record the words of Nella Jones …

In November 1980, Jones called Shirley Davenport again and said that another murder would be committed on November 17 or 27 …

On the night of November 17, the "Yorkshire Ripper" killed his thirteenth victim. Then Davenport approached the editor of the newspaper with a proposal to print her article, but this proposal was again rejected. The journalist tried to offer the information she received to the police - and still unsuccessfully …


A few weeks later, a certain Peter Sutcliffe was arrested and charged with the murder of thirteen people. Backed by irrefutable evidence, he confessed to everything. Details of this man's life appeared in the press …

When Davenport looked through the records of her meetings with Nella Jones, she realized the extreme importance of everything that the psychic told her. Sutcliffe worked as a truck driver for a trucking company called Clark Transport. And Nella Jones said in an interview that the killer is a truck driver named Peter and the name of the company on the cab of his car begins with the letter "K".

Television coverage showed Peter Sutcliffe's home in Bradford, and Davenport was once again surprised at the accuracy of Jones's November 1980 predictions. They said that the "ripper" lived in Bradford, in a large house with a high iron porch, the house is the sixth in order on the street. In the telecast, Sutcliffe's address was named Gardenlein 6.

“Let the blood of these innocent women fall on those who did not listen to Nella's messages,” Shirley Davenport angrily snapped after the sensational material aired. “Those who, for the sake of their die-hard“common sense”, deny the possibility and reality of signals from the Future - even if it took thirteen lives to sacrifice their damned“sense”…

Nella Jones generally refused any comments on this topic - because, alas, it didn't matter at all …


Seven Heavens or Eight?

They lie in different ways.

The important thing is that they will crush me to dust.

And what difference does it make to me - worms in the grave

Or will the wolves in the steppe devour my body?..

Omar Khayyam

Before this "moment of dust" you need not just to live, going with the flow, but to act.

Because, as already mentioned, the Future is not at all predetermined! Hence, it is possible to somehow correct it. And in this extremely useful business, anything can become a help-hint (human imagination here provides a truly inexhaustible storehouse of choice) - from the famous ancient Hildebrand Maps to a modern penny cup with coffee grounds.

With the only difference, who exactly is at the helm of the study of your Destiny … And if in the case of the Hildebrand Tables you yourself act as an intermediary between fate and you, then in the version with coffee grounds, in the bizarre patterns of which your medium sees what he can (and, most importantly, he wants) everything is much more ambiguous and vague …

But, having received the prediction of your Future and believing in such a reality, can you still correct (for the better, of course) your own Destiny?

At first glance, nothing is impossible in the Scheme of Genesis! But if each of the people of the Earth begins to interfere in their own destiny, won't the mentioned Scheme of Existence collapse? The fact of the matter is that this Scheme is much more sophisticated and flexible than we imagine it. And for each such (successful) correction, she calmly perceiving it, immediately responds with a counter-action!

Events that should happen are simply thrown to another place.

In the case of Tim Stanley, for example, if he heeded the warning and stayed at home, there would be a change in the chain of "imminent event", but minor - a Ford car would have hit some other pedestrian. Or, instead of the failed killer girl, someone else would be driving …

It is difficult for us to predict what the purpose of the Scheme really was! After all, we perceive everything in a simplified way, looking for an explanation “on the surface”. But even the warnings themselves "from behind the looking glass" are included in the same Scheme of Being: giving us the right to choose! And the Scheme always has two options for counter-actions at the ready - in response to the option we have chosen … It's not for nothing that they say that the first decision is exactly the right one. Perhaps it is - who knows! - the ironic and condescending tip of the Scheme …

Let me finish on the point that will bring together the opinions of all readers of this study without exception: believers and skeptics, doubters and convinced, reincarnated and real … romance: For many years I have been thinking about earthly life. There is no incomprehensible thing for me under the moon. I know that I do not know anything -This is the last secret revealed by me …

Alexander BLACKKET