"Apparitions Of The Virgin Mary Of Fatima" In 1917 Was A Spectacular Production Of Aliens - Alternative View

"Apparitions Of The Virgin Mary Of Fatima" In 1917 Was A Spectacular Production Of Aliens - Alternative View
"Apparitions Of The Virgin Mary Of Fatima" In 1917 Was A Spectacular Production Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: "Apparitions Of The Virgin Mary Of Fatima" In 1917 Was A Spectacular Production Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Fatima Apparitions and the 'Miracle of the Sun,' 1915 - 1917 2024, September

The so-called "Fatima Apparitions of the Virgin Mary", or as they are also called "Miracle of the Sun", took place on October 13, 1917 in the presence of a large crowd gathered in Fatima, Portugal.

The prophecy made by the three children of the shepherd was that the Virgin Mary (called the Mother of God of Fatima) would appear and perform miracles on this day.

The official story of 1917 is that newspapers published testimonies from witnesses who said they saw extraordinary solar activity, the Sun appearing to "dance" and making unusual movements in the sky, sinking towards the Earth and emitting colored light and rays of different colors. According to these reports, this shocking event lasted approximately ten minutes.

According to many eyewitnesses, after a period of rain, the dark clouds dispersed and the Sun appeared in the sky as an opaque rotating disk. It was said to be significantly dimmer than usual and cast multi-colored lights over the landscape, people, and the surrounding clouds. It was then reported that the Sun tilted towards the Earth, and then zigzagged back to its normal position.

But according to Joaquim Fernandez, Ph. D., who studied this strange event on October 13, 1917, it was some kind of physical phenomenon.

There is testimony from a lawyer, Dr. Almeida Garrett, who was present at the miracle of the sun, and Garrett said he looked up and saw a dull silver disc-shaped object.


And it wasn't just Almeida Garrett referring to a faint disc object, many witnesses describe a cloud just coming out of nowhere, and out of that cloud a disc-shaped flying machine comes out.

Promotional video:

Although the Miracle of the Sun is still shrouded in mystery, according to L. A. Marzulli, witnesses to the 1917 event actually saw a cloud that formed in front of the sun and on which a UFO then appears, performing incredible maneuvers and lighting effects before it disappeared.

The 1917 "Phenomenon of the Sun" was undoubtedly a miracle, but the question remains, who choreographed and carried out this celestial production for the inhabitants of the Earth?
