The "pig" Scam - Alternative View

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The "pig" Scam - Alternative View
The "pig" Scam - Alternative View

Video: The "pig" Scam - Alternative View

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Video: Oreo Is the Knockoff. The Original Cookie Is Back for Revenge. 2024, September

Exactly a year ago, the largest scam in the history of world medicine began, bringing billions to the organizers

Then, at the end of April, we suddenly found ourselves, as it were, in another world, more precisely, in a stable, through which a mysterious virus “went for a walk,” destroying all living things. This, at least, was how it looked in the early days on TV screens: people in respirators ran, terrible numbers of the dead were heard. Hollywood was resting! Mass psychosis was fueled by the WHO (World Health Organization), frightening tens, hundreds of millions of future victims. And soon it announced the first pandemic in the 21st century.

The official Russian epidemiology promised us a new "Spanish flu" in the fall, the salvation from which is a universal vaccination. They managed to get 4 billion rubles from the government of the Russian Federation for the miracle vaccine. They would have knocked out more, but the pandemic resolved by itself. The WHO was forced to admit that the dreaded H1N1 is "significantly less deadly" than the common flu. For a year around the world, he took 14 thousand people. Normal flu, without any pandemics, kills up to half a million lives annually.

Now they started talking openly about the swine scam. Especially among Western politicians. After all, they had a new headache. Where are tens of millions of vials of unnecessary vaccine to be floated: to poor countries or to a landfill? In any case, expect costs. This is the case with the anti-influenza miracle drug Tamiflu, it was possible to officially extend the shelf life from 2 to 5-7 years. Vaccines don't last that long. In the United States alone, 138 million doses were unclaimed! In January, the European Union began an investigation into the collusion of pharmacists and doctors. In April, WHO announced an internal service investigation. But we will not wait for loud scandals, resignations, especially a trial. Too much money was at stake. According to JP Morgan's forecasts, pharmacists have earned more than 7 billion euros from vaccines alone! Plus medicines, other means, the same gauze bandages. If they are punished,then the switchmen. WHO will not be like a non-commissioned officer's widow, she will not whip herself. Although in the big game, she is only an errand girl for multinational pharmaceutical companies and the mighty of this world.

In Russia, no investigation is being conducted on this scam. And all these disgraced pseudo-experts, officials, figures of the RAMS, directors of any epidemiological research institutes remain in their places and pretend that nothing happened at all.

Perhaps the only Russian scientist who from the first days was not afraid to openly call that campaign swinish is the former military microbiologist Mikhail SUPOTNITSKY.

Mikhail Vasilyevich, is it worth stirring up the past, albeit very recent? After all, they have already forgotten about the newfound pandemic

- Worth it. Otherwise, they will probably prepare another such stupid scam. Both ordinary citizens and the country's leadership will again be divorced. Swine flu, alas, is not the first worldwide disinformation about epidemics. The start was given back in 1979, attributing the outbreak of anthrax in Sverdlovsk to a "blowout" from a "Soviet military facility."

Promotional video:

- In the USSR, there were only rumors about the Sverdlovsk ulcer

“On the other hand, in the West, in the interests of Russia's geopolitical opponents, they launched a big campaign against“Soviet biological weapons”. It died out only after the destruction of the object itself. The campaign against bioterrorism, as with a kind of "weapon of the poor", has become a more massive disinformation. But it also disappeared into oblivion after the US attack on Iraq on March 29, 2003. Moreover, it was curtailed the day after the start of the war. Who today thinks of the "anthrax virus", "hemorrhoid fever", "intermission toxin spores" and other types of "cheap weapons of the poor"? As if the poor countries were gone. But what passions were in full swing, what speeches thundered in the highest tribunes! What bubbles and what cheeks puffed out!

A holy place is never empty. The notorious bird flu immediately appeared

- For the first time, H5N1 identified itself with the death of people back in 1997 in Hong Kong. But no one struck the bells that he would call a new Spanish flu. At that time, the main food for the budget eaters was the "fight" against bioterrorism and protection from Saddam's nonexistent "biological weapon". Millions of American soldiers were injected with the anthrax vaccine, knowing in advance: 1) Saddam does not have biological formulations based on the anthrax pathogen spores; 2) their vaccine against inhaled anthrax does not protect.

