Touching The Information Field - Alternative View

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Touching The Information Field - Alternative View
Touching The Information Field - Alternative View

Video: Touching The Information Field - Alternative View

Video: Touching The Information Field - Alternative View
Video: Вебинар: "Коррекция татуажа бровей, век и губ" LIVE 2024, September

Many cases of paranormal phenomena have been recorded that were considered miracles performed by those who have been given a special gift from above. Some of them predicted the near and distant future, and the predictions came true sometimes after tens and hundreds of years.

Others spoke in detail about past events, about which they could not know anything. Someone described what is happening this minute at a very great distance from them and therefore cannot be accessible to sensory perception. Finally, someone unmistakably pointed out where various material objects and missing people are. There are such miracle workers even now.

Information on request

Science cannot explain the nature of such processes, but scientists gave them sonorous names. Proscopy, precognition, forecasting - to predict future events that cannot be done based on the information available at the moment. Retroscopy - to describe past events without prior knowledge of them. Clairvoyance is the mental receipt of information about what is happening somewhere at the present time and is inaccessible to direct sensory perception. And finally, biolocation - to determine the location of material objects and people.

The miracle workers themselves also cannot explain, as a result of what processes, certain information appears in their consciousness. For example, participants in the television "Battle of Psychics" say: if the tasks are done correctly, the necessary information itself appears in their minds.

The same is repeated by the "Washington Pythia", the famous American soothsayer Jean Dixon, who accurately predicted the results of all (with one exception) presidential elections in the United States, the death of John Foster Dulles and the suicide of Marilyn Monroe, the launch of the first Soviet satellite, the resignation of German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the earthquake 1964 in Alaska, the demolition of the Berlin Wall and more.

“The main source of my foresight is vision,” she says. - And the vision is always absolutely complete, down to the smallest detail. It does not need to be interpreted, it is revealed immediately and completely and therefore does not require any effort on my part. On the contrary, I feel an unprecedented surge of strength."

Promotional video:

Dixon believes that visions are sent to her by God, or the Supreme Mind. But this explanation is not enough for science, it does not reveal the mechanism of the mysterious phenomenon. Miracle workers do not take into account one important point that ensures the manifestation of their gift. They all start by sending a mental inquiry about what they would like to know. No specific address. This can be compared with a request to one of the Internet search engines, but the psychics themselves do not know where or to whom they are turning.

The famous American psychic Edgar Cayce became famous for having the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness and information of any kind became available to him. Casey answered questions ranging from "what are the secrets of the universe" to "how best to remove a wart." He could give descriptions of his client and his environment, despite the fact that he himself was at that time in another city, in another country. He called his answers “readings”, since, being the only one of the miracle workers to name “the address”, he drew information from the so-called “Chronicles of Akasha”.

The ancient Indian thinkers introduced the concept of "akasha", which meant the primary substance, the most subtle etheric essence that fills all space and vibrates at a certain frequency. It absorbs or records everything that happens in the universe. This is how the “Akashic Chronicles” appear. This is not some huge book, but traces of every word and action, imprinted in the world ether, or the astral field. These records can be read by enlightened adepts.

In the XX century Helena Roerich studied the "Akashic Chronicles". She was looking for those who had the ability to read them, and in the end came to the following conclusion: “Visions mostly relate to the present or to the immediate future, less often to the past, even less often to the distant future. Reading the "Akashic Chronicles" or visions associated with our past lives are also very rare among mediums, because for this you need to have certain inclinations in yourself."

Universal data bank

In our time, the “Akashic Chronicles” have been replaced by the hypothesis of the existence of a global energy-informational field, in which everything that happens in the present is recorded, everything that happened in the past or will happen in the imaginable future. It does not matter whether it is about the death of a bacterium, a human act or a volcanic eruption.

This hypothesis is shared not only by esoteric researchers, but also by many scientists of classical orientation. But regarding the physical nature of the field, they are expressed in different ways. For example, that this is the information matrix of the Universe, the mental sphere of the living planet Earth, and even a kind of data bank for the Higher Mind. In general, it becomes clear that no one knows what it is.

On the other hand, science believes that all material objects - from microscopic to gigantic - existing on our planet at a certain, even the most insignificant period of time, have their own energy fields and corresponding radiation. This is the geomagnetic field of the area, the magnetic fields of objects and the biofield of man and various living beings. Moreover, their radiation is of a wave nature and contains information about the properties of the emitting object, as well as about their change, that is, about what happens to the object.

But the law of conservation of energy says that energy does not arise out of nothing and does not disappear, it passes from one form to another. It is quite possible that all information about what is happening on Earth falls into the global memory field and is stored there forever.

