Such Terrestrial UFOs - Alternative View

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Such Terrestrial UFOs - Alternative View
Such Terrestrial UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Such Terrestrial UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Such Terrestrial UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

For almost 50 years the world has been trying to find out the secret of unidentified flying objects. Krasnoyarsk scientist, physicist Pavel POLUYAN has long known the truth

Question on the forehead - do UFOs exist?

- Sure. There are so many testimonies, videos, photographs. I myself encountered a UFO in 1989 in Perm. I saw a luminous ball flying over the Kama River. The distance was great, but I managed to see it. After that, I thought for a long time: what is it? How can I do that? Then I remembered footage from old black-and-white chronicles about the development of aviation. There was an apparatus - a manned umbrella plane with a motor. He jerked up and down, jumped, lifted off the ground. And I realized that the essence of UFO technology is reliance on air as a result of vibration. The 1911 umbrella plane is the ancestor of the plates. Experiments in the States began with him.

So UFOs are US aircraft?

“Chains Vote, the inventor of the umbrella, worked with the Navy. Experimenting, they came up with the first cymbals in 1947, and then more sophisticated models. The tests were carried out at military training grounds near Roswell in New Mexico. Many Americans have seen flights and falls. At first, all eyewitnesses were sure that these were new military aircraft, and then suddenly the thought of an extraterrestrial origin appeared. Interesting and exciting. And when a police officer in the United States swears on the Bible that he saw people coming out of the plate, no one believes him.

Isn't there a single plate with aliens?

- I do not exclude that there is an extraterrestrial intelligence. And I would be very glad to see at least one alien device. But what is in the sky today is the work of people. Why attribute UFOs to aliens if it is known that these are terrestrial developments? With the same success, it can be assumed that a demon is sitting in mobile phones and computers.

Signs or games?

But what about the famous crop circles?

- Experiments of the British - microwave radiation of extremely high frequency for remote heating. This military equipment does not kill, but if you get under such radiation, the skin will begin to heat up. Naturally, the person will retreat, run away. All this has long been declassified. You can always see an antenna near the circles, on which it is easy to temporarily mount such a microwave emitter and affect the ears of wheat.

When part of the field heats up, the vessels in the ears burst, and the movement of the heated air and the flow of cold wind put them on the ground. The mechanism is simple from the point of view of physics. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, remote microwave emitters were also tested - for heating the permafrost. And we also did crop circles.

Why is it passed off as the handiwork of aliens?

- Perhaps there was a planned disinformation campaign with the aim of influencing, for example, the stock exchange rate. In the early 2000s, when “crop circles” with images of aliens appeared almost every day, an atmosphere of hysteria, expectations of the end of the world, an alien invasion reigned. You could play on this. Scientific stocks could fall, and people with money who gamble on the stock exchange got rich. Such bigwigs of business can afford to use secret technology, paint circles and fan hysteria in the media. Or maybe this is an idea of the British special services - a kind of advertisement for foggy Albion.

The secret is in batteries

How do the plates fly: nuclear energy, gravity, a supercomputer?

- No force fields or anti-gravitators needed. The secret of flying in ring vortices. The device throws them away, while a reactive force arises, and it rises. The entire surface of the plates, as it were, consists of cells "+", "-". When an instantaneous voltage is applied to them, a discharge occurs with a frequency of at least 1000 sparks per second. Therefore, UFOs are often described as a luminous object. When sparks slip, the air heats up, the repulsive pulse forms an annular vortex, the vortices fly out of the activation zone with a frequency of several thousand pulses per second. You just need a powerful galvanic battery, there are such in the military industry: know yourself, apply voltage to the contacts and move on the rings that appear.

Is there evidence for this theory?

- In general, for a person with engineering thinking, everything is clear. Since 1995, I have been publishing materials on this topic in newspapers and received confirmation in letters. Engineer Danko Priymak, who worked at a military enterprise in Pavlodar and participated in the development of these devices, told me about vortices. He was very surprised that I had guessed everything, and told me in detail about the device and production technology of the apparatus. After that, I had no questions left.

Do we have flying saucers?

- They appeared in the USSR in the 60s and 70s. In the late 1980s, when the borders were opened, vehicles from the United States quietly flew into our territory. They got to know the area, collected information. In December 1989, several UFOs circled over Krasnoyarsk at once. They even tried to experiment with a power transmission line leading to KrAZ. Now they can easily be shot down, and they do not cross borders. So there are only our plates in the sky. By the way, at the beginning of last year, UFOs were observed in the Pavlodar region. They say one plate even fell. Apparently, the plant is working again. I think Japan, China, Latin America also have their own devices.

For a secret - on trial

There are no newcomers, our plates. Who is kidnapping people?

- Nobody. Perhaps the microwave radiation from the dishes is acting on the brain. This powerful effect knocks out equipment at a distance of 100-200 meters, let alone the human body. Someone has enough of it to have a stroke. Microwave affects the psyche and can cause hallucinations. Even the Strugatskys described this in their book "Inhabited Island". And the device itself makes a terrible impression - silent, fast, luminous. You can go crazy! And someone writes about abductions for the sake of a word. It's more interesting than just seeing the device.

If the secret of the UFO is known, why is it hidden?

- Why reveal something? The technology is suitable only for secret intelligence services, it is economically unprofitable. It will not lift a large load, it is harmful to health - due to supervibrations and an electromagnetic field. And in scientific circles, it has long been no secret. A geophysicist from Novosibirsk even patented a flying device - a vibrating flight. In the States, they even announced that one assistant professor had invented a plate. The one-to-one structure coincides with what I was talking about, but they are silent about Chains Vout and the experiments of the 40s. There have been many UFO encounters, accidents and casualties in the United States. If the military confesses, they will definitely face claims from citizens. So the truth will not be revealed, and the plates will be presented as a modern discovery.