If Saddam didn't have bioweapons, what's the problem with the fact that the vaccine is useless? Unless the soldiers were injected. That's why they are soldiers

- No trouble. At least for those who sold this vaccine to the US Department of Defense. On the contrary, pockets full of happiness. The cost of the annual vaccination of US military personnel is 650 million dollars! This is how it is done in a country where they like to lecture others and shout about corruption and human rights violations in Russia. True, many American and British soldiers, after being vaccinated six times with the chemical anthrax vaccine, developed a strange disease called the Gulf War Syndrome, but they are soldiers. But the new funding was also used to study the new disease.

After the US troops entered Iraq, H5N1 "rose" as a global threat to humanity, supposedly a new deadly Spanish flu pandemic. Is this to divert attention from the illegal invasion of Iraq?

- No, they just groped for a new mechanism of global financial scams, now, however, under the "sauce" of the fight against a new pandemic. Here everything was transparent for epidemiologists from the very beginning, and, moreover, absolutely transparent. The avian flu epizootics are well studied, and the avian flu virus itself has been used for many years to design influenza vaccines used to vaccinate people for the sole purpose of making them safe. But the fact that the bird flu virus has no epidemic significance, since it is not transmitted between people, did not have any significance for the deployment of a campaign to take money from the population. The only thing that mattered was the transmitted television pictures. The "bird flu" quietly "resolved" after the Shanghai conference, where money was allocated to fight it.

"Sawed" huge money! Appetite comes with eating. It turned out that the far-fetched dangers of epidemics help not only solve political problems, but also make good money. Bird flu at least fluttered about 5 years. His pork brother finished even more shamefully

- The pace is growing. And in less than a year (to be more precise, we were horrified from April 25 to mid-December 2009), as he sunk into oblivion along with the money "for the vaccine." They turned off the light.

Mikhail Vasilyevich, then explain from a scientific point of view the anatomy of deception. How did the flu-like lie begin?

- With the statement that a "new virus" has appeared and now we are facing a pandemic of "Spanish flu", even more terrible than at the beginning of the twentieth century.

What's the catch here?

- The very appearance of a "new virus" does not cause an epidemic, it is a common truth in classical epidemiology. Whether it is the virus that causes the flu with its negligible mortality, or Ebola with a mortality rate of up to 90% of all cases, it makes no difference. A "novice" can do trouble only if an epidemic triad has formed: the source of the virus, the mechanisms of its transmission in the human population, and the population of people susceptible to the virus. This has been known for a hundred years. And this "new" swine virus itself was spreading pandemic on the planet even before the 1940s, and in Japan it caused separate outbreaks until the middle of the last century.

And the "pig" outbreak at the US military base in 1976? Even the detective wrote about it

- The point is not only the disregard of the WHO figures and other domestic scientists to the available knowledge about the development of influenza epidemics. For the sake of profit, open methods of waging information warfare and even scientific forgeries were used. The virus was declared not only "new" but also "highly pathogenic." This profanation was thrown from the rostrum of the WHO, joyfully picked up by our "scientists" and their staff.

I do not understand the humor. The official website of Roszdravnadzor, the department of Academician Onishchenko, also chronicled the spread of the "highly pathogenic virus" all summer and autumn

“If a medical student says so in a microbiology exam, his grade will be lowered. Pathogenicity is the ability of a microorganism to cause disease. But the measure of pathogenicity is virulence. Let's compare two viruses. One needs 1000 particles to infect a person, the other just 100. The second is "more virulent" or "highly virulent." Therefore, it was correct to say “highly virulent” in relation to the “bird” and “swine flu” viruses that cause illness in humans, and then in relation to their specific strains. But only specialists know the meaning of this term. And "pato", as an integral part of complex words, gives many associations in the minds of the average person.