These countless streams of energy do not merge into a single stream, since each has its own physical parameters in the form of frequencies or vibrations. In the global information field, they form many separate, discrete cells, similar to countless sites on the vast Internet network. Each of the cells, in turn, has its own, strictly individual radiation, which goes beyond the energy-informational field. It itself, like the accompanying radiated waves, by its nature, most likely, is electromagnetic. Figuratively, we can say that in the space around us, an innumerable voice choir continuously sounds, each participant of which performs his part.

This choir is fraught with serious danger. The fact is that its "parties" in their physical parameters (frequencies or vibrations) are close to the internal waves of our brain, which billions of cells of its neurons operate during their functioning.

According to Professor D. I. Dubrovsky, the processing of these impulses from the global field would require colossal energy losses, 5-6 orders of magnitude higher than the cost of analyzing information from all our senses. Our brain can simply drown in the sea of an electromagnetic avalanche that rushed over it, if it has access to the global information field. And wise nature provided reliable protection for him.

To date, more than one and a half hundred hormones, special chemicals produced in the human body, have been described. Among them, an important place is occupied by serotonin, which acts as a neurotransmitter. It is used by the brain for internal communication as a kind of "telegrams" that include various sections of neurons that must exchange some kind of informational signals. In other words, our thoughts.

This is where the safety of our brain lies.


As the employee of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, I. V. Rodstat, during the production of serotonin in neuronal cells, a strong electromagnetic "noise" occurs, in which weak information signals from the global field are lost. This kind of "jammer" operates continuously 24 hours a day.

Sesame, open up

Despite the constantly operating "jammer", some psychics engaged in forecasting, retroscopy, clairvoyance and biolocation manage to establish contact with the global information field.

How is it?

Such contacts are possible only if the serotonin "jammer" does not fulfill its task and radiation from the global field penetrates into the human consciousness. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain. And they often appear in those who, for example, have experienced a severe electric shock.

However, a person is also able to specifically reduce the electromagnetic "noise" if he can make neurons produce less serotonin. To do this, you just need to … stop thinking about any specific things. Of course, it is impossible to completely turn off the brain, but it is possible to reduce the number of thoughts that arise in it. It is necessary to enter an altered state of consciousness, which is also called a trance. In a normal state, our consciousness commands the subconscious, for the most part not analyzing the information coming from it, but simply not paying attention to it.

In a trance, the consciousness, as it were, turns off for a while, receding into the background, and the subconscious mind takes power into its own hands, directing information received from outside to the analytical center of the brain. Various techniques can be found on the Internet to help you enter this state. Many of them have long been practiced by soothsayers, clairvoyants, magicians, sorcerers and shamans.

However, there are cases of involuntary contact with the global information field. In situations involving a physical threat to life, it happens automatically. At the same time, the reserves of the subconscious are mobilized, which forces a person to make decisions. The most impressive consequences of such contact are premonitions, when an "inner voice" makes people refuse to travel.

There is a known case with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov, who, if necessary, during the Second World War, flew any aircraft, even bombers. But in the post-war years, when a team of our diplomats was supposed to fly abroad, Molotov suddenly abandoned his personal plane and decided to fly with the delegation. Stalin was informed about the strange act of Molotov, and he ordered to send after the minister the plane assigned by the rank. But even over our territory, the car's engine caught fire, the pilots went for an emergency landing, but did not have time to land …

The renowned American sociologist James Staunton has studied more than 200 train crashes (since 1900) and more than 50 plane crashes (since 1925) to establish the relationship between three factors: the number of people involved in the crash, the number of deaths and the capacity of the vehicle. And for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I counted the number of passengers on planes and trains of the same class that did not get into a disaster on the same routes. It turned out that in all tragic cases, the transport was filled on average by only 61%, and on successful flights - by 76% of the total volume. 15% of the lucky ones were saved by the contact of the subconscious with the global information field.

The most common way to enter the global databank is prophetic dreams. The fact is that serotonin is produced mainly by neurons that transmit information from the eyes to the visual centers. At night, their load is practically zero. The energy consumption for processing signals from other senses is also reduced. Consequently, the serotonin “noise” subsides, besides, excess energy appears, and suitable conditions arise for the reception and processing of “messages” from the global field by the analytical center of the brain. As a result of their analysis, prophetic dreams are dreamed.

Everyone sees them, but, with the exception of very few, they forget or do not attach importance to them. In addition, it is possible that when sorting extrasensory information, including prophetic, the analytical center, not considering it important, does not bring it to consciousness in the form of dreams, but sends it to the depths of memory, where it remains unclaimed.

However, as the experience of the Swedish seer Eva Hellstrom testifies, if a person gives this center an appropriate setting, he will more often have prophetic dreams generated by the information field.

There are other paranormal phenomena that may be associated with it. For example, going out of the body and traveling to the astral plane. But it is too early to build hypotheses on this score - there is not enough data.