The Big Bang Could Create A "mirror Anti-universe" Of Our Universe - Alternative View

The Big Bang Could Create A "mirror Anti-universe" Of Our Universe - Alternative View
The Big Bang Could Create A "mirror Anti-universe" Of Our Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Big Bang Could Create A "mirror Anti-universe" Of Our Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Big Bang Could Create A
Video: Scientists Believe a Parallel Universe Exists 2024, September

The Big Bang could have spawned more than just our universe. Our Universe can be a mirror image of the "anti-universe", in which time flows in the opposite direction, and space is mirrored. This statement was made by Canadian physicists from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, who proposed a new cosmological model, which assumes the existence of an anti-universe associated with our Universe, which generally supports the fundamental rule of CPT symmetry.

Standard cosmological models tell us that a universe of space, time and mass / energy emerged about 14 billion years ago and has since expanded and cooled, leading to the formation of subatomic particles, atoms, stars and planets.

However, Neil Turok of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Ontario, Canada) believes that the dependence of all these models on special parameters does not allow them to be used as a canon. One of these parameters, in his opinion, is the short period of expansion of the Universe, known as inflation. And little is known about her. Therefore, together with his colleague Latham Boyle, Turok decided to develop a model of the universe that could explain all the observed phenomena based only on known particles and fields. Scientists set out to find out if the universe can go beyond the Big Bang. The simulation results showed that this is possible.

The answer was to assume that the universe as a whole obeys the CPT symmetry rule. This fundamental principle requires that any physical process remains unchanged if time and space are inverted and particles are replaced by antiparticles. The Turk claims that this does not apply to our Universe, where time moves forward as space expands, and matter is much larger than antimatter.

In a CPT-symmetric universe, time runs backwards from the Big Bang, and antimatter prevails over matter
In a CPT-symmetric universe, time runs backwards from the Big Bang, and antimatter prevails over matter

In a CPT-symmetric universe, time runs backwards from the Big Bang, and antimatter prevails over matter.

In a study published in Physical Review Letters (a press release published on the Physics World website), scientists propose a symmetry model consisting of a universe-anti-universe pair. According to this model, time in the anti-universe stretches back from the Big Bang event, it also expands, but into the past, not the future, and instead of ordinary matter, antimatter dominates in it.

The researchers acknowledge that their model needs significant refinement. At the same time, it compares favorably with other models, in particular inflationary ones, since it is able to answer some questions without involving additional quantum fields.

Nikolay Khizhnyak

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