The first thing that comes to mind is a pathologist. Morgue

- Right. And they counted on this. This primitive technique works only with multiple repetitions. But he alone would not have been enough to organize a scam. It was announced and repeated thousands of times, and even firmly hammered into the brain not only of ordinary people, but also of doctors, that all previous influenza pandemics were caused by some combination of "bird flu" and "human" viruses (you can search for such statements on the Internet). Including that terrible pandemic of 1918-1920s. And the formation of a new combination of viruses is about to occur. And the new "Spanish flu" cannot be avoided. But the fact is that the genome of the virus that caused the "Spanish flu" was deciphered by American military scientists, who understand well what a "scientific reputation" is, back in 1996 by the "combination" of the "bird" and "human flu" viruses. smelled. Contrary to all myths, it turned out that the virus that caused the "Spanish flu"even less dangerous than circulating today. This data has been published.

But who knows now about this decoding of the virus genome? And who understands this? Everyone has heard of the Spanish flu itself! It is no coincidence that WHO at the end of the last century officially overestimated the number of its victims from 20 to 50 million. To have something to scare the planet. Getting ready! And our leaders raised it to 80-100 million

- Well, in order to even more catch up on the fear of the population and force them to "inject themselves", in April 2009 the interested persons launched a clever word game. They invented the never-existed "seasonal flu virus" and declared it "human." Then some "experts", "scientists" and officials, the media picked up the main idea - in addition to the harmless human virus "seasonal flu" there was a new "highly pathogenic virus" of the H1N1 swine flu. Evaluate the “subtlety of thought”: there is no “seasonal virus” or “highly pathogenic”, but the “Spanish flu” is coming, that's all. If you want to stay alive, get vaccinated against the "highly pathogenic H1N1", but if you do not want to, die from it. So, from April to December, such a friendly flock of fartsy from science “washed” all of us. "Washed" impudently, right up to the complete flushing of convolutions in some inhabitants,what then they themselves showed on TV screens.

- And yet, probably, laughing cheerfully, watching how people then rushed between pharmacies.

- Panic in a number of cities in Russia and Ukraine was very high, and this is a separate topic for specialists in information warfare. In fact, for three decades in Russia, several antigenic varieties of influenza type A H1N1, types B and C have been supported among people in Russia. Another type of H1N1 did not change anything in this scenario. But that is not all. A non-existent virus was invented with a non-existent epidemiology. It turns out that "highly pathogenic" H1N1 has an incredible ability, even for variola virus, to be transmitted between people. I remember that the academician of the RAMS Lvov at a press conference on April 28, 2009, apparently having forgotten about the existence of such a concept as “scientific reputation,” was broadcasting to boys and girls from journalism: “A patient with swine flu will appear in this hall, everyone here will get sick!“By my simplicity, I was still concerned about how this can happen physically, if a patient with the flu releases sputum particles in the size range of 50-200 microns when coughing and sneezing, and they immediately settle to the floor? Began leafing through books on aerobiology. But there was no need to tire yourself with questions and be clever in vain. After all, the academician himself said - it's "swine flu"!

Against him, Onishchenko's service even set up cordons at airports. But he still penetrated into Russia. Leaked - so, bastard. And how did you behave?

- Poorly! For the reputation of academician Lvov, of course. The first patients arrived from different countries. From vacations. On airplanes, at airports, in their homes, at work, they came into contact with hundreds of people, and in hospitals with doctors and other patients. But, contrary to the authoritative Lvov, none of their contactees got sick with "swine flu". In the fall, they began to completely identify patients who themselves did not travel anywhere, and did not contact those who did not leave. How did they get sick?

Data from painstaking epidemiological studies gradually began to accumulate. In densely populated China, hundreds of contacts of swine flu patients who arrived were investigated, and again no influenza were identified among the contactees.

Curiously, in previous centuries, when there were no planes, trains, cars and cordons from Onishchenko, how did the flu spread?

- In the same way, without any connection with traffic flows and their intensity, it was announced almost simultaneously in different countries. And epidemics raged. That would be to think about our "luminaries of science", medical officials about the real mechanisms of maintaining the influenza virus in nature and its penetration into human populations! In influenza epidemiology, lying has long been a principle.

Are you still suspicious of influenza vaccines?

- Now with even greater suspicion. During past pandemics, scientists have learned in practice that vaccinations cannot control influenza. Even ideal vaccines, and not the ones that were hastily "sculpted" last summer. In addition, since the real mechanism of influenza pandemics is still not clear, why then such clarity in the fight against them - "create a vaccine and be done"? The hoaxers of the "swine flu" pandemic tried to convince us that if a vaccinated person has antibodies to the virus, it means that he is already protected from this virus. Remember how stories from the Research Institute of Influenza were "channeled" on various TV channels, where, like reports from the front, we were told that another test subject had antibodies. This is not only a profanation of immunology, but also complete disrespect for scientists,engaged in the development of real vaccines for really dangerous microorganisms. This can be said - a spit in the face of all of us who have worked or are working practically in this area. To behave in such a way “untied”, one must: 1) feel in general complete impunity; 2) to have some kind of mental stupidity.

Another trick, in my unprofessional opinion, is statistics. In Russia, they strenuously pedalized exclusively swine flu, looking for every sick person! Piece by piece! Dragged by the scruff of the neck to the TV camera! The general epidemic situation was covered with a fog of interest in comparison with the previous year. In September, I tried to find out at Roszdravnadzor how many Russians are sick with the usual flu. No one answered. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" was forced to publicly declare: "In Russia, they hide the truth about seasonal flu!" Apparently, in the interests of those who were involved in the production and sale of vaccines against swine flu. After 5 days, Minister Golikova, mentioned in the article, reported full statistics on the incidence of seasonal influenza and acute respiratory infections. Swine flu against that background was a drop in the bucket

- Already in September it was clear that the “epidemic had failed,” since usually influenza pandemics begin in the summer. Farce with statistics was required to further stir up panic in front of the "terrible and terrible" H1N1. This name of the virus was repeated like a spell: "H1N1, H1N1, H1N1"! Let the people rush to vaccinations, to pharmacies for dramatically increased prices for drugs. Perhaps the government, seeing the scale of the disaster, will allocate new billions for vaccines and pills.

“We were also afraid that H1N1 could mutate. And if, God forbid, the pig, bird and seasonal human merge into a single super-virus, then everyone is kirdyk

- Yes, this mythical virus has become the main "wiring" for the population, and at the same time a shameful pillar for many "figures" of Russian science and officials patronizing them. A terrible "pig without a patch on chicken legs" cannot appear in principle. Let's turn to hard facts from influenza epidemiology. The bird flu virus is not transmitted between people. It is very rare among people, most likely in its natural foci in the form of small outbreaks. This already negates all further efforts of nature to create a "supervirus" on its basis. But the "swine flu" virus also has a very dubious potential to spread among humans, also causing only outbreaks. And the "seasonal flu" virus does not exist at all as something concrete - it's just slang. This term is understood by specialists as the mass of any influenza viruses of A-, B- and C-serotypes that cause outbreaks among people in the autumn-winter period. Therefore, all three of them cannot come together, no matter how hard they try.

That is, you can safely multiply this variant of events by zero and close the topic?

- You can multiply sequentially by several zeros, which we will do, but it is better to explain to the doctors in more detail. This interpretation of events is epidemiology across the globe, and nothing more. Let's take a pocket globe and imagine the incredible on it - all these viruses ("seasonal", "swine" and "bird" flu), both existing and non-existent, nevertheless somehow got together and caused an infection in some vessel "- an individual unfortunate person, a pig or a bird. And none of these "mixing vessels" has previously met any of the "mixing viruses" separately and has no immunity to it.

- Such a "mixing vessel" for viruses can only fall off the moon

- You are right, of all the components of this process, the Moon truly exists. But on a pocket globe and an effort of greedy will, you can do without it. Next, you need to take a larger globe and try to imagine on it how viruses will get to the same continent, that is, viruses that are completely different in their specific interactions with cellular receptors, and some of the viruses usually drawn on such hypothetical schemes, just doesn't exist. But suppose this happened. And then even more interesting cartography begins. A globe, even the largest one, is no longer suitable; a plan of the area with images of individual houses is needed. Influenza viruses with different biology must simultaneously shed their protein coat and begin to replicate (i.e.increase the number of their RNA copies) in the presence of each other's RNA at the same rate, despite the fact that replicases (enzymes that trigger this process) will be different for them. Then something should make them swap parts of their genetic material. And not in a random way, but in such a way, what would happen, who do you think?

He is the most, non-existent "highly pathogenic virus"

- Right! He, dear! Under experimental conditions, and then for the production of vaccines, for the exchange of genetic material between viruses, special tissue cultures are used, but in nature the processes of exchange of genetic material must occur in cells that are not intended for them.

That is, everything is multiplied by zero again

- The zeros only on the calculator display are all the same! Suppose that a reassortant is formed, shown in the diagram, painted by one of the employees of the Research Institute of Influenza. This is an isolated event. But it happened - the "highly pathogenic" virus "swine flu" "mixed" with the same "highly pathogenic" virus "bird flu", and even with the "seasonal" virus. The same “horror” that causes “Spanish flu” was formed, which is usually molded in the minds of sawers of budget funds.

Will this "horror", a pig without a patch and on chicken legs, even fly?

- No further than the limits of the cell where it was formed. In order for it to “fly” further, a mechanism must work in the “mixing vessel” that separates the “grain from the chaff”, that is, the new “highly pathogenic” virus, from the “old” one that is useless in terms of cutting budget funds. Under experimental conditions, geneticists usually introduce selective labels into various viruses, and then reassortants are selected for them in cell cultures. But what are the advantages of the resulting semi-dead reassortant over the original viruses rapidly multiplying in the "mixing vessel"? But according to the tradition established in the epidemiology of influenza, we take everything that is missing from the ceiling. Suppose there is an even faster multiplying virus that is more virulent than its predecessors. For a mixing vessel already infected with three viruses,this means quick death along with all viruses.

And yet, let's imagine that the "pigs" took place

“We have multiplied everything by zero so many times. Then imagine a fat pig with chicken legs. Will she survive in nature? Likewise, the "human swine virus" will have many problems in terms of transmission from one host to another. Sleep well. Better to summarize. All the talk about the fact that it is enough for a "new virus" to appear and a terrible pandemic will arise - pseudoscientific chatter, designed for the clip consciousness formed by Hollywood films. Without the formation of the entire epidemic triad (virus source, transmission mechanism and susceptible population), there will not be even individual local outbreaks of influenza. When the “luminaries” of Russian epidemic science joined this global tremor at the end of April 2009, it was already clear (the first outbreaks of “swine flu” appeared in the fall of 2008 in Spain, they were studied and described),that "swine flu" does not spread from some kind of focus, where it was allegedly formed from the seasonal, bird and swine flu; and that it is not new. In addition, it does not form the chains typical for airborne transmission of the virus between people. Already in May, it was clear that this "pandemic" is a series of outbreaks independent from each other, but synchronously occurring, where pigs and humans are infected from some other source. In these non-docking, there were colossal opportunities for scientific discoveries and the development of breakthrough ideas in the epidemiology of not only influenza, but also many other infections, for the causative agents of which the primary natural reservoirs (sources of the virus) have not been established and the territories of their natural foci have not been delineated.avian and pork; and that it is not new. In addition, it does not form the chains typical for airborne transmission of the virus between people. Already in May, it was clear that this "pandemic" is a series of outbreaks independent from each other, but synchronously occurring, where pigs and humans are infected from some other source. In these non-docking, there were colossal opportunities for scientific discoveries and the development of breakthrough ideas in the epidemiology of not only influenza, but also many other infections, for the causative agents of which the primary natural reservoirs (sources of the virus) have not been established and the territories of their natural foci have not been delineated.avian and pork; and that it is not new. In addition, it does not form the chains typical for airborne transmission of the virus between people. Already in May, it was clear that this "pandemic" is a series of outbreaks independent from each other, but synchronously occurring, where pigs and humans are infected from some other source. These non-docking contained colossal opportunities for scientific discoveries and the development of breakthrough ideas in the epidemiology of not only influenza, but also many other infections, for the causative agents of which primary natural reservoirs (virus sources) have not been established and the territories of their natural foci have not been delineated.that this "pandemic" is a series of independent, but synchronously occurring outbreaks, where pigs and humans are infected from some other source. These non-docking contained colossal opportunities for scientific discoveries and the development of breakthrough ideas in the epidemiology of not only influenza, but also many other infections, for the causative agents of which primary natural reservoirs (virus sources) have not been established and the territories of their natural foci have not been delineated.that this "pandemic" is a series of independent, but synchronously occurring outbreaks, where pigs and humans are infected from some other source. These non-docking contained colossal opportunities for scientific discoveries and the development of breakthrough ideas in the epidemiology of not only influenza, but also many other infections, for the causative agents of which primary natural reservoirs (virus sources) have not been established and the territories of their natural foci have not been delineated.for whose pathogens primary natural reservoirs (sources of the virus) have not been established and the territories of their natural foci have not been delineated.for whose pathogens primary natural reservoirs (sources of the virus) have not been established and the territories of their natural foci have not been delineated.

“But the“stakeholders”chose to“cash in,”reduced it to a vaccine and ultimately disgraced themselves because the swine flu had disappeared before the mass vaccinations began

- There will be such an opportunity, they will repeat everything again. But one "discovery" can still be formulated in the course of studying this scam - influenza pandemics stop not as a result of mass vaccination, but immediately after the allocation of money for vaccination. Unfortunately, in Russia, neither during the "bird flu" scam, nor during the "swine flu", there was no one among politicians, well-known scientists and high-ranking officials who would really assess the situation and give a correct forecast of its development for government and reassured the people. And yet there is no such thing as "scientific reputation" in scientific circulation. If it existed, then many figures from the time of the "bird flu" horror story, such as the director of the Institute of Influenza Kiselev, would have to resign. And we would not be "bred" again on "swine flu" with already beaten fraudulent methods such as:"A new virus will appear and the Spanish flu will begin."

But the lack of interest in the real epidemiology of influenza is very dangerous. Ignorance of the mechanisms by which the "Spanish flu" has developed makes us hostages to it. Both new viruses and their mutants will have nothing to do with it. The "old" ones will return, they won't seem a little. Don't you think so?

- I think. A volcanic eruption in Iceland can seriously affect the climate, cause a cold snap, experts warn. Following the ancient volcano, natural foci of causative agents of dangerous infections may wake up and become more active. The plague in the XIV century, known to us as the "black death", was preceded by a cold snap and volcanic activity in Europe. Analysis of historical sources shows that any climate change, both towards warming and cooling, leads to an intensification of epidemics. Therefore, we need to study the real epidemiology, not make it up. For young scientists, I want to emphasize the following - epidemiology today is on the verge of great discoveries, especially in the field of natural focus of pathogens of dangerous infections. Fortunately, there are research teams in Russia,developing bold ideas in this area. So stay away from the hardened figures of “bioterrorism,” “bird flu,” “swine,” and the like of the fetid belching of the 1990s. Hurry up to make scientific discoveries before others do them.

Mikhail Vasilievich! Considering that your forecasts are usually confirmed by the real development of events, I want to ask you the following question - what is the next profanity in Russian science that will smelly burst in some future?

- HIV vaccine.


Mikhail Supotnitsky, 53 years old. Microbiologist, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher. From 1979 to 2006 he worked in various positions in research institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (USSR), reserve colonel. Now an expert of one of the federal organizations, Moscow.

Author of the books "Microorganisms, Toxins and Epidemics", "Essays on the History of Plague", "Dictionary of Genetic Terms", "Evolutionary Pathology" (about AIDS). Research interests: evolutionary and molecular genetics of microorganisms; mechanisms of returning "forgotten" and the emergence of "new" infectious diseases. See the website of Mikhail Supotnitsky.
